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Gail traducir portugués

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Can it not be Gail?
Pode não ser Gail?
Because I have a superior named Gail.
Tenho uma superiora chamada Gail.
I'm Gail Hailstorm, author of the book, You're Dead, I'm Rich.
Sou Gail Hailstorm, autora do livro "Estás Morto e Eu Rica".
Gail Hailstorm. Field Reporter, Hard Story.
Gail Hailstorm, do "Casos e Factos".
Gail Hailstorm standing out front of the police station... where I'm going to try and get a glimpse of Cindy Campbell, the young girl who was attacked earlier this evening.
Gail Hailstorm à porta da esquadra, onde tentarei ver a Cindy Campbell, a jovem atacada esta noite.
- Why not? - Because Gail wears Prada shoes. - You idiot.
"Nunca pises a Gail, ela usa sapatos da Prada."
- All right, who copped a feel? - Gail, it was me.
- Quem me apalpou?
Hey, Gail.
Olá, Gail...
Gail swallows.
A Gail engole!
Gail Hailstorm, author of the new book You're Next.
Olá! Gail Hailstorm, autora do livro "És Tu a Seguir".
- Okay, thanks, Gail. You're the best.
- Obrigada, acho-a fantástica.
Gail, please help me. Gail, please!
Por favor, socorro!
This man is chasing'Miss Gail.
- O gajo não brinca!
Join me, don't join me. There's time for one last shot. The Andrea Gail will take it.
Podem vir ou não mas há tempo para mais uma faina e o "Andrea Gail" vai fazê-la.
Ladies and gentlemen, Dale Murphy out of Cortez, Florida. The only fish the Andrea Gail has hooked in three days.
Senhoras e senhores, Dale Murphy, de Cortez, Florida, o único peixe que o "Andrea Gail" pescou em três dias.
This is Andrea Gail, Whiskey - Yankee-Charlie, 6-6-8-1.
Aqui "Andrea Gail", Whisky Yankee Charlie 6-6-8-1.
Andrea Gail, Andrea Gail. This is Hannah Boden.
"Andrea Gail", aqui "Hannah Boden".
Calling the Andrea Gail.
Chamo o "Andrea Gail".
Andrea Gail, do you read me?
"Andrea Gail", escutam?
Andrea Gail, come in!
"Andrea Gail", respondam!
This is fishing vessel Hannah Boden relaying a mayday for swordboat Andrea Gail.
Aqui navio pesqueiro "Hannah Boden" a pedir socorro para o navio de pesca de espadarte "Andrea Gail".
I just got a mayday on a Gloucester swordboat, the Andrea Gail.
O "Andrea Gail", de Gloucester, pediu socorro.
A missing swordboat, Andrea Gail, out of Gloucester with a crew of six.
O "Andrea Gail", de Gloucester, está desaparecido com 6 homens.
The fish will gather again for the Andrea Gail when we come back.
O peixe voltará a juntar-se para o "Andrea Gail" quando voltarmos.
We can't raise the Andrea Gail.
Não há contactos com o "Andrea Gail".
The search for the Andrea Gail out of Gloucester has also been suspended after aircrafts covered 116,000 square miles of ocean without finding a single survivor.
As buscas do "Andrea Gail", o navio pesqueiro de Gloucester, foram igualmente suspensas após serem sobrevoados 190000 quilómetros quadrados sem encontrar sobreviventes.
Gail Porter!
- Gail Porter!
- Fank you very much, Gail Porter!
Muito obrigado, Gail Porter!
Gail may have taken her clothes off, but she's never'ad a midget munch on her kebab.
Gail pode ter tirado as suas roupas, mas nunca teve um anão a lamber-lhe o grelo.
- Hello, Gail.
- Olá, Gail.
Gail, I know why you and Matthew had to move here.
Gail, sei porque razão você e o Matthew tiveram que se mudar.
She's the american answer to gail porter.
Ela é a resposta americana à Gail Porter. Não, não.
No, no, no. Gail's never gone the full walkabout.
A Gail nunca se despiu toda.
True. Gail's only gone as far as full-Backal.
Ela ficou em lingerie.
Gail, are you okay?
Gail. Estás bem?
Gail, continua.
Gail, listen to me.
Gail. - O quê? - Ouve-me.
Gail, listen to me. Look at me. I am.
Gail, olha para mim.
Gail, look at me.
Olha para mim.
Gail, if I could just interject something here.
Gail, eu posso dizer só uma coisa?
Hi, Gail.
- Olá, Gail.
Be strong, Gail!
Sê forte, Gail!
Gail, I've been thinking about you a lot.
Gail, tenho pensado muito em ti.
Gail Schumer, can we expect the White House will be doing its own polling?
Gail Schumer, será que a Casa Branca fará a sua sondagem?
- "Don't ever step on Gail's shoes."
- Oh, my God.
- Eu, Gail.
- It was an accident, Gail.
Foi sem querer, Gail.
Is that your wedding ring, Gail?
Isso é a tua aliança, Gail?
I know, I know.
- Gail, eu sei.
Gail. Gail.
You'll come back to me, Gail.
Tu vais voltar para mim.

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