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Bellows traducir portugués

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After I let a little air into your bellows you'll whistle a different tune.
Quando te fizer uns furos na barriga a canção será outra!
I've seen that. I'd use a bellows myself.
Eu usaria uns foles.
Mr Bellows, has there been any word from...?
Sr Bellows, tem alguma notícia da...?
What do you say now, Mr. Humble Bellows?
Que opinas agora, Sr. Humilde Bellows?
- Mr. Bellows, make sail!
- Sr. Bellows, pronto para navegar!
Mr. Bellows, keep the rest of these half-masted monkeys below deck.
Sr. Bellows, que o resto destes idiotas fiquem escondidos na coberta.
Shore battery's asking for a broadside against them, Mr. Bellows.
A artilharia de costa está a pedir para dispararmos, Sr. Bellows.
Why, not at all, Humble Bellows, not at all.
Nada disto, Humilde Bellows.
Mr. Bellows, take all three below and bring me the cabin keys.
Sr. Bellows, leve os três para baixo e entregue-me as chaves do camarote.
Mr. Bellows...
Sr. Bellows...
You've sold me, Humble Bellows, and to a king's flunky.
Vendeste-me, Humilde Bellows, e a um criado do rei.
- Well spoken, Mr. Bellows.
- Muito bem dito, Sr. Bellows.
A splendid decision, Mr. Bellows.
Uma esplêndida decisão, Sr. Bellows.
This calls for a celebration, eh, Mr. Bellows?
Isto merece uma celebração, não é, Sr. Bellows?
King's flunky made a monkey of Humble Bellows.
O servente do rei ridiculizou o Humilde Bellows.
Coming, Mr. Bellows?
Vem, Sr. Bellows?
To the porters on the docks. The smiths by their bellows. To the slaves under their yokes.
Aos carregadores das docas, aos ferreiros nas suas forjas, aos escravos com as suas brincadeiras.
He bellows like a Marine and eats like a lumberjack.
Eu sei que vai demorar a voltar para nós, mas lembre.
Wooster, what are you and Bellows doing in here?
Wooster, o que você e o Bellows estão fazendo aqui?
Dr. Bellows.
Dr. Bellows.
- Dr. Bellows?
- Dr. Bellows?
I am, Dr. Bellows.
Eu, Dr. Bellows.
Oh, Dr. Bellows.
Dr. Bellows.
About your trip to Jamaica, Dr. Bellows you did say it was strictly government business?
Sobre sua viagem à Jamaica, Dr. Bellows... disse que era assunto estritamente governamental?
- Duarte airfield.
- Campo aéreo de Bellows.
If you can't make Hickam, try Bellows or Wheeler.
Se não chegarem a Hickam, tentem Bellows ou Wheeler.
Have we a pair of bellows, mama?
Temos algum fole, mamã?
I'm the one he bellows at.
É comigo que ele grita.
Then he says that Harris told him that Mark Bellows was going to be the next chief resident.
Então ele disse que o Harry lhe contou que o Mark Bellows ia ser o próximo chefe residente.
Schwartz, I'm Dr. Bellows.
Schwartz, Sou o Dr. Bellows.
Yeah, this is Dr. Bellows.
Sim, fala Dr. Bellows.
Yes, Dr. Bellows.
Sim, Dr. Bellows.
Dr. Bellows?
Dr. Bellows?
So call the hospital and move my appointment with Mrs. Bellows back 30 minutes.
Então liga para o hospital e atrasa a minha entrevista com Mrs. Bellows 30 minutos.
Bello ws, this is Sheppard.
Bellows? Fala Sheppard.
Friar Bellows! ( Pop! )
Frei Bellows!
Where's that bellows cranny?
Onde está aquele fole?
Next to him, on the front row one, Ron Bellows in car 57.
Ao lado dele, no primeiro carro, Ron Bellows, número 57.
Beautiful fight for second overall here between Ron Bellows in car 57. Laurie Craig, car number two, right up on his bumper, as they come back to the hairpin.
Uma luta acesa pelo segundo lugar entre Ron Bellows, no carro 57... e Laurie Craig, carro número 2, colado nele... enquanto voltam à chicane.
Ronnie Bellows dealing with some of that in second place.
Ronnie Bellows está em segundo lugar.
Will he get by Ronnie Bellows?
Será que vai alcançar Ronnie Bellows?
I am surprised he has any wind left in his bellows.
Estou surpreendido por ele ainda ter algum fôlego nos pulmões.
Russell Bellows, big, brave war photographer,
Russell Bellows, grande fotógrafo de guerra.
What do you got there, Bellows?
O que tens aí, Bellows?
Right, Bellows?
Não é, Bellows?
Who had Pier 23 in the office pool, Bellows?
Quem tinha Pier 23 no escritório piscina, Bellows?
Bellows, be careful, man.
Bellows, é preciso ter cuidado, o homem.
Bellows! -
Murphy, Bellows, how about earning your pay and hitting the streets!
Murphy, Bellows, que tal ganhar o salário e patrulhar as ruas!
Take the bellows and pump it up.
Pegue nos foles e dê-lhes ar.

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