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Cease firing traducir portugués

65 traducción paralela
( soldier ) Cease firing.
- Cessar fogo!
BugIer, sound cease firing!
Corneteiro, tocar cessar fogo!
BugIer, sound cease firing!
Corneteiro, tocar cessar fogo.
Cease firing!
Cessar fogo!
( BeaujoIais ) Cease firing.
Cessar fogo!
( Dufour ) Cease firing!
Cessar fogo!
Hey, it's all over, boys, cease firing!
Acabou, rapazes! Não disparem mais!
Cease firing.
Cease firing.
Cessar fogo!
- Cease firing. - These things get hot, sir.
Isto queima as mãos!
- Cease firing.
Cessar fogo!
Cease firing!
Cease firing. Throw your weapons out and come out with your hands behind your heads.
Larguem as armas e saiam de mãos na nuca!
- Cease firing!
- Cessar fogo!
Cease firing and throw down your weapons.
Cessem fogo e larguem as armas.
I repeat, cease firing and throw down your weapons.
Repito. Cessem fogo e larguem as armas.
Stop! Cease firing!
You must cease firing while he mounts his attack.
Devem cessar o fogo enquanto ele começa a atacar.
We're willing to cease firing if you return them.
Estamos dispostos a cessar fogo se eles retornarem.
Cease firing and get me the artillery!
Quero falar com a artilharia.
I repeat, cease firing and back off!
Repito, cessar fogo e retirar!
When they cease firing, we fire.
Quando eles pararem de disparar, disparamos nós.
Cease firing!
Cessem fogo!
- Cease firing!
- Cessem fogo!
Cease fire! Cease firing!
So does their refusal to cease firing at the police officers when urged to do so several times.
Estava tudo a ser assim, estava a acontecer muito depressa. Dissemos que estávamos feridos e eles disseram para sairmos com as mãos no ar.
Cease firing! ( Dufour ) Cease firing!
Cessar fogo!
Cease firing.
Cessar fogo.
Cessar fogo!
Parem de atirar!
- Slow speed, sir. - Main battery, cease firing. - Cease fire.
- Bateria, cessar fogo.
Cease firing!
- Cessar fogo.
Cease firing!
- Cessar fogo!
- Cease firing!
Cessar fogo!
When your men opened fire on the attackers in the crowd, did the snipers in the buildings across the way cease their firing?
Quando abriram fogo sobre os manifestantes, os atiradores do outro lado cessaram a sua actividade?
- Cease firing.
Preparar uma equipa de abordagem.
- Drones cease firing if a ship is disabled.
Os drones deixam de disparar quando uma nave fica desactivada.
- Cease firing!
- Cessar-fogo!
Mac! - I said cease fucking firing!
- Eu disse para cessarem fogo!
Cease fire on the firing line!
Cessar fogo na frente!
Cease your firing.
Pára de disparar.

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