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Garfield traducir portugués

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The guy who killed garfield didn't make it either.
O tipo que matou Garfield também não conseguiu.
Garfield 5525.
Garfield 5525.
- Garfield Realty.
- Garfield Realty.
Woody Garfield Realty.
Woody Garfield Realty.
Well, you see, I am Mr Garfield's wife as well as his partner.
Eu sou mulher e sócia do Sr. Garfield.
- Mr Garfield?
Sr. Garfield?
Mrs Garfield, get your coat.
Pegue no casaco.
- This is O'Connor at Woody Garfield's. Hold on.
- Daqui O'Connor em casa do Garfield.
All right, then, Mr Garfield. Your lawyer, Mr Bickel, is present.
O seu advogado, Sr. Bickel, está aqui.
Hal. A prisoner, Woody Garfield, with burnt hands, just now.
Um detido, Woody Garfield, que entrou agora, com as mãos queimadas.
James Garfield, July 2nd, 1881.
James Garfield, 2 de julho de 1881.
It's true. You do look like a boxer. Like John GarfieId in Body And soul.
É bem verdade que parece um pugilista, como o John Garfield no "Corpo e Alma".
The immortal words of John Garfield :
E cito as palavras imortais do John Garfield :
Lana Turner and John Garfield, right?
Lana Turner e do John Garfield, certo?
Him and Garfield, Robeson.
Ele e Garfield, Robeson.
- How do you know about John Garfield?
- Como conhece John Garfield?
And the exciting appearances of Shelley Duvall, Allen Garfield!
E as emocionantes aparições de Shelley Duvall e Allen Garfield.
- With John Garfield...
Com o John Garfield.
That of Garfield is Thieves'Highway.
O "Thieve's Highway" é que era com o Garfield.
Garfield was in Thieves'Highway... no, that era Richard is.
O Garfield fez o "Thieve's Highway". Não, foi o Richard Conti que fez o "Thieve's Highway".
How about, anybody here from Garfield High?
E que tal... há aqui alguém do liceu de Garfield?
Delgado Fitzhugh and Garfield Cooper seized Radio Station Cascara and urged the people to take to the streets.
Delgado Fitzhugh e Garfield Cooper ocuparam a Estação de Radio de Cascara e instigaram o Povo a ocupar as ruas.
Delgado Fitzhugh, Garfield Cooper, you have been found guilty by this court.
Delgado Fitzhugh, Garfield Cooper, vocês foram considerados culpados por este Tribunal.
Just think, Garfield,
Pensa, Garfield,
- No, we go to jail.
- Não, Garfield, nós vamos para a prisão.
Let him through, Garfield.
Deixa-o passar, Garfield.
Very funny, Garfield.
Muito engraçado, Garfield.
Garfield, cover that head.
Garfield, cubra a cabeça.
Garfield, we're going to lunch.
Garfield, Brenda e eu vamos comer.
Garfield can't get accredited.
Garfield pode perder a licença.
I am proud to announce that no other high school in Southern California has more students passing than Garfield High School.
- Sinto orgulho em anunciar... que nenhuma outra escola do sul da Califórnia... teve tantos alunos aprovados do que a Escola Garfield.
"Only after irregularities were found was it determined... "... that all the students were from Garfield High. " You all got this?
Só pós terem sido identificadas irregularidades, se apurou que todos os alunos eram da Garfield. " Todos receberam isso?
I'm the A.P. Calculus teacher from Garfield High.
Sou o professor de cálculo da Escola Garfield.
I asked Sergeant Garfield at the pistol range if anyone owned a Tokarev on the base.
Perguntei ao sargento Garfield, na carreira de tiro, se alguém na base tinha uma Tokarev.
And you want me to talk to Garfield.
E queres que eu fale com o Garfield.
Hey, get off, Felix, Sylvester, Garfield.
- Saia, Sylvester! Garfield!
- Mr Garfield, there's a man - - Not now.
- Sr. Garfield, há um homem...
You can be sure he wouldn't have done that to John Garfield.
Ora, ele nunca teria feito isso ao John Garfield!
That's what art is all about. Ask Garfield if you can ever get him on the phone.
Direitos de autor, cartões de felicitações, canecas de café.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have my own painting to work on.
Pergunta ao Garfield, se conseguires que ele te atenda o telefone alguma vez.
He's off duty, right? Probably at the diner with Mavis.
Quando ia Garfield?
- Garfield probably arrested her by now.
- - Descarregadas, há um mês.
- It was Garfield!
- Foi o Garfield, eu disse-te.
- No, it was not Garfield, the one...
- Não foi o Garfield.
- Garfield was in Me I Loved A Murderer.
- O Garfield fez "He Ran All the Way".
Garfield was in Me I Loved A Murderer! Hey, for, he / she comes, he / she leaves that shit.
Vamos lá, baixa isso.
Get to work.
Garfield, o palavras-doces.
You told Garfield you came back to the lab last night, right?
- Ei, Barry. - - Sim?
Well, I was here last night, and I didn't see you.
Você disse que você voltou Garfield para o laboratório na noite passada, certo? Pois bem, eu estava aqui na noite passada, e eu não te vi.
Look, we gotta find Lieutenant Garfield right away, man.
- - Olá? -
Olha, nós encontramos aqui e ja Tenente Garfield direito de distância, o homem.

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