His family traducir portugués
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- He lost his parents, his friends, his family, his home...
- Ele perdeu os pais, os amigos, a família, a casa...
You're the one who ripped him from his home and his family, just to play with his head like it was - some kind of computer game.
Foste tu quem o tirou do seu lar e da sua família, só para brincares com a cabeça dele como se fosse um jogo de computador.
You're telling me my husband has abandoned his family with no explanation, not even a forwarding address?
Está-me a dizer que o meu marido abandonou a sua família sem qualquer explicação nem sequer um endereço para onde enviar cartas?
The boy seems different, not like his family.
Ele parece diferente, não como a família.
Probably started gambling after he lost his family. And he tried to stop.
Deve ter começado a jogar depois da perda.
And I feel like crap for the guy that got shot, his family.
E sinto-me muito mal quanto ao homem que foi morto e à sua família.
If it was my guess, I would say it has to do with his family.
Se tivesse que adivinhar, eu diria que tem a ver com a sua família.
I'll notify his family.
Vou avisar a família dele.
There's no way of knowing how many other identities he has, but with Theo Noble, he had the perfect cover life, and I think he saw his family as sacrosanct, which is why he never killed in that identity,
Não temos hipóteses de saber quantas identidades ele tem, mas com o Theo Noble, tinha um disfarce perfeito. Acho que via a família como uma coisa sagrada, por isso ele nunca matou naquela identidade.
and when we forced him to destroy his family, it took away his safety net.
E quando o forçámos a destruir a sua família, retirámos a sua protecção.
A Dutch baron, who is here at court with his family, put his daughter in the running, too.
Um barão holandês aqui na corte com a família também pôs a filha a concorrer. Ela ganhou.
I give people who work for me a Christmas bonus and this guy who works for me was, basically, every year, spending his Christmas bonus on things you should spend your bonus on - his family.
Eu dou, ás pessoas que trabalham para mim bonus de natal, e este rapaz que trabalha para mim, Gastava quase sempre o seu bonus de natal em coisas onde deves mesmo gastar o bonus-a sua familia
He doesn't know how to handle his family, you know, and he came from a family of white racists and he doesn't like going home, but it's still home, so he went home for Christmas one year
Ele vem de uma família de racistas brancos e não gosta de ir para casa. Mas é a casa dele. Portanto, foi a casa passar o Natal.
So Mike tells me that story about how he's just not listened to by anybody in his family, and then later on, I get a job writing on a TV show for Cedric the Entertainer.
O Mike contou-me esta história, sobre como ninguém na sua família o ouve. E mais tarde arranjei um trabalho a escrever para um programa de TV para o Cedric the Entertainer.
That woman looked after a dying man when his family turned their back on him, at a time when his son was proven to be the monster which you tried to convince the world I was.
Aquela mulher tomou conta de um homem moribundo quando a sua família lhe virou as costas. Numa época em que o filho provou ser o monstro, enquanto tu convencias o mundo que era eu.
Caleb Dumas went into exile overseas, to a penitential religious sect founded by his family's patron saint.
Caleb Dumas exilou-se no estrangeiro, numa seita religiosa penitente fundada pelo santo padroeiro da sua família.
I still don't see how you can get Bruce Wayne to turn over his family's legacy.
Ainda não consegui perceber como vais fazer o Bruce Wayne virar as costas ao legado da família dele.
Hasn't answered calls from his family. We can't wait this out.
Ele não responde as ligações da família.
Of course. I already called him because I'm a considerate person who really cares about his family.
Já lhe liguei, porque sou uma pessoa atenciosa que se preocupa realmente com a família.
They were the Wahhabists, who had brought his family to power and gave his rule legitimacy.
Eram os wahhabitas, que levaram a sua família ao poder e deram legitimidade ao seu poder.
Inside, he and his family, including his young grandchildren, are shot dead when his palace guard lost their courageous battle to defend him.
No interior, ele e a sua família, incluindo os seus netos pequenos, são mortos a tiro quando a guarda do palacio perdeu a sua valente batalha para defender-lo.
Not his family.
Não procurou a família dele.
He lost the rest of his family years ago.
Ele perdeu o resto da família há anos atrás.
He and his family think to take advantage, But we won't be paid off with some pocket change.
Ele e a sua família pensam em tirar vantagem, mas não vamos ser pagos com alguns trocados.
 he and his family think to take advantage, But we won't be paid off with some pocket change.â â paid off with some pocket change.â
Ele e a sua família pensam em tirar vantagem, mas não vamos ser pagos com alguns trocados ".
Viktor did say he and his family.
O Viktor disse "ele e a sua família".
His family are high-ranking officials in the Kremlin.
A família dele... São funcionários de alto escalão no Kremlin.
He wants to spend it with his family.
Ele quer passá-lo com a família.
- Well, maybe he does only want to see his family.
Talvez ele só queira ver a família dele.
I fired Pete over text, so I didn't want to crush his family.
- Não. Despedi-o por mensagem.
To keep his family together,
Para manter a família unida,
He's loyal to his family, not Afghanistan.
Ele é leal à família, não ao Afeganistão.
What happened at The Centre when they heard it was the boy who killed his family?
O que se passou na Central quando souberam que foi o rapaz que matou a sua família?
His mother is an American, she's a grade-school teacher, and she still lives in their family home in Olney, Maryland.
A mãe é americana, professora de escola primária e ainda vive na casa deles em Olney, Maryland.
It was a family photo, I think, by Ebbe and his brothers.
Creio que era uma foto de família. O Ebbe e os seus irmãos.
His entire family was wiped out in the blitz.
Toda a família dele morreu num ataque.
I know of him. I just don't know much about his branch of the family.
Sei quem é, mas não sei muito sobre o seu lado da família.
One daughter will be bedded by a man she'll never marry, But if that man is the king and the family now has his favor,
Uma das filhas deita-se com um homem com quem nunca casará, mas, se esse homem for o Rei, e a família ficar nas suas boas graças,
What you've been doing with his wife. You told me that blood, family...
Disseste-me que sangue, família...
He's lost his way, and I need to get my company back before he destroys it, or destroys my family.
Ele está desorientado e preciso de recuperar a minha empresa, antes que ele a destrua ou destrua a minha família.
Aaron Helzinger. Killed his entire family with his bare hands.
Aaron Helzinger, matou a família inteira com as próprias mãos.
If you're guileful enough to win back his heart and cruel enough to smile at his killing, then I'll know you're worthy of the family name.
Se és pérfida o suficiente para reconquistar o coração dele, e cruel o suficiente para sorrir na morte dele, então saberei que és merecedora do nome de família.
Ben was taking over the family business and I promised I would trust his judgment.
O Ben estava a assumir os negócios da família e prometi que ia confiar no julgamento dele.
The reputed head of what is left of the city's crime family invested through a shell corporation named after his niece.
Renomado chefe da família do crime da cidade investiu através de uma empresa de fachada em nome da sua sobrinha.
They said Vicksburg wasn't safe, told his own family not to come.
Disseram que Vicksburg não era seguro. Disse à sua própria família para não vir.
In 2012 he was questioned In the brutal killing of a gang member's family In his hometown of volga,
- Em 2012, ele foi interrogado sobre o assassinato brutal da família de um membro de gangue na sua cidade natal, Volga.
By our family Bible, the one that your father used to read for comfort, as did I, after his death.
Pela Bíblia da família, aquela que seu pai costumava ler por conforto, como eu, depois que ele morreu.
He got that CEO guy who admitted he killed his whole family out on a technicality.
Conseguiu que aquele CEO que admitiu que matou a família saísse por uma questão técnica.
He came to live with a family here, and he came looking for me when he was ready to find his guardian spirit.
Veio morar com uma família aqui, e procurou-me quando estava pronto para encontrar o espírito guardião dele.
Because our dad is out there genuinely grieving the death of his son, while you're in here worrying about the family's image and topping off on the Botox.
Porque o nosso pai está lá fora de luto pela morte do seu filho, enquanto tu estás aqui preocupada com a imagem da família, e a cobrir o rosto de maquilhagem.
His threat to my family was clear.
A ameaça à minha família era clara.
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family members 20
family reunion 17
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family and friends 25
family emergency 19
family members 20
family reunion 17
family only 25
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family man 38
family meeting 38
family business 42
his father 174
his friend 45
family stuff 23
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family man 38
family meeting 38
family business 42
his father 174
his friend 45