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Chandler traducir portugués

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Oh, my God, Chandler.
Meu Deus, Chandler!
Joey, why did you tell Chandler that Monica was getting a boob job?
Por que disseste ao Chandler que a Monica ia pôr implantes mamários?
- Chandler knows I borrowed the money.
- O Chandler sabe que pedi dinheiro.
Sorry, but Chandler and I could really use a weekend away...
Desculpa, mas o Chandler e eu estamos a precisar disto...
We're Aunt Monica and Uncle Chandler, by the way.
É a tia Monica e o tio Chandler, já agora.
- And Chandler and I get the dog.
- E o Chandler e eu ficamos com o cão.
Chandler, this is crazy.
Chandler, isto é de loucos.
- Chandler!
- Chandler!
Hey, Chandler.
Olá, Chandler.
- Wait, Chandler.
- Chandler...
- Chandler.
- Chandler.
And this is Chandler.
E este é o Chandler.
I can't wait to tell Chandler.
Mal posso esperar para contar ao Chandler.
Stay out of this, Chandler.
Não te metas, Chandler.
Oh, Chandler, that's sweet.
Oh, Chandler, que amor.
- I can't believe Chandler's missing this.
- Nem acredito que o Chandler não veio.
- Chandler, where are your tools?
- Chandler, as tuas ferramentas?
To Monica and Chandler and that knocked-up girl in Ohio.
à Mónica e ao Chandler e à grávida de Ohio.
Yeah, with chandler not getting paid, we could really use $ 300 million.
Sem o Chandler a receber, $ 300 milhões davam muito jeito.
chandler's supposed to find out if he's getting a job at his agency.
O Chandler vai saber se conseguiu um emprego na agência.
- chandler, sense the tone.
- Chandler, repara no meu tom.
I bought 20 extra tickets for me and chandler.
Comprei mais 20 cautelas para mim e para o Chandler.
chandler, would you just tell her what she did was wrong?
Chandler, diz-lhe que o que ela fez está errado.
Hey, Chandler, it's Charlie.
Olá, Chandler. É o Charlie.
Sorry, chandler.
Lamento, Chandler.
- chandler, hi.
- Chandler, olá.
chandler, you were the strongest person in the program.
Chandler, eras a pessoa mais competente no programa.
It was fun. Right up until chandler got a finger in the eye.
Divertido, até o Chandler levar com um dedo no olho.
O Chandler.
You're chandler Bing, right?
És o Chandler Bing, certo?
I came because I heard chandler's news.
Vim porque soube da novidade do Chandler.
Oh, great, more party boys for chandler.
Boa, mais rapazinhos para o Chandler.
chandler Bing.
O Chandler Bing.
It was just a practical joke between chandler and me, but it's over, okay?
Foi uma brincadeira entre mim e o Chandler, mas já acabou.
Where's chandler?
O Chandler?
- well, chandler, that's great.
- Isso é formidável, Chandler.
Where is Chandler anyway?
Onde está o Chandler?
O Chandler!
And clearly, you've forgotten about Chandler.
E tu esqueceste-te do Chandler de certeza!
Chandler's the love of my life.
O Chandler é o amor da minha vida.
What about you and Chandler?
E tu e o Chandler!
Hey, thank you so much for these tickets, Chandler.
Muito obrigado pelos bilhetes, Chandler.
I'm coming in there, Chandler... and nothing's going to stop me.
Vou entrar, Chandler, e nada me deterá.
Nobody gave me a file on anybody named Chandler.
Nada me disseram sobre nenhum Chandler.
There's no listing of a "Chandler"... in this log, either.
Tampouco há nenhum Chandlre nesta lista.
So while you're calm... why don't you tell me who this Chandler guy is?
Enquanto estás calmo porque não me dizes quem é este Chandler?
Dr. Chandler.
Dr Chandler?
Why don't you tell'em, Chandler?
Porque não lhes contas, Chandler?
It's Chandler, isn't it?
É por Chandler, certo?

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