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Had it traducir portugués

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She had it in her hand, Aida...
Ele teve-o nas mãos, Aida.
No, he had it, but he gave it to someone who looks just like him...
Não, ele tinha-o, mas... entregou a alguém igual a ele.
No. Everyone I killed had it coming.
As pessoas que matei estavam a pedi-las.
I had it in my bedroom, growing up, as a child.
Tinha-a no meu quarto, quando era criança.
Oliver saw it and I had to lie to them both to cover it up.
O Oliver percebeu e tive de mentir.
I had to get to class, but I thought it went great.
Tinha de ir a uma aula. Foi ótimo!
It's every yearbook I've ever had.
- Os meus anos de escola.
I, uh--had a bad day and I wanted to talk to you about it.
Tive um dia mau e queria conversar.
Oh! Oh, a long time ago, I had a stroke, but it was nothing.
Há muito tempo, tive um AVC, mas não foi nada.
She's had a rough day, so I thought it would be fun if she'd come hang with us.
Ela teve um dia difícil, achei que seria divertido se estivesse connosco.
I once had a gig, it was...
Uma vez tive um trabalho...
Yeah, it had to be shot.
Embora, veja isto. Sim, tinha de ter sido atingido.
He had his forearm on my throat, and he was pushing my pants down, and when he pulled it out, that gave me a little window to reach into my back pocket and get out my knife.
Tinha o antebraço na minha garganta, e estava a baixar-me as calças, e quando as tirou, deu-me uma pequena janela de tempo para alcançar o meu bolso de trás e tirar a minha faca.
He put it out there he had some dope.
Ele estava lá, tinha alguma droga.
It did, but I had a choice... bring the machine home or use it to save them.
- Não, sobreviveu. Mas eu tinha uma escolha : trazer a máquina, ou usá-la para os salvar.
I have had a hand in it.
Eu contribuí.
I had thought it standard to confine a woman in the final weeks of pregnancy.
As mulheres não ficam confinadas? No final da gravidez?
It enables the soldier to continue fighting if he has shot his musket and has not had time to reload.
Permite ao soldado continuar a lutar, se tiver disparado o mosquete e não tiver tempo de voltar a carregá-lo.
Look, if I had to keep it real, uh, I still sometimes think about...
Se tivesse de ser sincero, às vezes penso que
It's an old mariachi number that had cost me practically nothing and so far has bought me two houses and put my village idiot grandson through six years of Emerson.
É um velho número "mariachi", uma pechincha. Até agora já pagou duas casas e 6 anos de Emerson para o idiota do meu neto.
My man, I was told I had a spot on the floor tonight, but it seems that I've committed the cardinal sin of being early.
Disseram-me que tinha um lugar aqui hoje mas parece que cheguei cedo demais.
I had a couple of offers, but I decided to take it off the market.
Tive algumas ofertas, mas... decidi retirá-la do mercado. Fico contente.
Aida would've had days. It would be overwhelming.
Isso seria esmagador.
Vijay had a choice, and he made it.
- Jemma... O Vijay teve uma escolha e fê-la.
- I'm afraid not... which is why I took a chance and had Aida make a play for it.
Receio que não. Foi por isso que arrisquei e utilizei a Aida no plano.
- It was a risk we had to take. - But she failed.
Era um risco que tínhamos que correr.
It wasn't just Hydra who had operatives within S.H.I.E.L.D.
Não era apenas a HYDRA que tinha agentes no interior da S.H.I.E.L.D.
I imagine a lot of the time, it felt like you had to perform to convince people to like you.
Imagino que durante muito tempo tenha sentido que teve que actuar para convencer as pessoas a gostarem de si. Apenas nos sítios onde quis ficar.
Fitz had a theory after Aida betrayed us... That it wasn't reading the Darkhold that changed her.
O Fitz tinha uma teoria depois da Aida nos trair... que não foi a leitura do "Darkhold" que a mudou.
I didn't know what my mission was - until I had my hands on it.
Eu não sabia qual era a minha missão... até lhe pôr as mãos em cima.
Realizing your brother was infected and had to die because of it or realizing... you have the same blood coursing through your veins?
Perceber que o seu irmão estava infectado e que teria que morrer por isso ou aperceber-se... que tinha o mesmo sangue a correr-lhe nas veias?
For your sake, it had better.
Para seu bem... espero que sim.
Well, I noticed the bus had a comms system, so I decrypted it and synched it up with this.
O autocarro tinha um sistema de comunicações, então descodifiquei-o e sincronizei-o com isto.
I had my doubts about the project, but I finally see it.
Tinha as minhas dúvidas sobre o projecto, mas, agora, entendo.
I really think it was one of the best staff nights out we ever had.
Quero que o Grande Mago veja do que a Mildred é realmente capaz.
I had the chance to do something about it, but I didn't take it.
Tive a oportunidade de intervir e não a aproveitei.
That's why I had Josh tell you to have it lined up.
É por isso que eu fiz o Josh dizer-te para teres isso alinhado.
I had another name, but it's forbidden now.
Tive outro nome, mas agora é proibido.
So much stuff has happened to me over the past couple of weeks but it's been okay because I've had you to talk to.
Têm-me acontecido imensas coisas nas últimas semanas, mas estou bem porque tenho falado contigo.
The point is we had a great time doing it.
Sei o que está pensando.
Obviously, I had to break it off with her, mmm.
Claro que tive de acabar com ela.
- It had rolled under the car.
- Estava debaixo do carro.
I actually had a life-changing experience in Rite Aid, believe it or not.
Tive uma experiência na loja que mudou a minha vida, quer acredite quer não.
- Rachel, I was upset. - It had just happened.
- Estava chateado.
- I did that because I had to watch Oliver fail and there's nothing I could do about it.
Porque tive de ver o Oliver falhar e não pude fazer nada.
- I told them I was your cousin. We had some bad news and you were gonna wanna hear about it.
- Disse-lhes que era seu primo, que tínhamos más notícias e que ia querer ouvi-las.
But it's also true that he stayed in longer than he had to to keep his cellmate safe.
Mas ficou tempo a mais para proteger o colega de cela.
It's not like I had a great role model.
Eu não tive um grande exemplo.
Well, if they made it and you had the full committee, what happened?
Se conseguiram e tens todo o Comité, que aconteceu?
It was our last night, we had a big argument.
Na última noite, tivemos uma grande discussão.
- No, it's because she had a screw loose.
- Não, é porque ela era maluca.

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