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Admit what you did traducir portugués

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Admit what you did.
Confessa que o fizeste.
Admit what you did and tell the name of any male who helped you.
Admite o que fizeste e diz o nome de algum macho que te tenha ajudado.
So admit what you did.
Admite o que fizeste.
You made up a story so as not to admit what you did.
E agora inventas histórias Para não admitires o que fizeste.
So why don't you own up and admit what you did?
Então por que não vences e admites o que fizeste?
! - Admit what you did to Amy.
- Admite o que você fizeste com a Amy.
Admit what you did to me so I know I wasn't crazy.
Confessa o que me fizeste, para saber que não era louca.
Admit what you did.
Admite o que fizeste.
You admit what you did, Dave, and I'm gonna let you live.
Admite o que fizeste e eu poupo-te a vida.
Admit what you did, and I will give you your life.
Admite o que fizeste e eu deixo-te viver.
Admit what you did, Dave.
Admite o que fizeste!
Admit what you did.
Admite o que fizeste!
Admit what you did. Admit what you did.
Admit what you did, Dave and I'll let you live.
Admite o que fizeste, Dave e eu deixo-te viver.
You can admit what you did to my mom.
Pode admitir o que fez à minha mãe.
They won't end until you admit what you did.
Não vão acabar até admitir o que fez.
No one's pulling the plug on the stones, so... Why don't you just admit what you did, and we can move on? I want to talk to Scott.
Ninguém vai desligar as pedras, portanto... porque não admites o que fizeste, para podermos avançar?
Because you're not man enough to admit what you did.
Porque não és homem, para admitires o que fizeste.
Why don't you just admit what you did?
Por que não admite que copiou?
Admit what you did.
Confesse o que fez.
! I don't expect you to admit what you did...
Não espero que admita o que fez...
Even if you can't admit what you did, I forgive you anyway.
Apesar de você não admitir o que fez, eu perdoo-a na mesma.
Admit what you did to me.
Admita aquilo que me fez.
Killing Fitz means you never have to admit what you did.
Matar o Fitz significa que nunca terá que admitir o que fez.
Admit what you did to Reddick, Steve.
Admita o que fez ao Reddick, Steve.
Just admit what you did.
Confesse o que fez.
I'm not going away until you admit what you did.
Não me vou embora até admitires o que fizeste.
Admit that what you did to me was much worse than anything I did to you or shut up!
Admite que o que me fizeste foi muito pior do que tudo o que te fiz, ou cala-te!
What you did in there, it was very nice, I admit.
O que fizeste ali dentro foi muito bonito.
What did you think of them when you saw them? Quality-wise, I have to admit that it's not quite up to the standard.
Tenho de admitir que não estão ao nível do que é feito.
I have to admit, it was the hardest thing I ever did, took every fiber of my being. But I started thinking about you and what your Mom and I've tried to teach you. I realized if I had done that, Nixon would have won.
Confesso que foi a coisa mais difícil que fiz, precisei de ter muita calma, mas comecei a pensar em ti e no que tentámos ensinar-te e percebi que, se o tivesse feito, o Nixon teria ganho.
- I know what you did. The question is, are you man enough to admit it?
- Eu sei o que fez, vai admiti-lo?
Or did he just see what is obvious, that you and I can't admit?
Ou ele viu o que é óbvio e que nós não queremos admitir?
You know, it took you a month to admit to me what you did, cheating with her behind my back.
Tu sabes, levaste um mês a admitires o que me fizeste, traindo-me nas minhas costas com ela.
I mean, much as I keenly disapprove of what you did, I have to admit that your film did have a certain...
Quer dizer, por muito que desaprove o que fizeste, tenho que admitir que o teu filme tinha uma certa...
I want you to admit to what you did.
Eu quero que admitas o que fizeste.
If the Pteranodon didn't kill the golfist, then, what did? You have to admit it. You made a lucky guess.
Tens de admitir, disseste à sorte.
Nobody's leaving this room until you admit to us what you did.
Ninguém sai desse quarto até você admitir o que fez.
You're not even trying to admit to what you did.
Nem sequer tenta admitir o que fez.
It's hard for me to admit, but, uh, I never forgave myself for what I did to you.
Custa-me admitir mas nunca me perdoei pelo que te fiz.
Just admit you did the wrong thing, or maybe you don't even know what that is anymore.
Admite que procedeste mal. Talvez já nem saibas proceder bem.
You know, Barry, if you were smart, which I know you're not, you'd admit to what you did, because I'm gonna tell you now, you'll be a lot safer in here than out there.
Sabes, Barry, se fosse inteligente - que sei que não és - admitias o que fizeste. Porque deixa que te diga :
Only reason I'm in here and you're out there is'cause I had the balls to admit what I did.
Eu estou aqui e tu estás aí, porque eu tive coragem para admitir o que fiz.
So just admit that you remember the pitch and that you know what you did.
É só dizer que se lembrou da ideia e sabe o que fez.
Admit you know what you did.
Admite que sabes o que fizeste.
You and I are going to go. And when we're done, you're going to admit to me what you did.
Isto vai ser entre nós os dois e quando acabarmos, vais admitir aquilo que fizeste.
And yet it seems you did. If that is what you're saying, Duchess Cecily, that you admit yourself a common whore and declare your son, the king, a bastard?
E no entanto parece que é verdade. se é isso que quer dizer, Duquesa Cecily,... que admite ser uma puta vulgar e que declara o seu filho...
I want you to admit that what you did was wrong. Fine.
Quero que admitas que o que fizeste foi errado.
Going on television right now to admit to an affair you did not have, Selling your soul to whoever in that White House got to you is not what's about to happen.
Admitir na televisão que tiveste um caso que não tiveste, vender a tua alma a alguém da Casa Branca, isso não vai acontecer.
What I'd like you to do is admit that you didn't read what you said you did.
O que eu gostava era que admitisses que não tinhas lido.
I admit that what he did was awful, but you have to remember, he wasn't in his right mind.
Admito que o que fez foi horrível, mas lembre-se, ele não estava a pensar por ele. Espera lá.

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