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Baek traducir portugués

67 traducción paralela
Miss Jung Koo Baek, what seems to be the problem?
Muito bem, Miss Jung Koo Baek, qual é o problema?
He crept in at night to kill Jo, Baek Seung, but was caught and executed.
Ele infiltrou-se para matar Jo, Baek Seung mas foi capturado e executado..
How can I trust a scoundrel like Jo, Baek Seung?
Como posso confiar num patife como o Jo, Baek Seung?
Lady Sullie has killed Jo, Baek Seung.
A senhora Sullie matou Jo, Baek Seung.
Baek Hyun-jin's "Affection" requested by a man who signed Ryu of Doksan-dong
"Affection" de Baek Hyun-jin pedido por um homem que assina como Ryu de Doksan-dong.
You know the Baek family meat restaurant?
Conheces o restaurante da família Baek?
The Baek family?
Família Baek?
The Baek Lady Killers.
Os Baek, assassinos de raparigas.
Mr. Baek Kwang-ho!
Sr. Baek Kwang-ho!
CHOI, KIM, BAEK Jin-su, IM Jun-seok LEE Jeong-hyun
CHOI, KIM, BAEK Jin-su, IM Jun-seok e LEE Jeong-hyun
And BAEK Jin-su... returned to work today
E BAEK Jin-su... regressou ao trabalho hoje.
Mr. BAEK Jin-su?
Sr. BAEK Jin-su?
Mr. BAEK forgot something, and went down to the parking lot
O sr. BAEK Esqueceu-se de algo, e foi ao parque de estacionamento.
BAEK Jin-su
BAEK Jin-su
BAEK, CHOI received calls from same number just before death.
BAEK, CHOI recebeu chamadas do mesmo número mesmo antes de morrer.
Professor? Sr. Baek?
Mr. Baek? This is Geum-ja, Lee Geum-ja
Daqui fala a Geum-ja, a Lee Geum-ja.
Mr. Baek said there are good kidnappings and bad kidnappings
O Sr. Baek disse que existem raptos benignos... e raptos malignos.
And Mr. Baek said he'd kill him if he didn't stop in 5 minutes
E o Sr. Baek disse que o mataria se não parasse de chorar em 5 minutos.
I got a call from Mr. Baek
Recebi uma chamada do Sr. Baek.
Soo-kyoung, a thief released before me, found out where Baek was working
Soo-kyoung, uma ladra liberta antes de mim, descobriu onde Baek trabalhava.
She then informed me of Baek's intention of getting a new car
Ela informou-me então sobre a intenção de Baek em adquirir um carro novo.
Later, Baek was visited by a pretty car dealer, Park Yi-jeong
Mais tarde, Baek foi visitado por uma bela vendedora de carros, Park Yi-jeong.
I'm also the one who caught Baek after 13 years of planning...
Foi eu também que capturei o Baek depois de 13 anos a fazer planos...
It looks like Chairman Baek's son is the one making trouble.
Parece que o filho do Chefe Baek é quem nos está a causar problemas.
Yes, it didn't seem like Chairman Baek did it himself.
Sim, não me parece que tenha sido o prórpio Chefe Baek.
Chairman Baek's son used to be a loan shark...
O filho do Presidente Baek é um tubarão dos empréstimos...
I'll try to sort things out with Chairman Baek.
Tentarei consertar isso com o Chefe Baek.
President Baek, that asshole...
O Chefe Baek, aquele patife...
Say hello to President Baek.
Diga olá ao Chefe Baek.
From the Baek-Sang Management Agency.
Da Agência de Administração Baek-Sang.
Did Mr. Baek send you?
O Sr. Baek enviou-te?
Stop staring at me and call President Baek.
Para de olhar para mim e ligua ao Chefe Baek.
Sung-nam's friend, Mr. Baek, told him about this.
O amigo de Sung-nam, o Sr Baek, contou-lhe.
I called Mr. Baek today.
Hoje liguei ao Sr Baek.
His name's CHO Hwa-baek.
Ele chama-se Cho Hwa-baek.
Says CHO Hwa-baek is a pro at setting people up. And his friend Plier is good at picking locks and stuff.
Diz que o Cho Hwa-baek é perito a armar ciladas e o amigo Plier é bom a abrir fechaduras e outras coisas.
His name is Baek Yeo-hoon, 39 years old.
Chama-se Baek Yeo-hoon, 39 anos.
Don't send Baek's records to RlU.
Não envie os registros do Baek para a UIR.
You sure this is Baek Sung-hoon's house?
Tem certeza que esta é a casa de Baek Sung-hoon?
Baek Sung-hoon turned his phone on.
Baek Sung-hoon ligou o telefone.
I found Baek.
Achei Baek.
Did you know that Baek's brother kidnapped this man's wife?
Sabia que o irmão de Baek raptou a esposa deste Dr.?
Baek Sung-hoon, this is the police.
Baek Sung-hoon, daqui fala a policia.
Take Baek to the station.
Levem Baek para a esquadra.
We have Baek Sung-hoon.
Apanhámos Baek Sung-hoon.
Where's Baek Sung-hoon?
Onde está Baek Sung-hoon?
I thought Baek Sung-hoon was an orphan.
Pensei que Baek Sung-hoon era órfão.
The police are looking for Lee Tae-jun and Baek Yeo-hoon,
A polícia está à procura Lee Tae-jun e Baek Yeo-hoon,
Meanwhile, Baek Sung-hoon, who was found dead in a park turned out to have kidnapped Lee Tae-jun's wife this morning.
No entanto, Baek Sung-hoon, que foi encontrado morto num parque era o sequestrador da esposa de Lee Tae-jun.
The police found Baek Yeo-hoon's fingerprints on the dead.
A polícia encontrou as Impressões digitais Baek Yeo-hoon nas vítimas.

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