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Bellevue traducir portugués

196 traducción paralela
Johnson, Bellevue Hospital, 1918.
Johnson, Hospital Bellevue, 1918.
And he says, "Well, before I came out here to see you," he says, "my first impression was like in Bellevue."
E ele disse : "Bom, Mike, antes de vir aqui ver-vos, a minha primeira impressão foi como em Bellevue".
Okay McLeod for the wagon to Bellevue.
A carrinha para o McLeod ir a Bellevue.
Hey, Fay. Bellevue Hospital.
Fay, Hospital de Bellevue.
Army-Navy games, parties at the Bellevue Stratford hops at the academy, graduation hats in the air, wedding in the chapel, honeymoon.
Jogos militares, festas no Bellevue Stratford bailes na academia, fim de curso chapéus no ar, casamento na capela, lua-de-mel.
Call Bellevue and ask them to send over a psychiatrist.
Ligue ao Bellevue e peça-lhes para enviarem um psiquiatra.
He's down at Bellevue.
Está em Bellevue.
You ain't sending me to Bellevue.
Não vai me mandar para Bellevue.
Harvard, bellevue Johns Hopkins.
Harvard, Bellevue, Johns Hopkins.
- Well, we couldn't get in at the Bellevue.
- O Bellevue estava cheio.
We went to Bellevue where you told us said he was his wife.
Fomos a Bellevue onde você disse e ele disse que era a esposa dele.
- Near Bellevue Hospital.
- Perto do hospital Bellevue.
- Know where Bellevue Hospital is? - Oh, yeah.
- Sabes onde fica o hospital Bellevue?
You're trying to put me in fucking Bellevue.
Você está a ver se dá comigo em doido.
You can take him to Bellevue.
Você pode levá-lo ao hospital.
We've got a dozen witnesses in Bellevue that swore a guy burned down a joint with flames coming out of his fingers.
O hospital tem uma dúvida de pessoas que juram ter visto um cara que atirou fogo com a ponta dos dedos.
Hospital Bellevue.
I do some work at Bellevue.
Às vezes trabalho no Bellevue.
Well, first he has to recover from the gun wound, and then if he's ever sane enough to get out of Bellevue, they'll try him.
Primeiro, terá de recuperar do tiro. Depois, quando estiver são o suficiente... será julgado. Adivinha quem é a testemunha principal.
The governor is now at the Bellevue Stratford where he will soon address the kickoff dinner of the Liberty Day celebration.
Agora encontra-se no Bellevue Stratford, donde falará durante o jantar inaugural da celebração do Dia da Liberdade.
Joan, any word from the Bellevue Stratford yet?
Joan, há notícias do Bellevue Stratford?
We've got the Bellevue Stratford.
Vamos ligar ao Bellevue Stratford.
Let's go live to our political correspondent, Frank Donahue, at the Liberty Ball at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel.
Com o nosso correspondente Frank Donahue, no baile da Liberdade no hotel Bellevue Stratford.
I'm Frank Donahue.'Eye on the City'News, Bellevue Stratford.
Frank Donahue, para as notícias, Bellevue, Strattford.
Spent a year in Bellevue.
Passou um ano em Bellevue.
- I shouldn't have called Bellevue.
- Não devia ter ligado para Bellevue.
Remember Dr. Carlson over at Bellevue?
Lembram-se do Dr. Carlson de Bellevue?
We have the killer in an operating room at Bellevue.
Já temos o assassino, está no hospital de Bellevue.
He's at bellevue, and I don't know what's happening, but he's alone,
Ele está no Bellevue e não sei o que se passa.
We're dying to try the new rib joint on Bellevue Way.
Queremos experimentar um restaurante que abriu em Bellevue Way.
I ain't going to no Bellevue.
Não vou para Bellevue!
Ernest Strohbecker and two accomplices escaped from a maximum - security ward in Bellevue Hospital last night after brutally stabbing two nurses and a custodian to death.
Ernest Strohbecker e dois cúmplices... fugiram da enfermaria do hospital Bellevue ontem... após esfaquearem duas enfermeiras e o zelador.
Start acting crazy, like Looney Toons... Like Bellevue.
Comece a fingir de louco, como nas Looney Tunes.
I think the dude just escaped from some hospital... you know, like Bellevue?
Julgo que fugiu dalgum hospital. Como Bellevue.
Bellevue in 1 0, sir.
Em Bellevue, daqui a dez minutos.
I'm the one who wound up in Bellevue.
Fui eu que acabou por ir parar na Bellevue!
Forget about it. Tommy gets out of this fucking Bellevue, he's going right back to fucking up.
Mal o Tommy saiu deste hospital, voltou logo a entrar.
You can read it on his birth certificate. Bellevue Hospital.
Na certidão de nascimento dele vem lá "Bellevue Hospital".
We see 275 a day at Bellevue.
Em Bellevue, vemos 275 por dia.
We did the phase-three clinical trials at Bellevue.
Fizemos a terceira fase de ensaios clínicos em Bellevue.
( giggling )
Certo, acho que despistamos o Bellevue.
( babbling )
Bellevue está a chegar.
You take yours to Bellevue.
Leva o teu para o Bellevue!
He's in Bellevue.
- Ele está no hospício de Bellevue.
I'm going to be starting my internship at Bellevue.
Vou com ecBlla er ve us ei.dência
- Or in Bellevue.
- Ou em Bellevue.
We should call Bellevue. You need electric shock, honey.
Devia ligar para o manicómio, precisa de tratamentos de choque.
A transfer from Bellevue he wants you to take a look at. Great.
e o Dr. Chakraborty : paciente transferido de Bellevue.
Bellevue, querido.
He arrived at Bellevue a month ago, suspicion of hallucinogenic intoxication.
Chegou a Bellevue há um mês.

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