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Didn't matter traducir portugués

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He said it didn't matter, that he'd call a cab.
Ele disse que não importava, que chamava um taxi.
I'm sorry, but the relics of the world hundreds or thousands of years old just didn't seem to matter.
Desculpa, mas as relíquias do mundo...
What's the matter? Didn't you sleep well?
- Sim, sim.
It didn't matter how much money I had.
Não importava quanto dinheiro eu tinha.
It didn't matter my mother was Sicilian.
Nem importava a minha mãe ser siciliana.
It didn't matter.
Não interessava.
It really didn't matter if it all went down the tubes in financing this project. It was really okay.
fosse tudo pela pia abaixo.
That was the essence of the whole film in Vietnam, where it was the look in that tiger's eyes, the madness, like it didn't matter what you wanted. There was no reality anymore.
essa foi a essência de todo o filme no Vietname. já não existia realidade.
- What's the matter with you? - Didn't you just hear me say you should thank your sister?
Não me ouviste a dizer que devíamos agradecer-lhe?
And it didn't matter that I didn't know anything about it?
E não importava que eu não soubesse nada disto?
It didn't matter how late...
Não me importava a hora a que chegavas
Nο, I didn't, as a matter οf fact.
Por acaso não ouvi.
She knew that I was waiting, and that I would... continue to wait. It didn't matter.
sabia que a esperava e que continuaria esperando-a que a ela isso não importava
You said, money didn't matter to you.
Disseste que para ti o dinheiro não importava.
You said that it wouldn't matter if I didn't have anything in the future.
Disseste que não te importavas se eu não tivesse nada no futuro.
- Didn't matter.
- Isso não importava.
It didn't matter if it was the First World War or the Second.
Não importava se era da Primeira ou Segunda Grande Guerra.
I didn't think anything, so what's the matter?
Que se passa?
We talked about how passion didn't matter as much as comfort, stability.
Dissemos que a paixão não importa como o conforto, a estabilidade.
I realise that you're a busy man, but I didn't think this matter could be discussed over the electric telephone.
Eu sei que é um homem ocupado mas este assunto não podia ser discutido ao telefone.
I think he understood that breaking my cigars didn't help the matter at all.
Acho que ele sabia que estragar os cigarros não adiantava nada.
I know I said it didn't matter, but you look so fantastic with this new hair. You're just so-
Eu sei que disse que não fazia diferença, mas sentes-te tão bem...
Didn't matter who you were.
Independentemente da patente.
But Sissy was always so, so beautiful that it didn't really matter.
Mas a Sissy foi sempre tão linda que na verdade não fez diferença.
By the time I found out, it didn't matter.
Quando descobri, já não importava.
$ 50,000, $ 75,000. The money didn't matter to me.
50 mil, 75 mil, não me importava o dinheiro.
No matter what I did it didn't stop.
Não importa o que fizesse mas não os consegui deter.
Afterwards, I realised it didn't really matter.
Depois, percebi que isto realmente não importa.
It didn't matter where they were going.
Não importava para onde eles iam, desde que fosse ver algo que nunca tinha visto.
You know, till it didn't matter anymore who we were killing...
Até deixar de importar quem andávamos a matar.
But it didn't matter.
O principal eram os miúdos.
She was convinced her Negro blood didn't matter now that Terell couldn't use it to keep Carter out of the mayor's race.
Mas ela estava convencida que ter sangue negro não importava, agora que o Terell não podia usar a informação para impedir que o homem que ela amava concorresse a Mayor.
What's the matter, the Prozac didn't kick in?
Qual o problema, o Prozac não chutou dentro?
I didn't care for him either, so it's of little matter.
Ele também não me interessou, por isso não teve importância.
The world condemned me, but it didn't matter because I believed I was right and the world was wrong.
O mundo condenou-me, Mas eu não me importei porque eu acredito que estava certo e o mundo estava errado.
Didn't matter. Evil defeated itself.
O mal vence a si mesmo.
I didn't get the thing about the brain and the matter.
Não percebi aquilo sobre o cérebro e a mente.
Because I remember what Curzon used to say about reassociation that it didn't matter whether he agreed with the taboo or not because the price for violating it was too high- - exile.
Porque me lembro do que o Curzon dizia sobre a reassociação. Que não importava se concordava com o tabu ou não, porque o preço por violá-lo era demasiado alto. O exílio.
He was so in love with my sister... that it didn't matter that She'd given him a hard time.
Estava tão apaixonado pela minha irmã que não se importava que ela o tivesse tratado tão mal.
As a matter of fact, I didn't go to bed at all last night.
Na verdade, não cheguei a deitar-me.
It didn't matter much.
Tanto fazia.
No matter what's said in court I knew what I was doing, and I sure didn't intend to hurt you, but just them two boys.
Não importa o que digam em tribunal, eu sabia o que estava a fazer, mas não te queria ferir, só aqueles dois rapazes.
It didn't matter that I was the youngest. When I'd act up, he'd give me his belt.
Se eu me portasse mal, levava com o cinto.
And it didn't matter how nice he was or how happy he made my dad.
E não importava se era simpático ou não e se fazia o meu pai feliz.
I'm not gonna watch my wife sit in jail waiting to die for something she didn't do no matter what happens to me.
Não vou ver a minha esposa a ficar presa na prisão... à espera de morrer por uma coisa que ela não fez... independentemente do que me acontecer a mim.
I think I have a pretty good idea why it didn't work out between you two and why it'll always work with us no matter how crazy the world gets.
Acho que consigo imaginar porque não resultou entre vocês dois e porque sempre resultará entre nós por muito maluco que o mundo fique.
As a matter of fact, I didn't even give you my coat.
E mais, nem te dei o meu casaco.
As a matter of fact, he carried your wounded ancestor back from the front line... Didn't you?
De facto, ele carregou seu ancestral ferido de volta das linhas de frente... não carregou?
It didn't matter that she was pregnant with another bloke's baby.
Não interessava se ela estava grávida do bebé de outro cromo.
It didn't matter how we started.
Não interessava como tinhamos começado.
It didn't matter.
Isso não interessava.

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