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Abrams traducir portugués

274 traducción paralela
Hello, this is Nick Charles speaking... I want to get hold of Lt. Abrams of the Homicide Squad.
Estou, daqui fala o Nick Charles, passe-me o Tenente Abrams, do Departamento de Homicídios.
My name is Lt. Abrams.
O meu nome é Tenente Abrams. Então?
I'm sorry to inconvenience you, Lt. Abrams.
Desculpe incomodá-lo, Tenente Abrams.
Lt. Abrams, hurry... Nick's waiting for you down at the Lichee Club. He's got them all there.
Tenente Abrams, depressa, o Nick está à sua espera no Lichee Club.
Why, Abrams, you don't think that these people would have anything... to do with a thing like that?
Ora, Abrams, não achas mesmo que estas pessoas tenham alguma coisa... a ver com uma coisa destas?
No, it's Abrams he's got.
Não, ele apanhou o Abrams.
Lt. Abrams wants you for questioning.
O Tenente Abrams quer interrogá-la.
Nickie, phone Abrams.
Nickie, telefona ao Abrams.
Hello, Mr. Abrams.
Olá, Sr. Abrams.
Don't you know Mr. Abrams is on our side?
Não sabes que o Sr. Abrams está do nosso lado?
I'm sure that Lt. Abrams will be very grateful.
Com certeza, o Tenente Abrams ficará muito grato.
- Nice work, Abrams, nice work.
- Bom trabalho, Abrams.
- Lieutenant Abrams.
- Tenente Abrams.
Coroner, here's Lieutenant Abrams.
Atenção. Está aqui o Tenente Abrams.
- I'm looking for Lieutenant Abrams.
- Procuro o Tenente Abrams.
I'm looking for Abrams.
Estou à procura do Abrams.
Stephens, Macy, Claire Porter, Maguire, Molly, Paul Clarke Lieutenant Abrams, Asta, Nicky, you, me.
Stephens, Macy, Claire Porter, Maguire, Molly, Paul Clarke, Tenente Abrams, Asta, Nicky, tu e eu.
Lieutenant Abrams found it in the drainpipe of the shower.
O Tenente Abrams encontrou-a no tubo de escoamento do chuveiro.
Just like I was telling Abrams, I was nowhere near the office when Whitey got bumped.
Foi como disse ao Abrams nem me aproximei do gabinete, - quando o Whitey foi morto.
Abrams will be here any minute.
O Abrams deve estar a chegar.
Come down to Abrams'office at police headquarters right away.
Venha ao gabinete do Abrams, na esquadra, imediatamente.
Then, major, you did just what Lieutenant Abrams said you would do.
Então, Major, fez o que o Tenente disse que faria.
Abrams, get your tail off that deck.
Abrams, sai da coberta.
Is this General Abrams?
general Abrams?
Army General Abrams is in Alabama to help plan any federal troop moves.
- 0 General Abrams está no Alabama... para ajudar a planejar qualquer movimentação das tropas federais.
Hey, Nick? Oh, I talked to General Abrams about getting these people... I thought that we'd come up with a plan about how we're gonna handle the governor.
Quando falei com o general Abrams... pensei que teríamos um plano sobre como lidar com o Governador.
ABRAMS : It does seem to me that it makes it clearer the basis for federalizing the troops.
Para mim, ficam mais claras as razões para federalizar as tropas.
Hello? Is General Abrams there with you?
O general Abrams está aí com você?
Abrams. Did he make it?
O Abrams safou-se?
His Queller Drive killed Steve Abrams, remember?
A turbina Queller dele matou o Steve Abrams. Lembra-se?
Carter! Abrams!
Pull away! Pull away!
- Abrams.
- Abrams.
- Mr Abrams, how are you?
- Sr. Abrams, como está?
I spoke with a Col. Abrams.
Falei com o Coronel Abrams.
I told General Abrams, install honey in the commissaries.
Disse ao General Abrams para pôr mel na messe.
Molly Abrams.
Molly Abrams.
Molly Abrams, Andrew Carver.
- Molly Abrams, este é Andrew Carver.
Abrams, the original owner of the house, disappeared about six years ago.
Abrams, o dono original da casa, desapareceu há seis anos.
This must be Abrams's diary.
Isto deve ser o diário do Abrams. Bingo.
It says here that Abrams worked for Genedyne Biochemical... and that Genedyne was closed for an indeterminate reason by the EPA.
Governo Federal Fecha Genedyne Diz aqui que o Abrams trabalhou na Genedyne Biochemical... e que a EPA fechou a Genedyne por razões indeterminadas.
- Abrams was under investigation.
- O Abrams estava a ser investigado.
The Abrams house is haunted?
A casa do Abrams está assombrada?
The Abrams house is being sealed off. But not because of any ghosts.
A casa do Abrams está a ser vedada, mas não por causa de fantasmas nenhuns.
The Abrams house is now a crime scene.
A casa do Abrams é agora cena de crime.
Claims he spent the night in the Abrams house.
Diz ter passado a noite na casa do Abrams.
Claims Derek Tillman and Nadia Torrance are dead... and buried in the Abrams house.
Diz que Derek Tillman e Nadia Torrance estão mortos... e enterrados na casa do Abrams.
That's Abrams, Pulaski and Cherub. Boys, meet the chief.
Abrams, Pulaski e Cherub.
Abrams here.
Aqui ê Abrams.
- Abrams?
- Abrams!

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