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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ D ] / Did you know about that

Did you know about that traducir portugués

387 traducción paralela
My dear, how did you know about that?
Querida, como sabe disso?
- Did you know about that, Lover?
- Sabias disso?
- How did you know about that, friend?
- Como soube disso, amigo?
How did you know about that?
Como soube disto?
- How did you know about that?
- Como é que sabes disso?
How did you know about that?
Como é que sabias daquilo?
How did you know about that?
Como sabe disso?
Who's "we" and how did you know about that?
Quem são os "nós" e como soubeste disso?
How did you know about that? He's here!
Como sabias? Ele chegou!
How did you know about that place, Mr. Holmes?
Como é que sabia deste local, Sr. Holmes?
- How did you know about that?
- Como soubeste disso?
Now, Kit Kat, how did you know about that blue wire?
Chiça, Kit Kat, como é que sabias aquilo do fio azul?
Did you know about that banner, sir?
Sabia daquele estandarte, senhor?
How did you know about that?
Como é que soube disso?
I had a parachute and there was a submarine there waiting for me. But how did you know about that?
Eu tinha um para-quedas, e estava um submarino à minha espera, mas como soube disso?
- How did you know about that?
- Como é que sabes?
How did you know about that?
Para o "Dia de Honra".
How did you know about that?
Como soubeste disso? Por favor.
It can't hurt the baby once you're about eight weeks, did you know that?
Não pode fazer mal ao bébé, uma vez que se esteja de oito semanas, sabia disso?
If you went to a party it was the duty of your host to warn anybody coming to that party if there was one person there whom he did not trust or did not know about.
Se fôssemos a uma festa, o anfitrião tinha a obrigação de nos avisar se ia alguém à festa em quem não se confiava ou que não se conhecia.
Did she have any other boyfriends that you might know about?
Ela teve alguns outros namorados de que você possa ter conhecimento?
When I came with Mama to Ischl to be engaged to you, I did not know more about you than that you were handsome and that you were the Emperor of Austria.
Quando vim com a minha mãe a Ischl para ser a sua noiva, não sabia nada sobre si, a não ser que era bonito e que era o Imperador da Áustria.
Forgive me, Your Eminence, that I did not greet you first, but I did not know whether I would see my child again in this lifetime, and I was so happy about it.
Perdoe-me, Vossa Eminência, por não cumprimentá-lo em primeiro lugar, mas não sabia se iria ver a minha filha mais alguma vez. E estou feliz por vê-la.
Did you know that all the street talking about you?
Sabia que toda a rua fala de ti?
You didn't know about that, did you?
Não sabiam disso, pois não?
However... when I told you about the fresh water on the decking, when I told you that Eric Wagner might have been murdered, you know what you did? You turned the radio completely off.
Mas quando lhe falei da água sem cloro no pavimento e lhe disse que o Eric Wagner podia ter sido assassinado, o senhor desligou completamente o rádio.
Do you know about that? Did he prefer one to the other, something like that?
Sabe se tinha alguma preferência por um deles?
Did you know that Ive written 42 of these little books, and in each one of them, theres about four or five good pages.
Sabes que já escrevi 42 desses livrinhos,... e em cada um, há quatro ou cinco paginas boas.
I don't know about Copper, but I give you my word, I did not go near that blood.
Não sei do Copper, mas dou-vos a minha palavra, que não me aproximei daquele sangue.
How did you know about that toupee?
- Espere.
How about,'Did you know that Shakespeare died of syphilis?
"Shakespeare morreu de sífilis."
Oh, I know. Did you hear about that girl who was eight before she was seven? Oop.
Já ouviram aquela da miúda que perdeu os três antes dos sete?
I know you've been putting it about that my nephew did her in.
Sei que tens difundido o rumor que o meu sobrinho foi quem o fez.
Did you know that waves strike the average beach about 750,000 times a day?
Tu sabias que as ondas batem na areia da praia cerca de 750,000 vezes por dia?
You know, Sal pays you, Mookie, that's why you should work. Did you ever think about that?
O Sal paga-te, por isso é que devias trabalhar.
That's why I did what I did for Clip. That's how come I know so much about you.
Foi por isso que fiz o que fiz pelo Clip, e é por isso... que sei tanta coisa sobre si.
Did you know that if everyone recycled just one-tenth of their newspaper we could save about 25 million trees every year.
Willie, trazes-me o martelo da carne? É um bom livro, Kate.
I heard from some of the technical advisors stories about the air cavalry that were real, that would serve my fulfilling fiction, that they really did, you know, like, for instance, a guy would go into his helicopter in North Vietnam and try to hook a bicycle and steal it with the runner. And they would shoot at him.
Ouvi de alguns dos conselheiros técnicos com o ciclista nela. enganchou a bicicleta e roubou-a.
How did you know... that i don't know what you're talking about?
Como você soube... Mas eu não sei doque está falando?
Did you know that more books have been written about Jack the Ripper than Abraham Lincoln?
Sabe que escreveram mais sobre Jack, o Estripador... que sobre Abraham Lincoln?
Did you know about that?
That's what I wanted to talk about. Did you know- -?
Era por isso que queria falar.
You know I had recurring dreams about you? Did I tell you that?
Sabes que eu tive um sonho constante contigo?
When you were with Angel and nobody knew about it, did that make it feel, you know, sexier somehow?
Quando estavas com o Angel, e ninguém sabia, isso fazia-te sentir, sei lá, de uma maneira mais sexy?
Did you know that Roger is about to declare bankruptcy?
Sabias que o Roger vai declarar falência?
So you would know what it feels like... to have everything that you care about in the world... ripped away from you - Like you did to your ex-wife.
Para que saiba o que é... ter tudo o que lhe interessa no mundo... e ser-lhe arrancado... como fez à sua ex-mulher.
It's just that... I had this big speech all worked out, right about how I didn't want to be second any more... how I wanted a relationship that felt... permanent, you know not just convenient... how I wanted to be part of a couple that did things as a... as a couple, you know?
É só que eu tinha preparado um grande discurso, de como não queria continuar a vir em segundo lugar, que queria uma ligação que sentisse ser permanente, não apenas conveniente,
Did you know that about your friend?
Sabias isso do teu amigo?
I know you did, but it wasn't about that.
Sei como se sente, mas não é assim.
All that stuff you rattled off, how did you know about all that?
Essa treta toda que falou, como conseguiu saber isso tudo?
I just wanted to let you know that I heard about what you did for Sydney and those children.
Eu só queria dizer que sei o que fizeste pela Sydney e por aquelas crianças.

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