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Are you sure of that traducir portugués

305 traducción paralela
Are you sure of that, sir?
Tem a certeza, Comissário?
Are you sure of that?
- Tem certeza, Zeke?
Are you sure of that?
Tens a certeza?
- Are you sure of that?
- Tens a certeza?
- Are you sure of that?
- Tem a certeza?
Are you sure of that?
Tem a certeza disso?
- Are you sure of that, officer?
- Tem certeza disso, oficial?
Are you sure of that?
Tens a certeza disso?
Are you sure of that, huh?
Tem certeza disso?
Are you sure of that, Miss Stewart?
Tem a certeza disso, Senhorita Stewart?
I have an eyewitness who saw Mooney and another guy get picked up after they killed Father Jim. - Are you sure of that?
Tenho uma testemunha ocular que viu Mooney e outro homem a serem recolhidos, depois de matarem o Padre Jim.
I wish I were as sure of that as you are.
Oxalá estivesse tão seguro como você.
- You are sure of that, Sherazade?
- Tem certeza, Sherazade?
Are you that sure of tomorrow?
Tem tanta certeza do amanhã?
Are you very sure of that?
- Tens a certeza? - Mais do que nunca.
You're sure of that, are you?
Acho que o diverte. Tem a certeza disso, tem?
Of course, but are you sure you should have done that?
Claro, mas tens a certeza que devias fazer isso?
- Yes. Are you quite sure of that, sir?
- Tem a certeza disso?
I ain't sure, Colonel, that I wouldn't be doing an awful lot of people... a big favor by just letting you stay right where you are.
Não sei bem, Coronel, se não faria a muita gente... um grande favor ao deixá-lo ficar aí onde está.
Now, I am sure there are some of you who don't want to see them do that. So I suggest instead that you listen to our sponsor's message.
Decerto, alguns de vós não vão querer ver isso, por isso sugiro que vejam antes o anúncio do nosso patrocinador.
And, in fact, I'm so sure of it that I went downtown today and I signed some papers here that mean that you and I are gonna get married.
Estou tão certo disso que hoje fui ao centro da cidade e assinei uns papéis que dizem que nos vamos casar.
Mr. Pope, you are quite sure, of course, that you saw it in the first place?
Sr. Pope, você tem a certeza, é claro, de que a viu?
I'm sure you will be interested in knowing that the soundtrack of the three commercial scenes tonight are available in the album
Tenho a certeza que vocês se vão interessar por saber que a banda sonora dos três anúncios desta noite estão disponíveis no álbum
If you're so sure of that, then what are we fighting about?
Se tens tanta certeza disso, então porque estamos a discutir?
I'm sure that all you fine people are interested in knowing just what portion of this new land will be your new home.
Tenho a certeza que estão todos interessados em saber qual o pedaço desta nova terra será o vosso novo lar.
Is that what you are not sure of?
É disso que não estais certo?
If there's one thing in this world I'm sure of it's the fact that you and I are friends.
Se há coisa neste mundo da qual tenho a certeza é o facto de nós dois sermos amigos.
I wish I was as sure of that as you are!
És um imbecil!
Mr. Thomas, I'm sure you're aware of the fact... that, uh, times are hard.
Sr. Thomas, estou certo de que sabe... que esta é uma época difícil.
Are you sure that the captain will comply with your order in his present state of mind?
Tem a certeza de que o Capitão aceitará a sua ordem?
I'm sure you're aware that there are an infinite number of countermoves.
Com certeza, sabe que as retaliações podem ser infinitas.
- just a little west of here up for the twin - rooke passet - are you sure that of course we should be out side the camp at 2 AM tomorrow you know there's only one thing wrong with me,.. johnny - where?
- Um pouco a Oeste daqui... perto do desfiladeiro de Twin Rock.
Are you quite sure of that, sir?
Tem a certeza absoluta disso, senhor?
You betray us... You betray us even with a look, and as sure as there's a Devil in Hell... either me, or Brownie, or Struther, or one of our friends... of which there are many, will kill that boy.
Se nos traíres... se nos traíres nem que seja com um olhar, podes estar certo que... ou eu, ou o Brownie, o Struther, ou qualquer um dos nossos amigos... que são muitos, vão matar aquele rapaz.
You can be sure of that, since Christ's brides of Serra d'Aires are neither allowed to leave the convent nor to indulge in secular pleasures.
Pode ficar descansada, corajosa mãe, quando ela for entregue a Deus. Porque então, ficará dentro dos muros sagrados do claustro de Serra D'Aires.
Are you quite sure that none of yours are missing?
Tem a certeza que não lhe falta nenhum?
By now, I'm sure that most of you are aware that something special has happened.
Seguramente a maioria de vocês sabe que aconteceu algo especial.
[Older Woman] Are you sure of that Popsy?
- Tens certeza disso?
Now, I'm pretty sure you understand that we have certain rules here that are essential to the smooth functioning of our operation.
Tenho a certeza que compreende que temos determinadas regras essenciais ao bom funcionamento da nossa atividade.
Please make sure that your seats are in the upright and forward position... and that your table trays are secured in front of you.
Por favor, vejam se as vossas cadeiras estão na posição vertical e se as mesas estão fechadas.
Are you sure that neither one of you heard anything this afternoon between 4 : 00 and 5 : 00?
Têm certeza que nenhum de vocês ouviu nada entre 16 e 17h?
You was the one that was out. Fellas, I'm sure the details are fuzzy... because of the concussion you both suffered.
Amigos, tenho a certeza de que os pormenores estão confusos devido às concussões que ambos sofreram.
And you are sure it was there last night? Yes, I'm quite certain of that fact.
Tem a certeza que estava lá ontem à noite?
I don't want you to worry, because my only plans are to make sure that she's taken care of.
Está nos meus planos de futuro tomar conta dela.
Please make sure that your seats are in the upright and forward position and that your table trays are secured in front of you.
Por favor, assegurem-se que os vossos assentos estão direitos e que o tabuleiro à vossa frente está bem preso.
when you come within six feet of this table make sure that your eyes are fixed firmly on the ceiling.
Quando estiverem a menos de dois metros da mesa mantenham os olhos no tecto.
Are you sure that, you know, one of you guys didn't just pick it up and browse through it?
De certeza que ninguém daqui a pegou e navegou nela?
Are you sure of that?
Você tem certeza disso?
Are sure you're ready for that kind of commitment?
E tem a certeza de conseguir assumir esse compromisso?
You must do everything short of violating the Prime Directive to make sure that they are.
Tem de fazer tudo, desde que não viole a Diretiva Principal, de modo a estarem prontos.
And you are quite sure, are you not, Dr. Ames, that the death of Dr. Schneider. was caused by tetanus?
E o senhor tem a certeza absoluta, Dr. Ames, de que a morte do Dr. Schneider foi devida a um tétano?

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