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Bagwell traducir portugués

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Mr Bagwell. make sure these other elevators remain locked down and empty.
Certifique-se que os outros elevadores permanecem trancados e vazios.
Bagwell, Bell, Biggio Nomar, Mo Vaughn, the Big Hurt.
Bagwell, Bell, Biggio, Nomar, Mo Vaughn, o Big Hurt.
- Paris it is, Mrs. Bagwell.
- paris, Sra. Bagwell.
Okay, Mr. Bagwell, your turn.
OK, Sr. Bagwell, sua vez.
My husband, the late Mr. Bagwell.
Meu marido, o falecido Sr. Bagwell.
Mr. Bagwell used to say that... the MirrorMask concentrated your desires... your wishes.
O Sr. Bagwell costumava dizer que... a Máscara da llusão concentrava os seus desejos... seus anseios.
"Mr. Bagwell, how can a mask know what you need?"
"Sr. Bagwell, como uma máscara pode saber o que você precisa?"
James Bagwell lives down in Gary.
James Bagwell vive em Gary.
You James Bagwell?
É o James Bagwell?
Theodore Bagwell, a transfer back from the infirmary.
Theodore Bagwell, de volta da enfermaria.
In your report you stated that you sent a Private Bagwell and a Private Stamper.
No seu relatório diz ter avistado com o soldado Bagwell e o soldado Stemper.
Remember Bagwell?
Lembras-te do Bagwell?
Stamper, Bagwell.
Stemper. Bagwell.
Hey, Bagwell.
Bagwell, man.
Bagwell, meu.
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell.
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell.
A man was assaulted in Nebraska by a hitchhiker matching Bagwell's description.
Um homem foi agredido por alguém parecido com o Bagwell, no Nebraska.
Franklin's in Preston, Bagwell's in Nebraska.
O Franklin está em Preston, o Bagwell está no Nebraska.
Just like Bagwell and Franklin.
Como o Bagwell e o Franklin.
Yeah, but he was heading east and Bagwell's in Nebraska on l-80 heading west and Franklin's train was heading west, but he jumped off to the....
Sim, mas ia para leste e o Bagwell está no Nebraska na I-80 rumo a oeste e o comboio do Franklin ia para oeste, mas ele saltou...
If you were Bagwell, and you just got your hands on $ 5 million, where would you go?
Se fosses o Bagwell e deitasses a mão a 5 milhões de dólares. Para onde irias?
Just like Bagwell and Franklin.
Tal como o Bagwell e o Franklin.
Bagwell was free less than 24 hours before he killed his first victim.
O Bagwell fez a primeira vítima, menos de 24 horas depois de estar cá fora.
And these changes, do you really think they'll help keep predators like Theodore Bagwell safely behind bars?
E estas mudanças, acha que irão ajudar a que predadores como Theodore Bagwell fiquem atrás das grades?
Bagwell had a screwdriver or something.
O Bagwell tinha uma chave de fendas ou isso.
If you were Bagwell and you just got your hands on $ 5 million where would you go?
Se fosses o Bagwell e tivesses cinco milhões de dólares, para onde irias?
On your feet, Bagwell.
De pé, Bagwell.
How you doing, Bagwell?
Como vai, Bagwell?
- Theodore Bagwell.
- Theodore Bagwell.
- Well, after what happened I'm starting to think maybe Geary ran into old Bagwell after all.
- Bem, depois do que aconteceu... Aqui em Tribune?
Now, Brad, do you think you could answer some questions that might help us, you know, track down Theodore Bagwell?
Brad, acha que pode responder a umas questões que nos podem ajudar a localizar Theodore Bagwell?
If we nail Bagwell, he might still have some of Geary's things on him like his backpack, which has his personal stuff in it.
Se apanharmos o Bagwell, ele é capaz de ainda ter coisas do Geary com ele, a mochila com os pertences todos, por exemplo.
If we find Bagwell... -... give it to her personally.
Se encontrarmos o Bagwell o senhor dá-lhos pessoalmente.
We'll track down Bagwell, get Geary's effects to his family.
Localizamos o Bagwell, devolvemos os pertences do Geary à família.
Geary and me had a little dust-up over how to go about finding Bagwell.
Eu e o Geary discutimos sobre a forma de procurar o Bagwell.
If you knew about Bagwell and Hollander why didn't you just head over there yourself?
Se sabia do Bagwell e do Hollander, por que não foram até lá?
Geary and I found Bagwell in Hollander's house.
Eu e o Geary encontrámos o Bagwell em casa do Hollander.
Bagwell set me up!
O Bagwell armou-me uma cilada!
Bagwell set me up.
O Bagwell tramou-me.
The fox river eight, as the group of convicts were once known are now down to four, as only benjamin miles franklin fernando sucre, charles patoshik and theodore bagwell remain at large.
"Os oito de Fox River", como já foram conhecidos, está agora reduzido a quatro, pois só Benjamin Miles Franklin, Fernando Sucre, Charles Patoshik e Theodore Bagwell continuam em fuga.
Convicts are now down to four as only benjamin miles franklin fernando sucre, charles patoshik and theodore bagwell remain at large.
Os reclusos estão reduzidos a quatro, pois só Benjamin Miles Franklin, Fernando Sucre, Charles Patoshik e Theodore Bagwell continuam em fuga.
Dude, that was a Bagwell Crown Stag Bowie.
Meu, era uma faca do mato de chifre de veado.
And you tracked down Bagwell by following Susan Hollander.
E localizou o Bagwell seguindo a Susan Hollander.
I am the last in the line of Bagwells.
Sou o último membro da família Bagwell.
No more Bagwells shall roam this planet. Not with that vile blood in their veins.
Mais nenhum Bagwell vagueará por este planeta, com este desprezível sangue nas veias.
Burrows, Scofield, Bagwell, Sucre.
Burrows, Scofield, Bagwell, Sucre...
Theodore "t-bag" bagwell was apprehended in mexico.
Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell foi detido no México.
We know you're in here, Bagwell!
Sabemos que estás aqui, Bagwell!
Quieto Bagwell!
Theodore Bagwell- - he's the one you want for that dead chick in there.
Theodore Bagwell, é a pessoa responsável pela gaja morta lá dentro.
When the authorities captured Bagwell today, the money was nowhere to be found.
Quando as autoridades capturaram o Bagwell hoje, o dinheiro não foi encontrado.

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