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By the time i got there traducir portugués

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By the time I got there, my trailer was gone.
Quando cheguei lá, o meu trailer tinha desaparecido.
I was too late to save her. She'd been stabbed by the time I got there!
Cheguei tarde, tentei salvá-la, imbecil.
By the time I got there, my feet were so covered with blisters that all I could do was sit. I couldn't dance.
Quando lá cheguei, os meus pés tinham tantas feridas, que me limitei a ficar sentada, sem poder dançar.
He should have been gone by the time I got there... but he wasn't.
Ele já não devia lá estar quando passei. Mas estava.
By the time I got there, Marshal White had already been shot.'
Disse que não, que quando cheguei, O Marshal já tinha sido abatido.
By the time I got there, he'd wrapped the bodies.
Quando lá cheguei já ele tinha embrulhado os corpos.
Because by the time I got there, Claudia Bing would already have it sucked, that's why.
Porque, quando lá chegar, a Claudia Bing já o terá todo chupadinho!
By the time I got there, Mrs. Kendleman had sprayed the whole damned place.
Quando eu cheguei no lugar Mrs. Kendleman tinha pulverizado todo o lugar.
Jack, this is not the time... by the time I got there, it was clear that my father was not only incapacitated but that he had also severed the patient's hepatic artery,
Jack, não é a altura... quando cheguei lá, estava claro que o meu pai estava... não somente incapacitado mas também... tinha danificado a artéria hepática do paciente,
By the time I got there, they had just gone.
Quando cheguei lá, tinham desaparecido.
By the time I got there, she'd changed her mind.
Quando lá cheguei, ela tinha mudado de ideias.
By the time I got there, the party was over and he was back in bed.
Quando cheguei lá, já não havia festa e o menino já estava na cama.
I'm not saying she was loose or anything, but by the time I got there, it was a fuckin'Slip'N Slide.
Não estou dizendo que ela foi solta ou nada, mas na hora que eu cheguei lá, era um fuckin'Slip N Slide.
It was done by the time I got there. Really?
Já estava acabado quando eu apareci.
He'd left Yankton by the time I got there, and I figured I'd catch him here.
Deixou Yankton quando eu lá cheguei, pensei apanhá-lo aqui.
- Jack, this is not... By the time I got there, it was clear my father was not only incapacitated, but that he had also severed the patient's hepatic artery, which, in my professional opinion,
Quando pude intervir, era óbvio que o meu pai não só se achava incapacitado mas também havia... cortado a artéria hepática da paciente, o que, na minha opinião profissional,
By the time I got there, there were people everywhere.
Quando lá cheguei, havia pessoas por todo o lado.
Shots had been heard, so I went over there and, um... as you said, by the time I got there the first two kids had already been shot by Donald and Robert when I arrived.
Como você disse, quando cheguei, Donald e Robert já tinham disparado sobre dois jovens.
By the time I got there, they had already killed her.
Quando lá cheguei...... eles já a tinham morto.
Jack, this is not - - by the time I got there, it was clear that my father severed the patient's hepatic artery,
Jack, isto não é... pela altura que cheguei lá, era claro que o meu pai tinha cortado a artéria hepática da paciente,
By the time I got there, the husband was dragging his wife under, just trying to stay afloat.
Quando lá cheguei... o marido estava a afogar a mulher... para tentar manter-se a flutuar.
By the time I got there, the only country left was Portugal.
Quando cheguei, o único país disponível era Portugal.
By the time I got there, it was too late.
Quando cheguei lá, já era tarde.
I went back for him, but by the time I got there... ... I could tell the Janjaweed had been there.
Fui lá buscá-lo, mas quando lá cheguei, percebi que os Janjaweed tinham passado por lá.
church guy, hobby-shop guy - - they were lunch meat by the time i got there.
o gajo da igreja, o gajo da loja de colecções....... já tavam feitos antes de eu chegar.
By the time I got there, the police were calling, saying there'd been an accident.
Na hora que cheguei lá, a polícia estava a ligar, a dizer que tinha acontecido um acidente.
By the time I got there... well... they were pulling her out of the water.
Quando cheguei lá... Bem... Estavam a tira-la da água.
I had three appointments, and all three positions had been filled by the time I got there.
E as vagas já estavam preenchidas quando lá cheguei.
The bomb was already activated by the time I got there.
A bomba já estava activada quando lá cheguei.
But whoever killed Harrot was long gone by the time I got there.
Mas quem quer que tenha morto o Harrot, já tinha escapado há muito, antes de eu lá chegar.
by the time I got there, she'd... she died.
quando lá cheguei, ela tinha... ela morreu.
I couldn't - - by the time I got there, some attorney named Moynihan already got him off before I could talk to him about Chloe's car.
Não consegui... Quando lá cheguei, um advogado chamado Moynihan já o tinha libertado antes de conseguir falar com ele sobre o carro da Chloe.
Once I heard him scratchin'on our screen door... but he was gone by the time Atticus got there.
Uma vez ouvi-o a arranhar a janela da nossa porta... mas desapareceu antes de o Atticus lá chegar.
By the time I got out of there though, they all had respect for me, Charlie.
Contudo, quando saí de lá, todos me respeitavam, Charlie.
They were on their third Mai Tai by the time I got out there.
Já iam no terceiro Mai Tai naquela altura.
By the time I got in there, my wife and kids was dead.
Quando lá cheguei, a minha mulher e o meu filho tinham morrido.
We can try, but I don't think there'd be much of a station left by the time they got here.
Podemos tentar, mas não acho que restasse muito da estação quando cá chegassem.
By the time I got to them, though...,... there wasn't anything left of her but stories.
Não foi qualquer um que nos derrotou, era o Hércules. Era o "Hércules!" Estou tentando explicar. Não precisa.
By the time I got out there, the Captain and the others were gone.
Até que eu saísse de lá, a Capitã e os outros se foram.
By the time I got to him, no one was there.
Quando cheguei lá, já não estava lá ninguém.
The Leviathan was heading for Delta 7 for the Epideme cure, but by the time we got there, I'd be dead.
A Leviathan estava a ir para Delta 7 para encontrar a cura, mas quando chegássemos lá, eu já estaria morto.
By the time I got back, there was nothing I could do.
Quando voltei já não havia nada a fazer.
I was supposed to stay there and wait for her, but by the time she got my mother settled again, I realised what I was doing and I just got out of there.
Eu deveria ficar ali, à espera dela, mas quando ela sossegou a minha mãe, percebi o que estava a fazer e fui-me embora dali para fora.
I went to get Lance, but by the time we got there Nadia was dead.
Fui buscar o Lance, mas quando lá chegámos, a Nadia estava morta.
I got a can of oil in the garage too... because there ain't a machine made by man... don't need a squirt of that from time to time just to keep running!
Tenho uma lata de óleo na garagem também porque não há uma máquina feito pelo homem não preciso de uma injecção disto de tempos em tempos para continuar!
Then there's the time I got hit by that car, and that time that I ate that six-day-old halibut.
Depois, há a vez em que fui atropelado e a vez em que comi um linguado com 6 dias.
Then I was hungry again, so I went down to the vending machine, but by the time I got down there, I wasn't even hungry anymore.
Então fiquei com fome outra vez, por isso fui à máquina de venda automática, mas enquanto me dirigia para lá deixei de ter fome.
By the time I got out there, the man was in his truck driving away.
Quando lá cheguei, o homem já se ia embora no SUV dele.
You wanna talk business, my brother is Big Black Jack over there by the BB guns. Go over there and talk to him. I ain't got no time for this.
Se queres falar de negócios, fala com o meu irmão, Big Black Jack... está na barraca dos tiros.
But I had this kid Kenny so worked up about Ferris by the time we got there, he would've fired at his own shadow.
Mas já tinha mentalizado tanto o Kenny contra o Ferris que ele teria disparado contra a própria sombra.
- { \ Yeah, } But here's the funny thing. { \ By that point, } I didn't have time to think about what { \ kind of } teacher I was going to be. I just... got up there and talked about architecture.
- Sim, mas o mais engraçado é que, naquela altura, não tive tempo para pensar em que professor ia ser.

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