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He said he would traducir portugués

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He said he would contact you with instructions.
Ele disse que entraria em contacto com instruções.
He said he would go.
Ele disse que ia.
He said he would meet me here.
Ele disse que se encontraria comigo aqui.
He said he would leave me if I didn't do it.
Ele disse que nunca me deixava se não fizesse isso.
Yeah, he said it would provide the answers that you seek.
Disse que vais encontrar as respostas que procuras.
That's what he said, that you were the only one who would understand, that you and he had a connection.
Foi o que disse, que só tu ias perceber, que vocês têm uma ligação.
He said the courtesy phone would be here.
Ele disse que o telefone era aqui.
Call me crazy, I thought that when he said he could do it, it would be in my size range.
Quando disseste isso, pensei que seria do meu tamanho.
There was a lot of debate, and Wan-Soo and I talked about it, and he said this would be our next expedition.
Houve muito debate. E o Wan-soo e eu falamos sobre isso e ele disse que isso seria a nossa próxima expedição.
When Geithner said he would be open to the idea...
quando geithner disse que estaria aberto a ideia
Until recently, I would've said with absolute certainty that he was greater, far greater, than the sum of his parts.
Até recentemente, teria dito com certeza absoluta... que ele era mais, muito mais, do que a soma das suas partes.
He said it would make me feel special.
Ele disse que iria fazer-me sentir especial.
He said none of this would be happening if the wall didn't exist.
Disse que nada disto estaria a acontecer se a parede não existisse.
You said he would be safe.
Prometeste que ele ia ser salvo.
He said that on one day as large would like the Ringling Brothers.
Disse-me que um dia seríamos tão bons como os Irmãos Ringling.
You said he would fight, Milla, and fight he did.
Milla, disseste que ele ia lutar e que combate.
Sometimes he would tell me what the devil said.
Às vezes, contava-me o que o diabo lhe dizia.
And sometimes the things he said would come true.
E às vezes, as coisas que ele dizia tornavam-se realidade.
He said you would be stopping by.
O seu amigo deixou-lhe isto, disse que você apareceria por aqui.
He said there was one and one day he would sing it.
Ele disse que havia uma e que um dia a cantaria.
Putin left Beijing yesterday and said he would command this personally.
O Putin saiu de Pequim ontem e disse que iria vir aqui e comandar isto pessoalmente.
You also said that you thought that he would get hammered and hit on all of our married friends, be mean to my grandma and turn the whole thing into a key party.
Também disseste que ele se ia embebedar, que ia atirar-se a todas as nossas amigas casadas, que ia ser mau para a minha avó, e que ia transformar aquilo tudo numa festa maluca.
And you said he would force everyone to do Kamikaze shots, spike the punch with ecstasy, give all the girls breast exams and...
E disseste que ele ia forçar todos a beber shots Kamikaze, enfiar algum ecstasy, fazer exames da mama às raparigas...
He said if he couldn't have you, no one else would.
Ele disse que se não pudesse tê-la, ninguém mais a teria.
He would have said no.
Ele teria dito que não.
He thought if he came back here and said how sorry he was, it would all be all right
Ele achou que se voltasse para cá e dissesse como estava arrependido tudo ficaria bem.
What would you say if you? He said that this evening... her I have spent no less than with Ernest Hemingway and Scott Fitzgerald?
O que dizias se dissesse que passei a noite de ontem com o Hemingway e o Fitzgerald?
He said that if she didn't stop telling lies, bad things would happen.
Disse-lhe para não mentir mais ou aconteceriam coisas más.
She said he couldn't live without money, so he would find someone else, a woman who could support him.
Disse que ele não sabia viver sem dinheiro e encontraria outra pessoa, uma mulher que o pudesse sustentar.
He said he loved me, and that nothing would keep us apart.
Disse que me amava e nada nos separaria.
Yeah, he said he had evidence that would exonerate Otis Williams and how he was gonna mail it to the District Attorney's office.
Sim, disse que tinha provas que inocentavam o Otis Williams e que ia mandar ao escritório da procuradoria.
Yeah, he said, uh, after it was over, the man he worked for would, uh... B-burn down authentic Nick's.
Ele disse-me que quando acabasse, o seu chefe ia... queimar os autênticos Nicks.
He said there's no way she would've missed this commercial.
Disse que ela não ia perder isto.
He said if he were right, he would contact me from the great beyond.
Ele disse que, se estivesse correcto, me contactaria do Além.
He said if he were right, he would contact me from the great beyond.
Ele disse que se estivesse certo, ele entraria em contacto comigo no além.
He said if I divulged what he told me, I would never see or hear from him again.
Não, ele disse que se eu divulgasse o que me havia dito, nunca mais o veria nem ouviria falar nele.
I knew no matter what I said, he would never let Avery go.
O que quer que dissesse, ele não deixaria a Avery ir.
He said that you might be able to - - that you would help.
Ele disse que o senhor podia ajudar.
Was there... anything he could have said, was there... something he could have done that would have convinced you to give him one more chance?
Haveria... alguma coisa que ele dissesse, alguma coisa que ele pudesse ter feito que a convencesse a dar-lhe mais uma hipótese?
He said if I didn't shut up, that he would kill me.
Ele disse-me... se eu não me calasse, me mataria.
The last thing he said to me was to tell them - the show's been canceled. - Why would they even tell us that
A última coisa que ele me disse, foi para lhes dizer que o espectáculo tinha sido cancelado.
Anyway, he said he did it'cause no one would give him a job.
Ele disse que fez aquilo porque ninguém lhe dava trabalho.
He wouldn't tell me who or what. He just said that he'd done something bad, and he was afraid if he tried to climb out, these people would come after him.
Ele não queria dizer-me, só disse que fez uma coisa errada e que tinha medo de fossem atrás dele, caso tentasse saltar fora.
He said that it would break your heart.
Ele disse que te ia partir, o coração.
I do. He always said that he would figure out a way to take care of me.
Ele sempre disse que arranjava uma maneira de tratar de mim.
Because I think he may have known about us for a while now, but if he was trying to hurt us he would have said something a long time ago. Okay?
Porque acho que ele já sabia de nós há uns tempos, mas se estivesse a tentar magoar-nos, já teria aberto a boca há muito tempo.
He said, by the time he was done, I would never see Jacob again.
Ele disse que quando terminasse nunca mais veria o Jacob.
He said no one would know. Yeah.
- Ele disse que ninguém saberia.
He said nobody would see.
Ele disse que ninguém ia ver.
Well, he said I had the voice, but if I wanted to be a real musician I would have to master music, too. Mm-hm.
Ele disse que eu tinha boa voz, mas que se quisesse ser uma verdadeira cantora, também teria de dominar a música.
Why did he put it under the soil? Allah put it there but if he had wanted the Arabs to use it, he would have said so in the Quran.
Se ele quisesse que nós o usasemos, teria dito no Alcorão.

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