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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ I ] / I'll see you at school

I'll see you at school traducir portugués

83 traducción paralela
I'll see you at school.
Está bem. Vemo-nos na escola.
I'll see you at school.
Vejo-vos na escola.
Maybe I'll see you at school.
Talvez te veja na escola.
I'll go to school, you'll work at the co-Op... And we'll see each other every single vacation.
Eu vou para a escola, tu vais trabalhar na cooperativa... e vamos ver-nos em todas as férias escolares.
I'm rather busy at the moment so I'll see you on Monday at school.
Estou ocupado, de momento. Vemo-nos segunda na escola.
I'll see you at school, Mary Sue.
Vemo-nos na escola, Mary Sue.
I'll see you at school. Cool.
Eu... vemos-nos no liceu.
I'll see you at school tomorrow, Kyle.
Vejo-te amanhã na escola Kyle.
So I guess I'll just see you after school at the Crashdown.
Eu vejo-te depois da escola no Crashdown.
I'll see you at school tomorrow.
Vemo-nos amanhã na escola.
I'll see you at school.
Vemo-nos na escola.
I'll see you tomorrow morning at traffic school, speedy.
Vemo-nos amanhã na escola de condução, rapidinha.
I have to go. I'll see you at school tomorrow.
Tenho que ir a estação, vemo-nos na escola.
I'll see you at school. Yeah.
Vejo-te na escola.
I'll see you at school.
Sim. Vejo-te na escola.
- I'll see you later at school.
- Até mais tarde, na escola.
I'll see you at school, ok?
Vemo-nos no liceu.
Okay, so I'll see you at school.
Ok, então vejo-te na escola.
So I guess I'll see you at school then.
Acho que te verei na escola.
Well, I'll see you at school.
Bem... vejo-te na escola.
We'll see each other nights and weekends... and I'll come visit you at school.
Vamo-nos ver à noite e aos fins-de-semana... e eu vou visitar-te à escola.
Hey, I'll see you at school.
Hey, te vejo na escola.
- I'll just see you guys at school.
- Vemo-nos na escola.
I'll see you back at school.
Vemo-nos na escola.
- I guess I'll see you at school.
- Acho que te vejo na escola.
- I'll see you at school.
- Vejo-te na escola.
- I'm not supposed to have anyone here. - It's cool. I was just hoping we could spend a little more time together, but I guess I'll just see you at school?
Tudo bem, só queria passar um pouco mais de tempo com você, mas...
Uh, so, uh, I'll see you at school. Yeah.
- Bem, vemo-nos na escola.
I guess I'll see you at school.
Amo-te! - Vemo-nos na escola.
So I'll see you at school, Mrs. Campbell.
Encontramo-nos novamente na escola, Mrs. Campbell.
- Hey, I'll see you back at school.
- Olha, vemo-nos na escola.
Um, sorry to bother you. I-I'll see you at school tomorrow.
Lamento incomodá-la, vemo-nos amanhã na escola.
I'll see you. - At school...
- Tudo bem, vejo-te depois.
Te vejo amanhã na escola.
I guess I'll see you at school.
Vejo-te na escola.
All right, I'll see you at school.
Vemo-nos nas aulas.
I'll see you at school, alright?
- Vejo-te na escola, está bem?
OK, hon. Um, I'll pick up the kids, see you at the school.
Eu vou buscar as crianças, vejo-te na escola.
Uh, yeah, um, so I'll see you at school.
Sim... Então vemo-nos na escola...
I'll see you at the school.
Tenho que me ir embora, querida.
Okay, I'll see you at the school.
- Vabbè, vou olhar para ele!
"have a good summer. I'll see you back at school"?
"Tem um excelente Verão, vejo-te na escola"?
Vemo-nos na escola, está bem?
I guess I'll see you at school.
Vemo-nos na escola.
I guess I'll just see you at school tomorrow. And maybe we can forget this whole Rachel thing ever happened.
Vejo-te amanhã na escola, e talvez pudéssemos esquecer esta história toda da Rachel.
I'm sorry it was nice to see you, you'll see him at school tomorrow. But wait...
Desculpa, foi bom ver-te, amanhã vêem-se na escola, está bem?
I'll see you tomorrow at school.
Vejo-te amanhã na escola. Tchau, Cameron.
Yeah, I'll see you at the school.
Vemo-nos na escola.
I hope I'll see you soon and will be able to tell you how I'm doing at school and show you my science report.
Espero que nos vejamos em breve, eu te diga como está a correr a escola e te possa mostrar os relatórios de Ciências.
Have a good day at school, sweetie, and I'll see you later.
Tem um bom dia de escola, querida.
I'll see you tomorrow at school, okay?
Vejo-te amanhã no colégio, ok?

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