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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ D ] / Did he tell you why

Did he tell you why traducir portugués

131 traducción paralela
- Did he tell you why? - No.
- Ele disse-te porquê?
Did he tell you why he wanted trouble for Evelyn Bagby?
Ele disse-lhe por que queria criar problemas a Evelyn Bagby?
Did he tell you why?
- Não, mas teria dito se lhe perguntasse.
And did he tell you why Jill ran away?
E ele disse-vos por que a Jill fugiu?
Did he tell you why?
Ele disse a você por que?
Did he tell you why he came to Naples?
Ele lhe disse porque veio à Nápoles? Não.
"'Did he tell you why he needed to stay at your apartment?
"Ele disse porque tinha de ficar em sua casa?"
Did he tell you why he stopped?
- Ele disse porque parou?
Did he tell you why he was committing suicide?
Contou por que se mataria?
- Did he tell you why?
- Ele disse-te porquê?
- Did he tell you why?
- Ele disse-lhe porquê?
Did he tell you why he did it?
Ele disse-te por que é que o fez?
Did he tell you why he stopped, the bank investigation?
Ele lhe disse por que parou, a investigação do banco?
Did he tell you why I asked for the transfer?
Contou-te por que pedi a transferência?
Did he tell you why he's not threatened by me?
Ele disse porque não se sente ameaçado?
Did he tell you why he's here?
Ele disse-te porque é que está aqui?
Mr. Oliver called me into his office, and he said the company was not going to allow Dr. Hoke access to the information anymore. Did he tell you why?
No seu último pedido, o Sr. Oliver chamou-me ao seu escritório, e disse que a companhia não iria permitir que o Dr. Hoke tivesse acesso às informações que queria.
Did he tell you why?
Ele disse o porquê?
Did he tell you why?
Ele disse-te porquê?
Did he tell you why?
Ele disse-lhe porquê?
Did he tell you why I was upset?
Disse-te porquê?
- Why did he tell you? - I'm not sure.
- Porque é que ele te disse isso?
Lieutenant, I realize it isn't my place to say anything, but why did you tell him he wasn't the suspect? To throw him off his guard?
Sei que não devo dizer nada, tenente, mas porque lhe disse que não era suspeito?
But did he tell you why?
E disse-te porquê?
Tom's the opposition. Why did he tell you all this?
Se Tom está na Oposição, porquê contar-te tudo isso?
Why did he never tell me about any of you?
Porque é que ele nunca me falou de vocês?
And, Nancy Jo, why don't you tell Lorenzo what an excellent job he did?
Nancy Jo, porque não diz ao Lorenzo que ele foi extraordinário?
Did Mr. Doyle tell you why he chose to refer the case to you?
O Sr. Doyle disse-lhe porque escolheu passar-lhe o caso?
Did Mr. Mason explain to you why he had to tell you where it was?
O Sr. Mason explicou porque tinha de te dizer onde era a gravação?
You have to tell me, why did He do this?
Tem de dizer-me, porque é que Ele fez isto?
Why did he tell you and not me?
- Por que te disse a ti e não a mim?
Did he ever tell you why he left the network?
Sabes porque é que ele deixou a IBS?
And if when you ask why he did what he did, he's got reasons he can tell you, would that make it all right?
Quando perguntares porque o fez, ele pode dar-te razões... Parece-te bem?
Didn't he tell you? He did. That's why we're here to question you.
Disse é por isso que estamos aqui para questioná-lo.
- Did he ever tell you why he left?
- Alguma vez te disse por que deixou?
Did he just tell you or did you ask him? - Why are you whispering?
Ele disse-te ou foste tu que perguntaste?
But why did he bring you at all? Just tell me you're happy.
Somos felizes o suficiente.
Tell me why. - Did you not hear what he said?
- Diz-me porquê.
Why did he tell you that?
Porque te disse isso?
- Why did he tell you?
- Por que te contou ele?
Did he ever tell you why he had contacted you after so many years? Yes.
Ele disse-te porque é que te contactou após tantos anos?
I'll tell you exactly why he did it.
Vou-te dizer porque ele agiu assim.
Did your dad tell you why he had you committed?
O teu pai disse-te porque te mandou internar?
He tell you why he did it?
Ele disse-te porquê o fez?
Now I know why Jim's such a good cook. To tell you the truth, I learnt more from him than he did from me.
Pra falar a verdade, aprendi mais com ele, do que ele comigo.
- Did he tell yöu why?
Ele disse-lhe por quê?
Why, then, did you tell him what he wanted to know?
Então porque lhe disse o que ele queria saber?
Which is why he probably didn't even tell you to get an attorney, did he?
Por isso é que não lhe disse para arranjar advogada, certo?
Did he tell you why it's impossible?
Ele disse que fizeram essa experiência...
Why don't you tell them what he did to us, what you let him do?
O que ele nos fez? O que lhe deixaste fazer?
Why did he tell you this?
Porque é que ele te contou isso?

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