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Friar traducir portugués

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A curtal friar, and a mighty fat one at that.
Um pobre frade e bem gordo.
That's the friar of Fountain's Abbey.
É de Fountain's Abbey.
But that friar's one of the most dangerous swordsmen- -
É um dos espadachins mais perigosos...
I'm a curtal friar and vowed to poverty.
Fiz voto de pobreza.
I think we're even now, friar.
Já estamos quites.
Hold there, friar.
- Näo. Espera.
Hail, doubting friar!
Viva, frade desconfiado!
He's well named Friar Tuck.
O nome fica-lhe bem.
Friar Tuck, Will Scarlett.
Frei Tuck, Will Scarlett.
Friar Tuck!
Frei Tuck!
Friar Tuck could marry us.
O Frei Tuck podia casar-nos.
Friar Tuck, into the town.
Frei Tuck, vai à cidade.
The friar urges me to lead the caballeros in a revolt which would surely fail against a garrison of trained soldiers.
O frei quer que eu lidere os cavalheiros numa revolta que certamente iria falhar contra uma guarnição de soldados treinados.
- They'll not catch him. He'll lost them in the forest and go to Friar Edward.
Vais para a casa do frei Edward.
Now, we'll do the Friar Laurence scene in a few minutes.
Agora, fazemos o'Frade Laurence'dentro de minutos.
Send a friar, a monk.
Mandem um Frei, um monge.
With a small friar.
- Com um fradinho.
No, you idiot, with a friar.
Não, seu idiota, com um frade.
No, you idiot, with a friar.
Friar Laurence!
Frei Lourenço!
And there she shall at Friar Laurence's cell be shrived and married.
E na cela de Frei Lourenço será absolvida e casada.
Then hie you hence to Friar Laurence's cell.
Então, correi para a cela de Frei Lourenço.
Holy friar, O tell me, holy friar, where's my lady's lord?
Santo frade, dizei-me, onde está o senhor da minha ama?
O tell me, friar, tell me!
Dizei-me, frade, dizei-me!
Tell me not, friar, that thou hear'st of this, unless thou tell me how I can prevent it!
Não me digais isso, frade! Dizei só como evitá-lo!
O comfortable friar!
Meu bom frade!
I mean, Friar.
Que dizer, Frei.
Friar Tuck, the old do-gooder.
Frei Tuck, o bonzinho.
- Well, good morning, Friar Tuck.
Bom dia, Frei Tuck.
- Now, he's up to something, Friar.
- Ele prepara alguma, Frei. - Pois. Vamos.
Friar Tuck, I don't think anyone is coming.
Frei Tuck acho que não vem ninguém.
Friar Tuck, we've saved this.
Frei Tuck, poupámos isto.
Howdy, Friar.
Olá, Frei.
Now, take it easy, Friar.
Calma, Frei.
Listen, Friar, you're mighty preachy, and you're gonna preach your neck right into a hangman's noose.
Ouve, Frei. Tu dás grandes sermões. Em breve, pregarás perto do cadafalso!
Give it to him, Friar!
Força, Frei!
- Friar Tuck is in jail.
O Frei Tuck está preso! O Frei Tuck!
- Friar Tuck? It's Robin Hood I want, you idiot!
É o Robin dos Bosques quem eu quero, seu idiota!
Did you say Friar Tuck?
- Disseste "Frei Tuck"?
I'll use that fat friar as bait to trap Robin Hood.
Usarei o gordo Frei Tuck como isco para o Robin dos Bosques.
Friar Tuck will be led to the gallows in the village square, don't you see?
Levarei o Frei Tuck para as galés da praça.
But, sire, hang Friar Tuck?
Alteza... enforcar o Frei Tuck?
We're gonna hang Friar Tuck. No!
Vamos enforcar o Frei Tuck.
Hang Friar... Hang Friar Tuck?
Enforcar... enforcar o Frei Tuck?
Rob, we can't let them hang Friar Tuck.
Rob, não podemos deixá-los enforcar o Frei Tuck.
We've got to, Johnny, or Friar Tuck dies at dawn.
Temos de ir, João Pequeno, ou o Frei Tuck morrerá.
That fat friar is gonna dangle from the gallows come daybreak.
O gorducho do Frei Tuck vai para a galé ao amanhecer.
Now, you release Friar Tuck and the others, and I'll drop in on the royal treasury.
Liberta o Frei Tuck e os outros. Eu vou buscar o Tesouro Real.
Friar, get going. Hurry.
Frei, vamos!
Friar Tuck, it appears that I now have an outlaw for an in-law.
Frei Tuck, parece que tenho um fora-da-lei como parente.

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