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Aether traducir portugués

74 traducción paralela
"Aether weight."
"Peso Éter."
Everything in the universe appeared to be sitting within an invisible medium, what scientists called the luminiferous aether.
Tudo no Universo parecia estar dentro de um meio invisível, que os cientistas batizaram de éter luminífero.
Sound waves are waves in air, light waves are waves in what came to be called, from the early 1800s, the luminiferous aether, the light-carrying fluid that fills all space.
Ondas sonoras são ondas no ar. Ondas de luz são ondas no que veio a ser chamado, no início do século XIX, o éter luminífero, o fluido de transporte de luz que ocupa todo o espaço.
And that there's this stuff called aether that carries light.
E surgia essa matéria chamada éter que transporta a luz.
The problem was that this aether appeared to be so subtle and so intangible that it eluded all attempts to measure it.
O problema era que esse éter parecia ser tão sutil e intangível que iludia todas as tentativas de mensurá-lo.
And it was there that he became fascinated with the topic that everyone was talking about - the mysterious luminiferous aether.
Lá, ele se interessou pelo assunto do qual todos falavam, o misterioso éter luminífero.
It had been proposed that if you could measure the speed of light accurately enough, it might just be possible to actually deduce the properties of the aether.
Fora sugerido que se pudesse medir a velocidade da luz com precisão suficiente, talvez fosse possível deduzir as propriedades do éter.
If there was an aether, then as the Earth orbited the sun, we should be able to detect its presence.
Se existia um éter, então por a Terra orbitar o Sol, devíamos ser capazes de detectar sua presença.
Michelson realised that if this picture of the aether was true, then two light beams should travel at different speeds on Earth, depending on the direction they were moving through this aethereal wind.
Michelson percebeu que se a ideia do éter fosse verdadeira, então dois feixes de luz deviam viajar em velocidades distintas na Terra, dependendo da direção em que se moviam por esse vento etéreo.
He started to develop techniques and precision instruments that he believed would be capable of unlocking the secrets of the aether.
Começou a criar métodos e instrumentos de precisão que considerava capazes de revelar os segredos do éter.
Michelson and Morley reasoned that if the Earth really was moving through a stationary aether, the experiment should behave in a very different way.
Michelson e Morley argumentavam que se a Terra estivesse se movendo em um éter imóvel, a experiência devia ocorrer de forma distinta.
Let's look at what happens when we simulate the effect of an aether.
Vejamos o que ocorre ao simularmos o efeito de um éter.
The light that travels against the aether and back again covers this journey in a different time to the light travelling across the aether.
A luz que viaja contra o éter e retorna conclui esse trajeto em tempo diferente da luz que viaja através do éter.
Of course I can't be sure exactly what was going through the minds of Michelson and Morley as they began their experiment, but it is a safe bet that, given the scientific consensus at the time they were convinced that the aether really existed.
Não sei ao certo o que passava pelas mentes de Michelson e Morley quando começaram a experiência, mas é quase certo que, considerando o consenso científico à época, eles estavam convencidos de que o éter realmente existia.
But the idea of the luminiferous aether was so ingrained that they believed simply that their experiments had failed.
Mas a ideia do éter luminífero estava tão incutida que eles acreditaram que sua experiência fracassara.
The aether doesn't exist.
O éter não existe.
But it would take the genius of Einstein in 1905 to reveal that this picture of light doesn't need an aether.
Mas seria preciso a genialidade de Einstein em 1905 para revelar que essa imagem da luz não precisava de um éter.
So the message from the failure of Michelson and Morley's experiment is this - there is no aether.
O recado do fracasso da experiência de Michelson e Morley é este, não existe éter.
Before you could think about the vacuum as empty space, so to speak. relativity had said, you don't need an aether, so the picture was of the vacuum being empty.
Antes que pensasse no vácuo como espaço vazio, por assim dizer, a relatividade afirmou que não era preciso um éter, por isso a imagem do vácuo como sendo vazio.
Down the onyx steps he comes, hearing our call bourne on the wings of night, out beyond space, out beyond the final gate to That whereof Yuggoth is the youngest child, rolling alone in the black aether at the rim to bring us tidings...
Desde os degraus de ônix chega, ouve nossa chamada nas asas da noite, desde mais além da última porta, Aquele do qual Yuggoth é o filho mais jovem, nadando só no negro éter do limite para trazer-nos novas...
Such evil was possible through the power of the Aether, an ancient force of infinite destruction.
Esse mal era possível através do poder do Aether, uma antiga força de infinita destruição.
As the Nine Worlds converged above him, Malekith could at last unleash the Aether.
Quando os Nove Mundos convergiram sobre ele, Malekith podia finalmente libertar o Aether.
Malekith was vanquished, and the Aether was no more.
Malekith foi derrotado e o Aether deixou de existir.
Sire, the Aether.
Majestade, o Aether.
The Aether awakens us.
O Aether desperta-nos.
I will reclaim the Aether.
Recuperarei o Aether.
Their leader Malekith made a weapon out of that darkness and it was called the Aether.
O líder deles, Malekith, construiu uma arma com essas trevas, chamada Aether.
While the other relics often appear as stones the Aether is fluid and everchanging.
Enquanto as outras relíquias costumam aparecer como pedras, o Aether é fluido e está sempre em mutação.
Malekith sought to use the Aether's power to return the universe to one of darkness.
Malekith procurou usar o poder do Aether para fazer o universo regressar às trevas.
The Aether was said to have been destroyed with them, and yet here it is.
Diziam que o Aether foi destruído com eles, porém aqui está.
Where is the Aether?
Onde está o Aether?
You will need your strength to reclaim the Aether.
Precisarás de todas as forças para reclamar o Aether.
We possess the Aether.
Nós temos o Aether.
When Malekith pulls the Aether from Jane, it will be exposed and vulnerable.
Quando o Malekith arrancar o Aether à Jane, ficará exposto e vulnerável.
And I will destroy it and him.
E destruí-lo-ei a ele e ao Aether.
Malekith knew the Aether was here.
O Malekith sabia que o Aether estava aqui.
The Aether has found its way home.
O Aether foi para casa.
He's going to unleash it.
Ele vai soltar o poder do Aether.
None of this would have happened if I hadn't found the Aether.
Nada disto teria acontecido se eu não tivesse encontrado o Aether.
Malekith is going to fire the Aether at a spot where all the nine worlds are connecting.
O Malekith vai disparar o Aether contra um ponto onde os nove mundos se ligam.
The Aether cannot be destroyed.
O Aether não pode ser destruído.
Yes, but I also said I need aether to do it.
Sim, mas também disse que precisava de éter para te curar.
Now stop sulking and go find that damn aether.
Agora pára de engolir as lágrimas e descobre a merda do éter!
That sample of aether you gave me, I'm almost through with it.
Aquela amostra de éter que me deste, está quase a acabar.
I need you to bring me some of the aether so that Mara can fix me.
Preciso que me tragas algum éter para que a Mara me possa curar.
I'm not bringing you the aether, Duke.
Não te vou dar o éter, Duke.
Everything she's done has been to get aether.
Tudo quanto ela fez foi para apanhar o éter.
Now I go take the aether, and then you fix me.
Agora eu arranjo o éter e depois tu curas-me.
See you in 15 minutes with the aether and then dinner.
Até daqui a 15 minutos com o éter e depois vamos jantar.
No aether?
E o éter?
The aether, where is it?
Onde está o éter?

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