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Bish traducir portugués

66 traducción paralela
I'll talk to Bish.
Falarei com o Bish.
- Bish, I want...
Bish, quero...
- What? - Rub-bish.
John, you take the Bish.
John, ficas com o Bispo.
- Horsie to King Bish 3,
- Cavalo para Rei Bispo 3,
Knight to King Bish 3,
Cavaleiro para Rei Bispo 3,
- Horsie to Bish 3,
- Cavalo para Bispo 3,
Horsie to Bish 3,
Cavalo para Bispo 3,
- Bish takes prawn,
- Bispo toma peão.
All yours, Bish.
Bish, vamos lá, então.
Well, Bish, I can't speak for the other guys, but I'm in it for the money.
Bem, não posso falar pelos outros, mas por esse pagamento - alinho.
Bish, I think you better come over here.
Bish, acho que devias ver isto.
You've got about 20 seconds, Bish.
Bish, mais cerca de 20 segundos.
Bish, he's lying.
- Bish, ele mente.
Hang up, Bish!
- Bish, desliga!
Forget it. Bish, what did it sound like?
- Bish, quais os ruídos?
Bish, someone is very serious about keeping people out of that room.
Bish, alguém tem muito interesse em que ninguém entre naquela sala.
Hey, Bish, I think we've found our guy.
Bish, parece-me que temos quem nos interessa.
Bish, they've got Crease and Mother.
Bish, apanharam o Crease e o Mother.
Okay, Bish.
Tudo bem, Bish.
As you bish, madam.
Como gueira, senhora.
Bish, are you speaking that blasphemy again!
Bish, estás a dizer essas tretas outra vez!
Take care of Bish!
Toma conta do Bish!
Bish, sorry about this, but could you hold on tightly to my back?
Bish, desculpa isto, mas podes agarrar-te firmemente às minhas costas?
Could have gone anywhere, bish.
Pode ter ido para qualquer lado, Bish.
Sorry, bish.
- Desculpa, Bish.
Good point, Bish.
Bem visto, Bish.
I'm gonna capture your bish...
Vou apanhar o seu bispo...
Right, Bish?
Não é, Bish?
Bish, tell'em.
Bish, diz-lhe.
There'll be two others on board with me. You steam in really strong, stick guns in our faces... bish bash... pinch the gear.
Haverão outros 2 comigo a bordo vocês entram a matar, armas nas caras deles e já está.
Thanks, Bish.
Obrigado, bispo.
I'm pretty trad... bish, bash, bosh.
Sou bem tradicional, faço o simples.
This system hasn't been updated since the Prohi-bish.
Este sistema já não se usa. Está muito desactualizado.
Winnie the Bish.
Winnie, o Bish.
What? Come on, Winnie the Bish play through the pain, baby. You know what?
Vá lá, aqui o Winnie joga por entre a dor, pá.
I tell you, ain't no injury gonna hold Old Winnie the Bish down,'cause I'm a warrior.
Estou a dizer, nenhuma lesão vai impedir aqui o velho Winnie, porque sou um guerreiro.
Delta Psi forever, ya bish.
Delta Psi para sempre, cretinos.
Winnie the Bish!
Winnie the Bish!
- Winnie the Bish!
Winnie the Bish!
What are you talking about, Bish?
De que estás a falar, Bish?
Are you challenging me to a bake-off, Bish?
Estás a desafiar-me para um concurso de bolos, Bish?
Tony, you seen Bish...?
Tony, viste a Bish...?
- Come on. - Back me up, Winnie the Bish.
- Ajuda-me, Winnie the Bish.
What's up, Bish?
Quais são as novidades?
Understatement of the year there, Bish-op.
Eufemismo do ano, Bishop.
Very good, Bish.
Bish, boa.
Yo, Bish, Bish.
Ei, Bishop.
bishop 890

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