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Aimee traducir portugués

225 traducción paralela
- Hotel Aimee.
- Hotel Aimee.
No, aimee, we'll stay within reasonable limits.
Aimee, Aimee, não exageremos. Fiquemos nos limites do senso comum!
See, aimee.
Está a ver, Aimee?
I'll use it as a cistern!
Pode servir de cisterna, Aimee.
Aimee! I think it moved!
Aimee, Aimee, tenho a impressão que se mexeu.
How will your wife and daughter manage then?
E a Sra. Aimee? E a pequena? O que é que será delas?
Aimee and Drucker.
Aimee e Drucker.
Hadley is a religious huckster in the Aimee Semple McPherson mode.
Este Hadley é um traficante religioso à moda de Aimee Semple McPherson. Um vigarista. Um trapaceiro.
- Aimee Mann, Barenaked Ladies Chrissie Hynde, Sixpence None the Richer Diamondback Whale, Next Big Thing the Cruel Shoes and Single-Cell Paramecium.
- Aimee Mann, Barenaked Ladies Chrissie Hynde, Sixpence None the Richer Diamondback Whale, Next Big Thing the Cruel Shoes e Single-Cell Paramecium.
That's enough, Aimee.
Já chega, Aimee.
Hello, Aimee.
Olá, Aimee.
And since Aimee was apparently the sole survivor of her family... the authorities were glad to have someone to look after her.
E como Aimee era a única sobrevivente da sua família... as autoridades aceitaram que alguém cuidasse dela.
Aimee ate in silence, walked in silence... painted in silence... lived in silence.
Aimee comia em silêncio, caminhava em silêncio... pintava em silêncio... vivia em silêncio.
The American authorities have located Aimee's uncle.
General, as autoridades americanas descobriram o tio da Aimee.
Aimee has an uncle.
Aimee tem um tio.
Aimee's father.
O pai de Aimee.
You're at my house, Aimee.
Estás em minha casa...
I'm Mrs. Delahunty.
Aimee, sou a Sra. Delahunty.
Dr. Innocenti found it encouraging that Aimee had spoken. But he reminded us that the process of recovery in cases like this... was often long and uncertain.
O Dr. Innocenti achou ótimo que Aimee tivesse falado... mas lembrou-nos que o processo de recuperação nestes casos... é muitas vezes, longo e incerto.
Aimee had the ability to bring about the very best... and sometimes the most unexpected qualities in those she was close to.
Aimee tinha o dom de despertar o melhor... e às vezes, o mais inesperado, das pessoas que a rodeavam.
Did you make it, Aimee?
Foste tu que fizeste, Aimee?
Perhaps for the General, Aimee became a daughter with whom he might begin again.
Talvez para o General... Aimee fosse a filha que o poderia fazer renascer.
So, you are Aimee.
Então... tu és a Aimee.
This is not going to be easy for either of us, Aimee.
Isto não vai ser... fácil para nenhum de nós dois, Aimee.
One of Aimee's.
Um da Aimee.
I greatly appreciate... what Dr. Innocenti has done for Aimee... and you, of course, Mrs. Delahunty.
Eu... aprecio muito... o que o Dr. Innocenti fez pela Aimee... e... você também, Sra. Delahunty.
Aimee's uncle.
O tio da Aimee.
Do you know Aimee well?
Conhece bem a Aimee?
Well, Phyllis, Aimee's mother and I.... There was a family quarrel.
Bom, Phyllis, a mãe de Aimee e eu... é briga de família.
The local police would have told them about the bomb... and Aimee, and the train.
A polícia local falando sobre a bomba... e Aimee e o trem.
Come on, Aimee, you're so brave.
Vamos, Aimee, tu és valente.
Aimee insists that she didn't paint those pictures.
Aimee insiste em que não fez os desenhos.
Mrs. Delahunty, I'm sorry, but Aimee is too shy to ask herself.
Sra. Delahunty... desculpe, mas a Aimee tem vergonha de pedir...
I was just saying to Werner, I'm sure you'd love to take Aimee to Siena.
Dizia a Werner que você, adoraria levar Aimee a Siena.
Well, I suppose if Aimee wants to go....
Bom, suponho que se a Aimee quer ir...
Every time I see Aimee, I'm reminded of Phyllis.
- Ver a Aimee é como ver a Phyllis.
- Aimee, wait.
- Aimee, espera.
Where's Aimee?
Onde está a Aimee?
Aimee, I've been thinking about what you could give the cathedral.
Aimee... estive a pensar sobre o que poderias doar à catedral.
You remember the crash helmets, Aimee?
Lembras-te dos capacetes, Aimee?
I certainly hope you do, Aimee.
Espero que sim, Aimee.
Good night, Aimee.
Boa noite, Aimee...
Aimée, drinks all around!
Aimée, uma rodada para todos
Aimee, come, look!
Aimee, Aimee, vem ver.
The price is perfectly reasonable.
Aimee, esse preço parece-me perfeitamente razoável.
You are Aimée and I am Jaguar.
Você é Aimée... e eu sou Jaguar.
My silly little Aimée.
- O que há, pequena Aimée?
- Aimee.
She was very like Aimee.
Ela era... muito parecida com a Aimee.

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