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Harper traducir portugués

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Jessica Harper, Charlotte Boyd, and Dana Wilson.
Jessica Harper, Charlotte Boyd e Dana Wilson.
Well, Harper and Wilson are in their 50s.
A Harper e a Wilson já passaram dos 50.
Police Captain Tricia Harper commended SWAT and lead detective Efrem Vega on a job well done.
A capitã da Polícia, Tricia Harper, elogiou a SWAT e o detetive responsável, Efrem Vega, por um trabalho bem feito.
Love the potato battery, Harper.
Adoro a bateria a batatas, Harper.
What do you see in the sky, Harper?
- O que vês no céu, Harper?
A five-year-old boy, Harper Riordan.
Um rapaz de cinco anos : Harper Riordan.
From the minute Harper was born.
Desde que ele nasceu.
And you said that you were asleep when Harper went missing.
Disse que estava a dormir, quando o Harper desapareceu.
It's Harper's nanny.
É a ama do Harper.
"We have Harper."
"Nós temos o Harper."
Like who Harper's real mother is.
Como, quem é a verdadeira mãe do Harper.
She is Harper's birth mother.
Ela é a mãe biológica do Harper. Tudo se encaixa.
- Harper.
Harper, are you okay?
Harper, estás bem?
before they took Harper.
Antes de eles levarem o Harper.
You must let me go for your sake, for the sake of Harper.
Tens de me deixar ir para o teu bem e o do Harper.
He said I'd find Harper there.
Disse que encontrava o Harper lá.
No Harper.
Nada do Harper.
Empty lot ; no Harper.
Um terreno baldio, nada do Harper.
Harper Riordan's blood type is O.
O tipo sanguíneo do Harper Riordan é O. - Sim.
First, your son Harper is really your wife Natalie's son, isn't he?
Primeiro, o seu filho Harper é mesmo filho da Natalie, não é?
Shelby Buress's blood type is not compatible with Harper.
O tipo sanguíneo da Shelby Buress não é compatível com o do Harper.
You think someone took Harper to punish me?
Acha que alguém levou o Harper para me castigar?
And maybe she knew about Harper.
E talvez soubesse do Harper.
"Dear T.C., " By the time you read this, Harper and I will be gone.
" Querido TC, quando leres isto, o Harper e eu teremos partido.
We found Harper, alive and well.
Encontramos o Harper, vivo e bem.
Harper's, perhaps, or Vanity Fair.
Harper's, talvez, ou Vanity Fair.
Are you Vicky Harper?
É a Vicky Harper?
Oh, yeah, but I have proof in the form of my very first de Kooning that I purchased, brokered by a fetching young Vicky Harper years ago.
Sim, mas tenho registo do meu primeiro "de Kooning", que comprei, intermediado pela jovem Vicky Harper, há alguns anos.
What can you tell me about Mr Harper's death?
O que me pode dizer sobre a morte de Mr. Harper?
Thank you, Mrs Harper.
Obrigado, Mrs. Harper.
This is no time for anything that undermines me or the prestige of the observatory and you know the trouble we're in since Harper shot his mouth off.
Eu ou o prestígio do observatório não podemos ser enfraquecidos. Sabes que temos problemas, desde que o Jeremy Harper abriu a boca.
Doctor Janson, I understand you had an argument with Jeremy Harper on Moonstone Ridge just before the eclipse. Er, yes.
Dr. Janson, sei que discutiu com Jeremy Harper, em Moonstone Ridge, antes do eclipse.
Mystic Mags told our reporter that Jeremy Harper's death was written in the stars.
"Mags Mística contou à jornalista que a morte de Jeremy Harper'estava escrita nas estrelas'."
Yeah, and I looked into Mary's death, Catrina Harper's sister.
E investiguei a morte da Mary, a irmã da Katrina Harper.
You were working with Jeremy Harper before he died, weren't you?
Trabalhava com o Jeremy Harper, não trabalhava?
And you were at the eclipse on Moonstone Ridge when Jeremy Harper was killed.
Estava em Moonstone Ridge, quando Jeremy Harper foi morto.
Harper Avery award-winning work, even though I can never win a Harper Avery.
E de cada vez que entro num bloco operatório, esperam que eu faça um trabalho digno de um prémio Harper Avery, apesar de eu nunca poder ganhar um Harper Avery.
Look, Harper, we've got a good thing here.
Harper, temos aqui uma coisa boa.
I think people would pay good money for that, especially when they hear, it's made by Harper Avery's grandson.
Acho que as pessoas pagavam bom dinheiro por isso, especialmente quando soubessem que é feito pelo neto do Harper Avery.
Alan Harper.
Alan Harper.
Harper wants to talk to you. Not now, Vega!
- A Harper quer falar consigo.
What am I supposed to tell Harper?
O que digo à Harper?
Harper's got a team working on Bird's body right now.
A Harper tem uma equipa a tratar do corpo do Bird neste momento.
Harper, my captain.
A Harper, a minha capitã.
Ask Harper to help you.
- Peça ajuda à Harper.
You want me to tell Harper?
Quer que conte à Harper?
We need to get Harper.
Temos de apanhar a Harper.
Captain Harper, this is Detectives James and Bushwick from Internal Affairs.
Capitã Harper, estes são os detetives James e Bushwick dos Assuntos Internos.
Oliver, this impeachment is about punishing someone, and if you don't offer up a name, this will be the last time you're looking out that window.
- Roy Harper? - Sim. Roy!
Uh, just quickly, though- - might have buried the headline here- - you all saved my life, and 5 months ago, i never would have thought that was possible.
Santo Deus! - Roy! - Thea encontrou Roy Harper.

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