He didn't care traducir portugués
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The stakes were $ 50,000, but they were the life of a man, too. A man who'd never done me any dirt, except... he was married to a woman he didn't care anything about.
O prémio era de $ 50.000, mas estava em jogo a vida de um homem... que nunca me tinha feito mal nenhum, mas que estava casado com uma mulher com quem não se importava.
He didn't care what happened to the valley.
Ele não se importava com o que acontecera ao Vale.
Margo didn't know where he was and didn't care, she kept saying.
Margo não sabia onde estava nem se importava... dizia ela,
- I just meant he didn't care for me.
- Ele não simpatiza comigo.
I told the doctor I didn't care what he had to do or about the pain... only I didn't want my face scarred.
Eu disse ao médico que fizesse qualquer coisa, mesmo com dor... só não quero meu rosto desfigurado!
He didn't seem to care if I knifed him or not.
Ele não parecia se importar se eu o esfaqueasse ou não.
A minute ago, you said you didn't care if he drinks.
Há um minuto atrás disseste que não te importavas que ele bebesse.
But he didn't care.
Mas não se importava.
He didn't care.
- O meu pai estava-se nas tintas.
No, he didn't. He didn't seem to care when I told him... that the man said he had something very important to talk to him about.
Não pareceu lhe importar quando lhe disse... que o homem disse que tinha que lhe falar de algo muito importante.
That he didn't care...
Não se importava.
I knew all the time he didn't love me. But I didn't care.
Era certo de que não me amava, mas não me importou.
You didn't care whether he was guilty or not.
Você não quis saber se ele era culpado ou não.
Of course, at first, they didn't get on too good, her thinking he'd traded her for a profit and him making out like he don't care this way or that.
Claro, de início, não se deram muito bem, ela pensava que ele só fazia aquilo por dinheiro e ele fingia que tanto lhe fazia.
As though he didn't care what my name was.
Como se não se importasse com o meu nome.
And Jim said he didn't care too much for it neither so we both skedaddled down out of there and to this day I ain't never had a good look at the Rocky Mountains.
E o Jim disse que também não gostava Assim, nós descemos por ali a baixo e até hoje não tornámos a olhar para as Montanhas Rochosas.
Her father Lucius, the blowhard of all time, was so rich that he didn't care that I wasn't.
O pai dela, Lucius, o maior fanfarrão de sempre, era tão rico que não se importava que eu não fosse.
Half to try to make her jealous, and half to show her that... he didn't really care that she played around.
Em parte para lhe tentar fazer ciúmes, e em parte para lhe mostrar que não se importava com o facto de ela ter casos.
He demanded results from his agents and he didn't take care of them.
Exigiu resultados dos seus agentes e não tomou conta deles.
He didn't care what people thought.
Não lhe interessava o que pensavam.
And I knew too, as certainly as I knew that... that he knew - knew it was poisoned, knew that his end was there on that fork... and that he didn't care... that he welcomed it.
E também soube, com a mesma certeza, que ele sabia que estava a ser envenenado, que o seu fim chegara, naquele garfo, e que ele não se importava, que estava contente com isso.
He didn't really care if Howard Beale was the number one show or the 50th.
Realmente, ele não quer saber se o Howard Beale é o numero um ou cinquenta.
He didn't really care if the Beale show lost money.
Realmente, ele não quer saber se o programa do Beale dá prejuízo.
Schyler. - I thought you said he didn't care.
- Mas disseste que ele não se importa.
He tried to shoot me and didn't care that you were next to me.
- Nem se importou contigo ao meu lado. - Mas foi só isso, não viste?
He didn't care, that I'm with guy like you.
Já que não lhe fazia diferença por eu estar com alguém como tu.
He didn't care. It was against law and order.
Mas ele não se importava com isso.
It means nothing fazed him. It's like he didn't care about anything.
Quer dizer que é insensível, é como se nada o afectasse.
He didn't care a rat's ass about her.
Ele estava-se borrifando para ela.
Because... He thought that if she never got jealous of him she didn't really care about him.
Porque ele associava os ciúmes ao amor que ela lhe tinha.
Well, I don't care how many times you tell me, Dad... I know he didn't commit those crimes in the army.
Não me interessa quantas vezes mo diz, pai. Eu sei que o tio John não cometeu aqueles crimes no exército.
He drank more... and he obviously didn't care as much about neatness... but that doesn't mean he was involved in anything illegal.
Ele bebe mais... e óbviamente que não se preocupa com a limpeza... mas não significa que estivesse envolvido em alguma coisa ilegal.
- She said he didn't care what she did.
- Dizia que ele näo se importava com ela.
Why didn't he care that he left saliva on the glass?
Porque não se importou em deixar saliva no copo?
- He offered money but I didn't care.
- Ele me ofereceu dinheiro, mas eu recusei.
I wondered how he could care so much for his dad who'd almost killed him and I didn't care about my own who hadn't touched me since I was three.
Não sabia porque é que o Teddy gostava tanto do pai que quase o tinha morto, enquanto eu não ligava nenhuma ao meu, que não me tocava desde os três anos.
He didn't care for the blue cheese. eat your Pablum like a good boy... and you'll have Swedish pancake too.
Não gostou do queijo azul.... e logo também poderá comer panquecas suecas.
He didn't have a care in the world.
Não tinha preocupações.
He didn't care.
Não se importou.
Muscle didn't work, and apparently he doesn't care about his reputation anymore.
A força não resultou, e aparentemente não quer saber mais da sua reputação.
Either he didn't know or he didn't care.
Não reparou ou não se importava.
He said he didn't care if it was a no-parking zone.
Disse que não se importava que fosse proibido estacionar.
Take him, I didn't know he was yours, honest. Thanks, kid. Looks like you took real good care of him.
Aquele fogão queria sair daqui.
He couldn't stop talking about all the trouble he'd been in after that because he didn't care about anyone or anything and how Sheryl had changed all that.
E que a mãe dele tinha enlouquecido e tinha ido para um manicómio. Ele não conseguia parar de falar sobre todos os problemas que tivera depois disso por não se ralar com ninguém nem com nada, e como a Sheryl mudara tudo isso.
He was simple. I didn't care.
Ele era simples... e eu não me importava.
He wasn't a young man, he didn't take very good care of himself.
Ele já não era novo, não tomava bem conta dele.
He said he didn't care!
Ele disse que não se importava!
And I think he didn't care that his death would ruin your life.
E acho que não se importava que a morte dele desse cabo da tua vida.
He didn't care, though.
Ele não se importava.
I didn't care. But he did, big-time.
Não me fez diferença nenhuma, mas para ele fez imensa.
I was 12 or something, and... and, um... he didn't much care for that.
Ele não se ralou muito com isso.
he didn't mean to 22
he didn't 1210
he didn't answer 29
he didn't make it 114
he didn't want to 25
he didn't have to 77
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't show up 29
he didn't mean it 77
he didn't 1210
he didn't answer 29
he didn't make it 114
he didn't want to 25
he didn't have to 77
he didn't tell me 71
he didn't say anything 96
he didn't show up 29
he didn't mean it 77