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Has he confessed traducir portugués

44 traducción paralela
- Has he confessed?
- Ele confessou?
Has he confessed to killing Porter?
- Ele confessou ter matado a Porter?
- Has he confessed anything yet?
- Ele já confessou alguma coisa?
- Has he confessed to sleeping with her?
- Confessou que dormiu com ela? - Não.
So, has he confessed yet?
Então, ele confessou ainda?
Has he confessed?
Ele já confessou?
Has he confessed?
- Confessou?
- Has he confessed?
- Confessou?
Has he confessed?
Ele confessou?
It is accordingly decreed that he be taken to Vatican Hill where it has been confessed he made his first preachment to be crucified and left there as a warning to all and any who henceforth wish to call themselves Christians. "
Foi, portanto, decretado que será levado para o Monte do Vaticano, onde confessou ter pregado pela primeira vez, para ser crucificado e deixado lá como um aviso a todos aqueles que, a partir de hoje, se queiram autodenominar cristãos. "
He's a captive who has confessed.
Ele é um prisioneiro que confessou.
He has confessed all, brothers.
Ele confessou tudo, irmãos.
Danjel has confessed that he has committed the graves sin there is.
Acreditava que estava livre de pecado.
Has he confessed?
- Já confessou?
Warden Beale has confessed to the crimes after being turned over to Florida state officials... along with videotapes of the fights he engineered between prisoners.
O Director Beale confessou os crimes após ser entregue ás autoridades da Florida, juntamente com fitas provando que organizava lutas entre os presos.
In view of his young age, and the fact he has children to support, and the fact he's confessed and has no prior record and vows never to repeat such mistakes, I ask the plaintiffs to forgive him if they can.
dado ser ainda novo, o facto de ter duas crianças para criar, o facto de ele ter confessado e ter o registo limpo e ter jurado não voltar a repetir tais erros, peço aos queixosos que o perdoem se puderem.
He has confessed to the crime and we're confident that he will soon confess the whereabouts of Siobhan Arintero.
Confessou o crime... e estamos confiantes de que em breve confessará... onde está a Siobhan Arintero.
His name is Specialist Socinus. He has confessed to lying under oath and dereliction of duty in a time of war.
Trata-se do Técnico Socinus que confessou ter mentido sob juramento e ter abandonado o seu posto em tempo de guerra.
He has confessed to murdering Anne Mathis and eight other homeless women.
Confessou ter matado a Anne Mathis e oito mulheres sem-abrigo.
He has self-confessed.
Ele mesmo confessou.
In an emotional statement, he confessed that his wife's disappearance has taken a toll on his "emotional and mental well-being."
Em uma declaração emotiva, ele confessou que o desaparecimento de sua esposa Ihe cobrou um pedágio no seu bem-estar "emocional e mental".
A man has already confessed to the crime, and there is not a scintilla of substantive evidence that he didn't commit it.
Um homem já confessou este crime, e não qualquer prova substantiva de que não tenha cometido.
He has confessed to me, and it is not impossible... he will welcome the opportunity to confess to you.
Confessou-se-me. E não é impossível que queira confessar-se a si.
He's legally confessed, and the court has entered that confession.
Legalmente, ele confessou e o tribunal admitiu a confissão.
He has confessed.
Ele confessou.
He has confessed everything.
Confessou tudo.
Now that he has confessed, sure, I guess.
Agora que ele confessou, sim, claro.
My lord, he has confessed.
Majestade, ele confessou.
But we ask you to note that he has confessed to several other killings as well.
Mas pedimos que tenha em atenção que ele confessou não só esta como várias outras mortes.
Personal security expert Daren Sutter, who was best known for his book Friend or Foe, has confessed to the murder of Wallace Rourke, whom he alleges was responsible for the murder of his sister 22 years ago.
O perito em segurança pessoal, Daren Sutter, que ficou conhecido pelo seu livro "Amigo ou Inimigo", confessou ter assassinado o Wallace Rourke, tendo alegado ser o responsável pela morte da sua irmã há 22 anos.
He has confessed to the murder of Kurt Simpson.
Ele confessou o homicídio do Kurt Simpson.
Vlad has confessed that he took the books out and gave them to Joey... but your son denies having them.
O Vlad confessou que levou os livros e os deu ao Joey, mas o seu filho nega estar com eles.
He has confessed to nothing.
Não confessou nada.
Has he ever categorically confessed his guilt to you?
Alguma vez ele lhe confessou categoricamente que era culpado?
He has confessed to the murders of Savio, and Muller, and the attempted murder of Horvet.
Ele confessou os assassinatos do Savio, e do Muller, e a tentativa de assassinato do Horvet.
Manoher has confessed to both the kidnappings.. ... and he also gave us Ronnie's location.
Manohar confessou os dois sequestros e ele deu-nos a localização de Ronnie.
Hill confessed that he has been covering something up.
O Hill confessou ter estado a encobrir algo.
So I understand from your... many messages that Sven Eklund has not confessed to anyone's satisfaction and that you believe he was once knifed by various and sundry Snake Eye Boys.
Percebi, pelas tuas muitas mensagens, que o Sven Eklund não confessou o que queríamos, e que achas que foi esfaqueado por rapazes dos Snake Eye Boys.
He has already confessed that this frameup was orchestrated by Golden Triangle drug lord Naw Khar.
Ela já confessou que... esta conspiração foi orquestrada pelo traficante do Triângulo Dourado Naw Khar.
Your client understands that, if he violates the terms of the agreement or is arrested for any infraction, the crimes to which he has confessed here will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, in addition to any new charges?
O seu cliente compreende que, se violar os termos do acordo ou for preso por alguma infração, os crimes que confessou aqui serão sujeitos a procedimento judicial nos termos da lei, para além de novas acusações.

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