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Eastman traducir portugués

183 traducción paralela
- I'd like to see Mr Charles Eastman.
- Gostaria de falar com o Sr Charles Eastman.
- Mr Eastman?
- Sr Eastman?
I'm sorry. our Mr Eastman is at home today.
Lamento mas o Sr Eastman hoje está em casa.
George Eastman's dropping in tonight.
George Eastman vem cá esta noite.
George Eastman...?
George Eastman...?
- A man by the name of Eastman.
- Um homem de nome Eastman.
George Eastman.
George Eastman.
Mr Eastman was good enough to say that if I came through here, he might find some place for me.
O Sr Eastman foi simpático em dizer que se passasse por aqui, poderia ter um emprego para mim.
Good evening, Mr Eastman, Mrs Eastman.
Boa noite Sr Eastman, Sra Eastman.
- Goodnight, Eastman.
- Boa noite, Eastman.
Charles Eastman!
Charles Eastman!
Be aware every minute that you're an Eastman.
Tens de ter sempre presente o facto de seres um Eastman.
As you noticed, nine out of ten Eastman employees are women.
Como deste conta, nove em dez empregados da Eastman são mulheres.
This is George Eastman.
Este é o George Eastman.
Mrs Kovak, this is George Eastman.
Sra Kovak, apresento-lhe George Eastman.
An Eastman isn't in the same boat with anyone.
Um Eastman não está no mesmo barco que ninguém.
That's the last we'll see of Mr George Eastman.
E será a última vez que veremos o Sr George Eastman.
George, remember when I said if you're an Eastman, you're not in the same boat with anybody?
George, lembras-te do que te disse? Se és um Eastman, não estás no mesmo barco que os outros?
Mrs Eastman is having a party at the house on the 1 5th of next month.
A Sra Eastman vai dar uma festa no dia 15 do próximo mês.
You look like an Eastman.
Parece um Eastman.
I'm not sure I approve of young Mr Eastman.
Não estou certo se aprovo o jovem Sr Eastman.
... I've had a millstone named Eastman round my neck.
... tive um fardo às costas chamado Eastman.
- Which Mr Eastman?
- Qual dos Sr Eastman?
- Mr George Eastman.
- O Sr George Eastman.
Mr Eastman?
Sr Eastman?
From the Eastman Industries.
Das Indústrias Eastman.
I never met him, mind you, but the girls said he was an Eastman.
Nunca o conheci, mas as raparigas diziam que ele era um Eastman.
- George Eastman.
- George Eastman.
Is your name George Eastman?
Chama-se George Eastman?
You're George Eastman?
O Sr é o George Eastman?
When Mr Eastman engaged us to defend you, we made an agreement not to drag Miss Vickers into the case.
Quando o Sr Eastman nos contratou para defendê-lo, acordámos em não envolver a Menina Vickers no caso.
The people of this state charge that murder in the first degree has been committed by the prisoner at the bar, George Eastman.
O Estado indicia por crime de homicídio em primeiro grau cometido pelo prisioneiro no banco dos réus, George Eastman.
They charge that George Eastman wilfully, and with malice and cruelty and deception, murdered, then sought to conceal from justice the body of Alice Tripp.
George Eastman é acusado de um consciente, malicioso e cruel assassinato, e de posteriormente, ocultar o cadáver de Alice Tripp.
George Eastman, please take the stand.
George Eastman é a sua vez de falar.
Did you, Eastman?
Não foi, Eastman?
Didn't you, Eastman?
Não foi, Eastman?
We find the defendant, George Eastman, guilty of murder in the first degree.
Consideramos o réu, George Eastman, culpado de homicídio em primeiro grau.
- Hello, Mrs Eastman.
- Olá Senhora Eastman.
I know an Eastman when I see one.
Distingo um homem de Leste, a léguas.
I told you, I ain't no Eastman.
Já disse, não sou de Leste.
Ain't nothing left here for you, Eastman.
Aqui nada resta para ti, homem de Leste.
It — It means, Mr. Newton, that you can take RCA... Eastman Kodak and DuPont, for starters.
Significa, Sr. Newton, que ao pé de si a RCA... a Eastman Kodak e a DuPont não passam de iniciantes.
I want you to begin negotiations with Eastman Kodak immediately.
Quero que inicie negociações com a Eastman Kodak imediatamente.
Eastman and Neeley.
Eastman e Neeley.
And Max Eastman was a beloved man.
E Max Eastman era muito querido.
I'm not going to say to Max Eastman, "Leave."
Eu não vou dizer "veto" a Max Eastman.
That means, tell that goddamn Eastman you got to be in bed by midnight.
Ou seja, diga a Eastman que tem que ir para cama a meia-noite.
Max Eastman had this story that John Reed came down, tousled hair all, you know... And said he was writing a book and not to disturb him for ten days.
Max Eastman contava que John Reed chegou, todo despenteado, e disse que estava escrevendo um livro... e que não o molestaram em dez dias.
What did that dude Clyde Eastman say in that movie, Floyd?
Como é que dizia aquele tipo, o "Clyde" Eastman, naquele filme?
You found all the girls in their homes... except Christie Eastman, who was found in the back of a warehouse.
As raparigas estavam todas em casa, menos a Christie Eastman, que foi encontrada nas traseiras de um armazém.
Eastman, listen.
Eastman, ouça...

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