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Carly traducir portugués

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You know, Carly, when he gets back into town, you and Jerry really ought to get married.
Sabes, Carly, quando ele voltar, tu e o Jerry deviam casar-se.
We're gonna be a family, Carly.
Seremos uma família, Carly.
- Please forgive me, Carly.
- Perdoa-me, Carly.
When what started, Carly?
Quando começou, Carly?
What is it, carly?
O que foi, Carla?
- and realize I have no life? - God, Carly, please.
- e perceba que não tenho vida?
He said, "I'll discuss it with Carly."
Ele disse : "Discutirei isso com a Carly."
You're a genius, Carly.
És um génio Carly.
Carly Norris.
Carly Norris.
Jack, Carly is a big fan of yours.
Jack, Carly é uma grande fã sua.
- Carly Norris.
- Carly Norris. - Olá.
You're so beautiful, Carly.
És tão linda Carly.
It's my building, Carly.
O prédio é meu, Carly.
Carly, Alex is all over me about the Dean book.
Carly, Alex está-me a chatear por causa do livro sobre Dean.
It's Carly Norris.
É a Carly Norris.
- Jack, it's Carly Norris.
- Jack, é a Carly Norris.
I met her once at Carly Norris'party.
Eu conheci-a na festa de Carly Norris.
- So do you, Carly, with your telescope. - Oh, you...
Tu tambem Carly, no telescópio.
I'll give you real gossip. Real life, Carly.
Vou-te dar a melhor, Carly.
- Look for yourself, Carly.
- Vê tu mesma, Carly.
Look, Carly, don't...
Olha, Carly, não...
- Carly, will you come and see me later...
- Carly, podes-me ver mais tarde...
You there, Carly?
Estás aí, Carly?
He set me up, Carly.
Ele incriminou-me, Carly.
Look, Carly.
Olha, Carly.
Thea Manning. That's his mother, Carly.
Esta é a mãe dele, Carly.
She looks like you, Carly.
Pareces tu, Carly.
- He's lying, Carly. He's lying.
- Ele está a mentir, Carly.
Carly... you're watching me, aren't you?
Carly... estás-me a ver não estás?
I love you, Carly.
Amo-te, Carly.
Carly, let me in. Come on.
Carly, deixa-me entrar.
Now, Carly!
Agora, Carly!
Open up the fucking door, Carly, now!
Abre a puta da porta Carly, agora!
Carly! No, stop!
Carly, não.
It was just sex, Carly.
Foi só sexo, Carly.
What we have is so powerful, Carly.
O que temos é tão forte, Carly.
Give me the gun, Carly.
Dá-me a arma Carly.
I love you, Carly.
Eu amo-te, Carly.
Carly, please!
Carly, por favor!
Carly, please don't!
Carly, não, por favor!
Imagine having to stash your Kiss records... in Carly Simon album covers.
Imaginem ter que esconder o disco dos Kiss numa capa do Carly Simon.
Penny was great looking, and her top five recording artists... were Carly Simon, Carole King, James Taylor, Cat Stevens... and Elton John.
A Penny era toda giraça. Os seus 5 cantores favoritos : Carly Simon, Carole King, James Taylor, Cat Stevens e Elton John.
Sinead, Jewel, Fiona, Carly... gang's all here!
Sinead, Jewel, Fiona, Carly- - o bando está todo aqui!
Scott and Carly took all our friggin'sunscreen.
Droga.. levaram o protector solar...
Carly, don't run!
Carly, não corras!
- Carly.
- Carly.
Carly, I love you.
Carly, eu amo-te.
- Well, you said you were hungry, Carly.

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