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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ G ] / Give it back to me

Give it back to me traducir portugués

381 traducción paralela
Well, you can always give it back to me.
- Trabalhava num museu.
Just give it back to me, Algy.
Devolve-me isso, Algy.
Listen, you can take the bag and give it back to me tomorrow at the cafeteria.
Fique com a bolsa. Você me devolve amanhã na cantina. O relógio.
You'll give it back to me tomorrow
Devolves-ma amanhã.
Give it back to me!
Devolve-me isso.
- Give it back to me.
– Devolva-mo.
Ha ha! Give it back to me!
Dá-me isso!
Give it back to me
Peço que ma devolvam.
Give it back to me, please.
Devolva-o, por favor.
Give it back to me!
Devolva-me isso!
Give it back to me.
Está bem.
- Come on, give it back to me.
- Devolva isso. - O que foi?
Rubello said if I changed my mind, he'd hold my share... he'd give it back to me.
O Rubello disse que se eu mudasse de ideias, ele tinha a minha parte e que ma devolvia.
If you don't want it, you can give it back to me tomorrow.
Se não a quiser, dá-ma amanhã antes de partir.
- Give it back to me.
- Dá-mas de novo.
Give it back to me!
Não! Devolva-ma!
Give it back to me!
É minha! Devolva-ma!
Give it back to me!
Dê-mo de volta para mim!
Come on, give it back, give it back to me!
Devolve-me a peça! Eu ganhei.
Give it back to me!
Oh, give it back to me!
Devolve-me isso!
- Give it back to me.
- Devolve-ma!
Give it back to me, and you can ransack the houses of the rich for 24 hours.
Devolvam ela para mim, e poderão saquear as casas dos ricos por 24 horas.
- Come on, give it back to me.
- Vamos, devolva-me.
I could give it to you, you'll give it back to me when you can.
Eu posso adiantar-te, se quizeres. Depois devolves-mo quando puderes. Belo.
The phone's got my quarter and the operator won't give it back to me.
O telefone engoliu os meus 25 cêntimos e a telefonista não mos devolve.
Yeah, fill out this and give it back to me, okay, when you're done.
Sim, preenche isto e devolve-mo quando acabares.
Unless you give me, the easier will it be for me to pay you back, I suppose. But this is only 1.
Quanto menos me der, mais fácil será para mim reavê-la, acho eu.
Give it back! Give it to me!
devolve-me isso dá-me cá isso.
She didn't like it much, and when we got back... she tried to make me give up tennis and play husband instead.
Ela não gostava muito e quando voltámos... ela tentou que eu desistisse do ténis e fosse um bom marido.
He told us, "Give it back, or else you can't say hello to me for 2 weeks."
ele ameaçou : "DevoIvam-a, seno no podem me cumprimentar por 2 semanas!"
I'll give it back to you in a few days, or five even, five would be fine.
Então cinco. Cinco já me chega, por favor.
- I almost forgot to give it back to you.
- Quase me esquecia de devolver-lha.
I know you've got to slosh this around in here a little bit and get the dribble off and give it right back to you. Don't tell me.
É óptimo.
You'd better give me the money you won, I'll see that it gets back to the right people.
Dê-me o que ganhou para o devolver.
Instead of giving the photograph to a magazine, I could give it back to the person concerned once he's helped me to celebrate mass.
Nem mesmo, se no final eu a a oferecesse a uma revista... em vez de a dar à pessoa que me ajudou a celebrar missa.
So... I shall take up the miter again and the golden cope and the great silver cross... and I shall go back and fight with the weapons it has pleased you to give me.
Então, eu tomarei a mitra de novo... o manto dourado... e a grande cruz de prata... e voltarei e lutarei com as armas que o Senhor me dá.
I borrowed an awful lot of money and now my friends want me to give it back.
Não é coisa grande, mas para mim é muito importante.
Ask him if he wants me to give it back.
Pergunte-lhe se ele quer que eu a devolva.
I know the Reverend was going to kill me with the dynamite, but I figured to give it back to him.
Eu sabia que o Reverendo estava para me matar com a dinamite. Mas eu arranjei forma de lha devolver.
Now, if you just give it to me, I can go back to the mine.
Se ma der, posso voltar para a mina.
I ought to go back and give myself up. I'm the one that did it.
Deveria voltar e me entregar.
Give it to me! Give it back!
- Give me a kiss and I'II give it back.
- Dá-me um beijo e eu devolvo-to.
You give it all to me I give it back to you
Tu dás-me tudo
I'll give it back, believe me I don't know what... what to do.
Vou te devolver, acredite em mim, não sei o que... mas não sei o que fazer.
You believe that I have stolen something, Dorothy, and you want me to give it back?
Acreditas que eu roubei algo, Dorothy, e queres que eu devolva?
Now, I don't know whether you're into it, but you're gonna have to suck on this until you give me back my paper.
Não quero saber se isso te agrada ou não, mas vais ter de chupar isto até me devolveres o papel.
René, you will get my money back from him and give it to me, like you promised?
René, vai reaver dele o meu dinheiro e voltar a dar-mo como prometeu?
Maybe I was sorry, and I tried to give it back.
Talvez me tenha arrependido e tenha tentado devolvê-lo.
I'm gonna give myself ten minutes to make it back.
Vou dar-me dez minutos para estar de volta.

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