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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ I ] / I'll go with you

I'll go with you traducir portugués

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I'll go with you.
Vou contigo.
There'll be a virtual reality machine there with a whole bunch of headphones and if you wanna... talk to people and listen to the virtual reality machine you can do that and and go to the other bedroom and fuck and drink and but I actually I think, virtual reality machines will actually get you high.
Vão ter lá uma máquina de realidade virtual, cheia de auscultadores ligados. E se quiseres falar com as pessoas e ouvir a máquina de realidade virtual, vais poder fazê-lo. E depois ir para outro quarto e foder e beber, mas na verdade acho que as máquinas virtuais vão deixá-los pedrados.
You go cover for me with Kandi and I'll get Francine the hell out of here.
Dá-me tempo com a Kandi para tirar a Francine daqui para fora.
Okay, I'll go with you.
Eu vou contigo.
If I find any evidence of wrongdoing, I'll shut your lab. And you, Lieutenant, will go down with it.
Se eu encontrar alguma prova de mau funcionamento, fecho o seu laboratório, e o senhor, tenente, acaba com ele.
I played baseball, some basketball, but, you know, we'll go with football.
Jogava basebol, um pouco de basquetebol. Prefiro futebol.
Sure, of course I'll go to the bowling party with you.
Com certeza, claro que vou à festa de bowling contigo.
One. I'll go down in history with Lincoln and Kennedy, but you'll go down with John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald.
Eu fico na história com Lincoln e Kennedy, mas você fica com o John Wilkes Booth e o Lee Harvey Oswald.
I'll go with you, Joe, if you want.
Irei contigo, Joe, se quiseres.
I was gonna say I'll go with you.
- Eu sei. Eu ia dizer que vou contigo.
I'll go look for Eugenia and you enjoy the view with a room.
Vou buscar a Eugenia... e desfrute do... quarto...
With that in mind, I'll go tell the neighbors how enlightened you are.
Tendo isso em mente, vou explicar aos vizinhos como és esclarecida.
- I'll go with you, Sir.
- Eu vou consigo meu Capitão.
I'll talk to Laura Clemensen's mother, - and since she just lost her husband... - I'll go with you.
Eu vou ter com a mãe de Laura Clemensen, já que ela acabou de perder o marido.
- -I'll go with you, Jake.
- Eu vou contigo, Jake,
I know you think I'm gonna be your O.J., but you go anywhere near her, I'll fire you and go back with the public defender.
Sei que pensa que vou ser o próximo O.J. Simpson, mas se se aproximar dela, despeço-o e vou a tribunal com um advogado público.
I'm sure you'll find someone to go with you.
Tenho a certeza que vais encontrar alguém para ir contigo.
And, Zack, after that, I'll need you to go back to the crime scene with the photos I'm taking.
E, Zack, depois disto, vou precisar de ti para voltar à cena do crime com as fotos que tenho.
- -I'll go with you.
- Eu vou contigo.
- -I'll go with you, Jake.
- Eu vou contigo, Jake.
Then I'll go with you.
Então eu vou consigo.
I'll go to Vermont with you.
Vou a Vermont contigo.
You cooperate with us here, we'll make this whole Chad Shelton I.A. thing go away.
Você coopera connosco aqui. E fazemos todos como se esta conversa nunca tivesse existido.
I'll relinquish everything if you go to dinner with me.
Eu desisto de tudo se fores jantar comigo.
You go to Chameleon Bay, I'll stay here with the king.
Vais para a Baía do Camaleão, eu fico com o Rei.
- I'll go with you.
- Vou contigo.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go have a yummy, pink drink with fruit in it... because I can.
Agora, se me derem licença, vou pedir uma deliciosa bebida cor de rosa com fruta lá dentro...
- Maybe I'll go back with you.
Talvez volte contigo.
Yeah. I'll go to the banquet with you.
Sim, vou ao banquete contigo.
I'll go along with that... if you want me to.
Eu finjo que acredito, se quiseres.
I'll go with you, just in case you wanna rest in the car.
Eu vou contigo, para o caso de quereres descansar no carro.
I'll go along with whichever you decide.
Aceitarei o que tu decidires.
Well, then I'll go with you.
- Não, deixa estar.
I'll go with you.
- Vou contigo.
All right, I'll go with you!
Está bem, eu vou consigo!
Well, I guess I'll just have to go with you, Jemaine.
Eu acho que vou ter que ir só contigo, Jemaine.
- Well, I'll go with you.
- Eu vou consigo.
All right, you can tell him I'll go out with him.
Está bem, podes dizer-lhe que saio com ele.
Okay, I'll go down there with you.
Está bem, eu vou até lá contigo.
'Cause you think I'm just gonna ride out of this town the same way I rode in, and when I go, I'll take your heart with me?
Acho que me vou desta cidade, da mesma forma que cheguei, e quando for, levo o teu coração comigo?
- I'll go with you.
- Eu vou contigo.
I'll go with you.
Eu acompanho-te.
But I'll tell you what, invite him to go fishing with us.
Mas te digo uma coisa, o convide para ir pescar conosco.
I'll go where I need to when I need to. And I don't believe there's anything that says I gotta consult with you first.
Vou onde quero e quando quero, e nada diz que tenho de o consultar.
Chief, I can go to the morgue with you. We'll sort this out.
Chefe, eu posso ir à morgue consigo.
- I'll go with you.
- Vou convosco.
All right, I'll go out and help you with your cop problem.
Eu vou ajudar-te com o teu problema com o carro.
If you wanna go, go, and I'll deal with the situation right now.
Se queres ir, vai. Eu lido com a questão agora mesmo.
- I'll go with you.
Vou confiar em ti.
Sherman, I'll go with you.
Shman, eu vou contigo.
I'm going to go out with sarah tonight, i'm going to try and wrap that up early enough to get back here, help you and then i'll hang out with ellie tomorrow... Yeah, yeah, i think i can make that work.
Vou sair com a Sarah logo, vou tentar despachar-me o mais cedo possível, para voltar cá, e ajudar-te, e depois fico com a Ellie amanhã sim, acho que consigo que funcione.

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