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Heath traducir portugués

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But when I found you were one of those savages... returning to your native heath, my grateful eyes could hardly believe it.
Mas quando soube que era um desses selvagens, a voltar para a sua terra, os meus olhos mal podiam acreditar.
Mrs. Barnsley, Miss Heath, Mr. Barnsley, Mr. Randall.
Sra. Barnsley, Menina Heath, Sr. Barnsley, Sr. Randall.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnsley, Miss Heath and Mr. Randall.
Sr. e Sra. Barnsley, Menina Heath e Sr. Randall.
The angels were so angry, they flung me out in the middle of the heath... on top of Wuthering Heights.
Os anjos estavam tão zangados, que me atiraram para o meio do prado... no topo do Monte dos Vendavais.
Would you give that to Dr. Heath?
Entregava isto ao Dr. Heath?
John, my good friend, I realize your Dr. Heath is right.
John, meu bom amigo, sei que o teu Dr. Heath está certo.
Heath was telling me that you're still carrying on with that research work.
O Heath estava a dizer-me que continua com as suas pesquisas.
Dr. Heath isn't in sympathy, Dr. Courtland.
O Dr. Heath não concorda, Dr. Courtland.
Flash your Hampstead Heath, wear your whistle and flute
! Flash your Hampstead Heath, wear your whistle and flute
And now, Edward Heath.
E, agora, Edward Heath.
- That nice Mr Heath would never allow that.
Aquele simpático Mr. Heath nunca permitiria isso.
And here is the result Of the "where to put edward heath's statue" competition.
Agora temos o resultado do concurso "Onde Colocar a Estátua de Edward Heath".
Upon the heath.
Na charneca.
Or why upon this heath you stop our way with such prophetic greeting?
Ou por que, nesta charneca, nos fazeis parar com saudações tão proféticas?
And I've made a particular study of those insects, which inhabit the margins of heath and marsh.
Estudei insectos que vivem nas margens dos pântanos...
It's been a bit Heath Robinson, a bit "mad scientist's laboratory" on the stage. Would you say you've made a lot of money working with the Floyd?
É um pouco de Heath Robinson, um pouco de "laboratório do cientista maluco" no palco.
Mr. edward heath for "the new suit sketch"...
Mr. Edward Heath, pelo novo sketch,
Mr. heath!
- Mr. Heath.
Toxic metabolite stuff. We're replicating Heath's and Friedhoff's strategies trying to find maverick substances specific to schizophrenia.
Toxidade de metabólicos... reproduzir as estratégias de Heath Friedhoff... a tentar achar substâncias específicas para esquizofrenia.
I felt like Lear on the heath like the Duchess of Malfi bayed by madmen.
Senti-me como o Rei Lear no mato, como a Duquesa de Malfi perseguida por loucos.
There is one very quiet and lonely stretch of road that lies between Charlington Heath on the one hand and the woods of Charlington Hall on the other.
Há um troco de estrada muito deserto e sossegado que tem, de um lado, a charneca de Charlington e, do outro, o bosque de Charlington Hall.
On this side, Charlington Heath, and on the other, the woods of Charlington Hall.
Deste lado, temos a charneca de Charlington, e, neste lado, o bosque de Charlington Hall.
Could he have taken a footpath across the heath?
- Neste troço, não. Talvez se tivesse escapado por um carreiro na charneca.
This is Carol Heath and Maddy Nagle, my oldest and my dearest friends.
Estas são a Carol Heath e a Maddy Nagle, as minhas melhores e mais antigas amigas.
Repeat. 29, Albernon Road, Heathrow.
Repita. 29, Albernon Road, Linha Heath.
And I've made a particular study of those insects, which inhabit the margins of heath and marsh.
Estudei insetos que vivem nas margens dos pântanos... É uma coleção magnífica e o trabalho de um verdadeiro cientista.
Daddy says that he can "snordly heath."
O pai diz que "mal ode perspirar".
From Heath's, Miss Botting.
- Comprei-as na mercearia.
There's likewise a wind on the heath. Who would wish to die?
E o vento na charneca Quem poderá querer morrer?
Listen... There's the glade the heath, the forest way...
É o vale, o descampado, a floresta.
But still people danced until dawn, some were inside, others outside and when everybody had left, my father sat with his accordion on the heath and played for the countryside.
Mas mesmo assim, as pessoas dançavam até de madrugada, algumas lá dentro, outras na rua e quando todos se iam embora, o meu pai sentava-se na charneca com o acordeão e tocava para o campo.
How dangerous? I remember an instance some months ago when he horsewhipped a man on New Market Heath.
Há alguns meses, chicoteou um homem em Newmarket Heath.
Attempted murder of Edward Heath.
Tentativa de homicídio de Edward Heath.
I'll pay for it, Mr. Heath.
Eu empresto, Mr. Heath.
Mr. Heath?
Mr. Heath?
- That's Heath.
Aquele é Heath.
And threw a coat over his head, bundled him into cab and drove off and shot him out on Hampstead Heath.
Puseram-lhe um sobretudo por cima da cabeça, meteram-no num táxi, arrancaram e o atiraram na calçada. Em Hampstead Heath.
Hampstead Heath.
- Hampstead Heath.
He plays rugby for my old club Black Heath.
Joga râguebi no meu clube, o Black Heath.
No smoking in here, it's bad for your heath.
Não se fuma aqui dentro. Faz mal à saude. Eu deixei-me disso.
Long heath, brown furze, anything.
Urze comprida, tojo castanho, qualquer coisa.
Franklin Heath, 81.
Franklin Heath, 81 anos.
It's about an old guy, a Mr. Heath?
É um velhote, um tal de Mr. Heath?
How are you doing, Mr. Heath?
Como se sente, Mr. Heath?
I'm listening to you, Mr. Heath.
Estou a ouvir, Mr.
I'm listening to you.
Heath. Estou a ouvir.
They finally came down for Heath.
Finalmente vieram buscar o Heath.
Mr. Heath's nurse?
O enfermeiro de Mr. Heath?
Good morning, Mr. Heath.
Bom dia, Sr. Heath.
Oh, the heath is totally flat and bleak.
A charneca é plana e árida.

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