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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ D ] / Dressed like that

Dressed like that traducir portugués

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You can't go out dressed like that.
Não pode sair vestido assim.
Juke, what in the world are you dressed like that for?
Juke! Porque está vestido assim?
Why are you dressed like that?
Porque te vestiste assim?
Why are you dressed like that?
Porque estás assim vestido?
Mind you, it's none of my business... but do you think you'll get into the Reform Club dressed like that?
Desculpe, não é problema meu... mas acham que entrarão no Reform Club vestidos deste jeito?
You look better dressed like that than you do in uniform.
Sabe Mizushima, que tem um uniforme bonito?
Why are you dressed like that?
Porque estás vestida dessa maneira?
And anyhow, what are you doing here in the middle of the day and dressed like that?
E o que fazes aqui em pleno dia? E vestida dessa maneira?
"You can't go to dinner dressed like that" said the young laird.
"Não podes ir jantar vestido dessa maneira" Disse ele.
Why was he dressed like that?
Porque estava ele vestido daquela maneira?
What do you mean coming dressed like that?
Porque veio aqui assim vestido?
You mean you came in a train dressed like that?
- Vieste no comboio assim vestida?
You ought to know better than to go around dressed like that.
Já devia saber que não deve andar por aí assim vestido.
Actually, I don't meet many people who are dressed like that either.
Na verdade, eu também não encontro muita gente vestida assim.
What are you doing? Why are you dressed like that?
Porque está vestido assim?
I'm not taking you into a public bar dressed like that.
Não o levo comigo a bar nenhum assim vestido.
Then why are you dressed like that?
Entäo, porque te vestes assim?
Where are you going dressed like that?
- Aonde vais assim vestido?
Come to think of it, we shall have to shoot you dressed like that.
Pensando bem, é melhor fuzilar-te assim vestida.
Why are you dressed like that?
Porque estás vestido assim?
He might have been dressed like that and he's 20 years older.
Ele poderia vertir-se assim e ele é 20 anos mais velho.
It wouldn't be safe dressed like that, but we could fool'em.
Com esta roupa, seria perigoso. - Poderíamos despistá-los.
I bet your mother didn't see you dressed like that.
Aposto que sua mãe não vê como você se veste.
Dressed like that?
Vestidas assim?
- Why are you dressed like that?
- Por que está vestida assim?
They'll escort you home. You can't walk through Rome dressed like that!
Eles vão-te escoltar, não vais andar por aí vestida assim.
They won't let you near the place dressed like that.
Não te deixarão entrar vestido assim.
Why, women ride all the time dressed like that.
As mulheres cavalgam assim, todo o tempo.
- Why is she dressed like that?
Porque está vestida daquela maneira?
You won't get four blocks in this neighborhood dressed like that.
Não vais andar 4 quarteirões... neste bairro assim vestido.
And that certainly would be awful to have your mother sitting there, all dressed up in rags and eating rotten bread and things like that.
E isso seria terrível, a tua mãe ali sentada, com a roupa rota... e a comer pão bolorento e coisas dessas.
Why are you dressed up like that?
Porque estás vestida assim?
"Listen, you shouldn't drink like that." Nelly... lf you weren't so stupid l could point out that I'm always well dressed.
"Ouve, não devias beber assim." Nelly... Se não fosses tão estúpida podia lembrar-te que estou sempre bem vestido.
How come she's dressed like that?
Porque é que ela está vestida assim?
How'd you like to see me bring one in that dressed out over a thousand pounds?
Gostarias de me ver trazer um peixe | que passasse de 400 quilos?
[So that it could travel around without looking too obvious...] [... he had called it "Youth Athletics"... ] [... and had dressed and equipped it like a sports team. ]
A fim de poderem viajar sem dar nas vistas... chamou ao grupo "Juventude Atlética" e vestiu-os e equipou-os, como se fossem uma equipa desportiva...
That was just the sheriff and some of the men dressed up like Indians.
Era só o xerife e alguns homens vestidos de índios.
Há um manequim masculino que está assim vestido.
I was thinking before my tunic was torn that in a place like this, a girl should be... let's see now... A girl should be dressed like a fairy-tale princess, with lots of floaty stuff and a tall hat with a veil.
Antes do vestido ser rasgado, pensei que, num lugar destes, uma rapariga devia... deixe ver devia vestir-se qual princesa de contos de fadas, com coisas vaporosas e um chapéu de bico e véu.
This cop kept looking over, wondering what somebody that looks like me... dressed in state issue, was doing driving a shiny new buggy.
O chui ficou a olhar e a pensar o que fazia um tipo... vestido de prisioneiro, com um carro novo.
Imagine now that you're dressed like a trogoldyte.
Imagina, agora que andas vestido como um troglodita.
Where are you walking this afternoon dressed up like that?
Para onde vais hoje à tarde assim vestida?
Why did you have to get dressed up like that?
- Porque estás assim vestido? - Foi a única coisa que sobrou.
Yes, dressed just like that.
Exactamente assim como está.
If I hadn't called George, if he hadn't been looking at TV, if it was some other movie, if you hadn't been dressed like a man,'cause that's when it occurred to me.
Se não tivesse ligado ao George, e ele não estivesse a ver televisão, se fosse outro filme, se não estivesse vestida de homem... Porque foi então que se fez luz.
You dressed that big ape up to look like a whore!
Um matulão disfarçado de prostituta!
I mean, dressed as bluebirds with all them feathers on, racing'around the ice like that.
Vestidas com plumas de azulão, a correrem assim pelo gelo.
A guy that paints his truck like this would go to a minister's funeral dressed in feathers.
Quem pinta o camião desta maneira usaria penas no funeral de um padre.
- I'm going to find Ko. Dressed like that?
Vestido assim?
- Why are you dressed up like that?
Não. Porque estás assim vestido?
Don't you look precious? All dressed up like that. And wearing a wig too.
Estás todo pimpão nesse fato e a usar uma peruca...

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