He was young traducir portugués
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At least, he was young.
Pelo menos ele era jovem.
He was young and strong and gay and so full of hope.
Se tivesse-lhe conhecido dantes.
He was young and foolish but I believe had he been spared until his maturity...
- Era jovem e tolo. Mas, se tivesse sido poupado até atingir a maturidade...
He was young and cheerful.
Era jovem e alegre.
He was young like Tony.
Era jovem como Tony.
He was young, wild.
Ele era jovem e selvagem.
I'll bet that old boy was a man to stand aside from when he was young and limber.
Aposto que quando era jovem e hábil ninguém se metia com ele.
You see, when Horace was in London, he met a certain young lady.
Quando o Horace esteve em Londres conheceu uma rapariga.
You know that young doctor I was telling you about, well he's got an idea he wants to keep me alive.
Sabe aquele jovem médico de que eu lhe falei? Bem... ele está querendo me manter vivo.
To think that I was ever frightened of you. You know, Tarzan, when a man meets a young lady in the outside world... he doesn't dare behave not one bit like you did.
Sabes, Tarzan, quando um homem conhece uma jovem no mundo exterior... não se atreve a comportar-se como tu o fizeste.
You remember that story about the young man I think he was a shepherd who was walking in the woods
Lembra-se da história daquele rapaz... penso que ele foi um pastor que andava nas florestas...
Wasn't I just as much of a young fool as he is? - Of course I was.
Eu era tão tolo quanto ele.
Well, a young man called this morning, said his name was Graham, and he wants to interview everybody in this house.
Esta manhã, esteve cá um jovem que disse chamar-se Graham, que quer entrevistar toda a gente cá de casa.
He was a young pianist who played for her in Prague.
Um jovem pianista que tocou para ela em Praga.
He was quite handsome, this fearless young man.
Era bastante formoso, este jovem destemido.
He was a lucky young man,
Ele era um jovem feliz,
He was the most promising young cellist in europe and we were so happy and so much in love.
Jovem, forte, alegre, cheio de ilusão. O Violoncelista mais promissor.
A young man who's been dying to get out on his own ever since he was born.
Um jovem, morto por sair daqui desde que nasceu.
There was this squirt says he seen me bending over Larry Young right after he was plugged.
Um bufo disse que me viu inclinado sobre o Larry Young... mesmo antes de o matarem.
He was coming up to get a buck off of Larry Young when Udo came along.
Ia pedir dinheiro ao Larry Young quando apareceu Udo.
Yes, sir. If you were told that Dr Young had examined the glass... after he discovered Paradine was dead... and found it to be clean. That it had been washed and dried.
Se eu Ihe dissesse que o Dr. Young examinou o copo depois de descobrir que coronel Paradine estava morto, que examinou o copo e viu que este estava limpo, que tinha sido lavado e secado, mantinha o seu testemunho
He was with a bunch of young bucks led by a renegade Indian named Tona, a white man hired them.
Ele era do bando do índio Tona, e foram contratados por um homem branco.
It was the very day that young Hamlet was born - he that is mad and sent into England.
Foi no dia em que nasceu Hamlet. O doido que mandaram para Inglaterra.
Was he a young man?
Era novo?
When Bear Ghost was young he thought only of war killing his enemies taking their horses.
Quando o Urso Fantasma era jovem, só pensava na guerra... matava os seus inimigos e roubava os seus cavalos.
I was so young, they asked Henri to hide me and if he'd been caught, it would have been the end of him.
Eu era tão pequena, eles pediram a Henri para me esconder... e se eles tivessem sido capturados, teriam dado cabo dele.
There was a young man, but he hasn't been around in a few weeks.
Havia um jovem, mas há semanas que ele não aparecia.
Lo and behold, he was the young man she loved.
A sua frente, estava o jovem que ela amava.
He was a boy just a boy when I was a very young girl.
Era um rapaz só um rapaz, e eu era muito jovem.
He was one of the customers, a young American.
Era um dos clientes. Um jovem Americano.
The face of her husband, when he was a young man.
O rosto do seu marido quando era jovem.
[I was about to leave, when, suddenly... ] [... I found a young priest facing me. He was white with fear and trembling.]
Já me ia embora, quando, subitamente... vi um jovem padre a olhar para mim.
When I was waltzing with that young lieutenant, he was stepping all over my feet... and blushing like a June bride.
Quando eu dancei com o jovem tenente ele me pisou os pés... e corou como uma noiva de junho.
In many ways he was just as young as you.
De muitas formas, ele era tão jovem quanto você.
Young Bishop was bad at the time, he learned to walk.
O jovem Bishop era ruim de vez, que ele aprendeu a andar. E Hardy.
- Never what, Gertie? Young chap, he said his name was Sheldon, Arthur Sheldon.
Rapaz, ele disse que seu nome era Sheldon, Arthur Sheldon.
But you were the bright, young lawyer that decided he was going to be chief of police someday.
Mas tu eras o jovem brilhante advogado que decidiu que um dia ia ser chefe da polícia.
While there, he was a member of the Young Communist League.
Estando ali, foi membro de une-a de Comunistas Jovens.
She died when he was very young.
Ela morreu, era ele muito pequenino.
The young Morgan boy- - he was hurt pretty bad.
O jovem Morgan... ele está seriamente ferido.
He was North African. So I told him He said he knew one a young one, who liked guys my age
Ele era um norte africano, expliquei-lhe e ele disse que conhecia uma que fazia... com jovens da minha idade.
Was he young or old?
- Era jovem ou velho?
And moved by an impulse of pity and decency, he was about to cover that poor, young body with a serape when Major Dabney entered, and Dabney, in blind fury and outrage, opened fire upon him, wounding him grievously twice.
E movido por um impulso de piedade e decência... esteve a ponto de cobrir o corpo morto, com um cobertor... quando Major Dabney entrou, e Dabney... na fúria e cego no ultraje... atirou nele, ferindo-o duas vezes.
Young as he was, I taught him to hold and fire a gun.
Era jovem, ensinei-o a empunhar uma arma e a disparar.
Young man, my husband come down this river in a flat bottom boat when he was nothing but a boy.
Jovem, o meu marido desceu este rio... numa barcaça de fundo raso... não era mais que um rapaz.
He has dark hair and he one of them was quite young.
Ele tem cabelo escuro e... um deles era bastante jovem.
Of course, he was very young there, but it's all I have and I thought it might help you.
É claro que ele era muito novo, aqui, mas é tudo o que tenho. Pensei que podia ajudá-lo.
But he was too young. It wasn't serious.
Mas ele era demasiado novo, não era sério.
He was a horrible, vicious young man with evil in his heart.
Era um jovem horrivel, terrivel, com o coracão cheio de maldade.,
Once he was a young soldier, a salesman, a taxi driver - someone you wouldn't notice unless you were watching.
Eu o vi entre a multidão, e estava me observando. Toda vez que um conhecido morria ali estava ele.
He was very young.
Era muito jovem.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was a jerk 20
he was alive 33
he was afraid 36
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a friend of mine 20
he was a hero 41
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was like 112
he was a wonderful man 18
he was drunk 101
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was my best friend 70
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was alone 51
he was nice 64
he was just 83
he was my best friend 70