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Correct traducir portugués

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We received convincing information that Luis Roldan was in Laos, the Laotian government contacted our ministry assuring us that the information was correct and we asked them to proceed with his arrest and to hand him over to us.
Recebemos informação valiosa e verídica de que Luis Roldán estava em Laos. O Ministério do Interior de Laos contactou-nos, assegurou a veracidade da informação, e então pedimos que avançassem com a detenção e o entregassem a nós.
Hey, listen, little man, I don't speak politically correct, so if you got a problem with that, you take it up with the Lollipop Guild.
Escuta, homenzinho, não falo politicamente correcto, então se tens problema com isso, leve até ao Grêmio do Pirulito.
I was under the impression that was the correct nomenclature.
Tinha a impressão que era a nomenclatura correcta.
So BP company men Vidrine and Kaluza are hoping that we have tamed this bitch and are ready to displace drilling mud at 1800 hours is that correct, Captain?
Vidrine e Kaluza, BP esperam que domestiquem esta Besta... E prepararem para remover a lama às 18 : 00. Certo, capitão!
That is correct.
You are correct, Mr. Jimmy.
Isso mesmo, Sr. Jimmy.
Zero flow, correct?
Fluxo zero, certo?
It's correct.
Is that correct?
- Sr. Harrell. Certo?
Your weigh approximately a 109 pounds, correct?
- Pesas cerca de 49 quilos?
And Emma was quite correct.
E a Emma estava correcta.
Correct, Mr. Barron?
Correcto, Sr. Barron?
And maybe I don't understand the rituals of your culture but this feels like the moment where we are supposed to offer him a gift, am I correct?
E talvez não entenda os rituais da vossa cultura, mas parece-me o momento em que lhe devemos oferecer um presente, correcto?
- You are correct.
Está correcto.
You are correct. We are under siege.
Tem razão, estamos debaixo de um cerco.
- Correct.
Okay, yes. That's correct.
Sim, correto.
- Correct.
Yes, that's correct.
The Dragon Warrior is correct.
O Guerreiro-Dragão está correcto.
You got your PhD in marine biology. Is that correct?
É formado em biologia marinha, correto?
- That's correct.
- Exacto.
That is correct, Private Lynn.
Isso mesmo, soldado Lynn.
- You're from Stovall, correct?
- Tu és de Stovall, certo?
That is correct, Specialist Lynn, we don't.
Isso mesmo, soldado especialista Lynn.
No, it's not a fair decision, but it's the correct one.
Não, não é uma decisão justa, mas é a mais correcta.
In all likelihood, he's probably correct.
De uma certa maneira, provavelmente tem razão.
That is correct, doctor.
Correcto, Doutor.
... this discovery has now been confirmed with new data, and seems to be correct.
... esta descoberta vai ser datada, e parece estar correcta.
That's correct, yes.
Is that correct?
Ou entrevistá-la. Certo?
Are you sure that the address is correct?
Tens a certeza de que esta é a morada certa?
I mean, school hasn't even started yet, and, guys, correct me if I'm wrong, but you are the official frontrunner for the Freshman Numb-Nut of the Year award, right, guys? Yeah, man.
Sim, meu.
Yeah, you got that one where the lady, she's getting the surgery to correct how ugly she is?
Tens aquele da mulher que está a ser operada para corrigir o quão feia é?
We have 20 boxes for you, is that correct?
Temos 20 caixas, está certo?
- Yes, that's correct.
Sim, certo.
- This must be a dream. - You are correct.
Devo estar a sonhar.
That is correct.
You have had three triple homicides in the past week, is that correct?
Tiveste três triplos homicídios na semana passada, correcto?
- Correct.
- Certo.
And the resulting computer simulations of US Airways Flight 1549 show that the aviation engineers were correct.
E as simulações resultantes do voo 1549 da US Airways mostram que os engenheiros estavam correctos.
Just as in the computer sims, correct?
Tal como nas simulações por computador, certo?
-... you're correct for it won't take too long.
... se estiver certo não vai demorar muito
- The correct answer is happy wife, happy life.
A resposta correcta é esposa feliz, vida feliz.
This is the correct time.
Estas horas é que estão certas.
- That's correct.
- Está certo.
But it's got an "s" in there, correct?
Mas tem um "S", certo?
That's correct, around 4 : 00.
Está correcto, por volta das 16 : 00.
- Correct.
- Sim, topaste tudo!
That is correct.
Com efeito.

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