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I'll tell you on the way traducir portugués

84 traducción paralela
Get on your horse, I'll tell you on the way back.
- Pegue o seu cavalo, eu vou te dizer no caminho de volta.
- I'll tell you on the way back.
Vou-te contar no caminho de volta.
I'll tell you all about it on the way.
Contar-lhe-ei isso tudo pelo caminho.
I'll tell you on the way.
Eu digo-lhe no caminho.
I'll tell you the rest on the way downtown.
Conto-te o resto a caminho da esquadra.
I'll tell you on the way.
Digo-lhe no caminho.
I'll tell you on the way.
Conto-lha pelo caminho.
I'll tell you a story about that on the way to school.
Vou contar uma história acerca dele a caminho da escola.
- I'll tell you on the way.
- Eu conto-te no caminho.
I'll tell you on the way.
- Entra. Vou-te contando.
I'll tell you on the way.
Poderei dizer-te isso no caminho.
I'll tell you on the way over.
Eu vou dizer-vos no caminho.
Q, tell us what's going on or get out of the way. I'll tell you.
Q, diga-nos o que se passa ou deixe de atrapalhar.
I'll tell you what. I'll drop you over at one of your friend's place... on the way over, and you can have some fun there. Nah.
Posso deixar-te em casa de algum amigo teu e divertes-te um pouco.
I'll tell you about it on the way to the Bridge.
Contarei sobre isso a caminho da Ponte.
- Come on. I'll tell you on the way.
- Conto-te no caminho.
You figure out a way to get me south of the 50th parallel... maybe I'll tell you about all the weird stuff that goes on around here.
Se arranjar forma de me levar para sul do 50º paralelo... talvez eu lhe conte tudo sobre as coisas estranhas que se têm passado aqui.
I'll tell you everything I know on the way, but we have got to go.
Digo-vos tudo o que sei no caminho, mas temos de ir embora.
I'll tell him you're on the way.
Direi que está a caminho.
Such as who is giving them their orders. I'll tell you on the way.
Como, quem lhes dá ordens e onde está.
I'll tell you about it on the way.
Eu conto no caminho.
I'll tell you, you learn a lotta things... on the way to five hundred, none more important than this...
Quinhentas lutas ensinam-nos muita coisa. Nenhuma delas mais importante do que esta.
So I tell her : I'll hear what they say on the way out and tell you later.
Por isso ouço o que dizem à saída e conto-lhe depois.
- I'll tell you on the way.
- Digo-lhe no caminho.
I'll call her and tell her you're on the way.
Vou ligar-lhe e avisá-la de que vais a caminho.
I'll tell you on the way to the police station, where's your son?
Digo-lhes a caminho da esquadra. O seu filho?
I'll tell you the rest on the way.
Digo-te o resto no caminho.
I'll tell you on the way. Come on.
Conto-te pelo caminho.
I'll tell you on the way.
- Conto-te no caminho.
How about giving me a ride to the airport, and I'll tell you on the way.
Dá-me boleia para o aeroporto, conto-te no caminho.
- -I'll tell you on the way to the medical center, all right?
- Digo-te no caminho para o centro médico.
[music playing on tv] * they say love * * will find a way * * but i'll tell you what * * at the end of the day * * maybe love * * ain't even real *
Dizem que o amor Encontrará uma forma Mas irei dizer-to No fim do dia Talvez o amor Não seja assim tão real
I'll email you the contract and tell Bertle he's on his way.
Mando-lhe o contrato por e-mail e vou avisar o Bertle para se pôr a caminho.
- I'll tell you on the way. Let's go.
- Vamos, eu conto-te no caminho.
I'll tell you why. Because you disappear half way around the world and you hardly ever come back to see your parents. Because you spend the last of your money on a 1st class ticket when you know you're supposed to give me the half for the funeral.
Porque vais para o outro lado do mundo e não vens ver os pais, porque gastas o teu último dinheiro num bilhete em 1ª classe, sabendo que tinhas de pagar metade do funeral.
I'll tell you this, he's better off that way. 'Cause if he was alive, there'd be a chance that he could someday walk into Jared's Rib House, order the onion fries and hot wings, wash them down with a few beers, and then watch the fucking Buttcracker Suite put on in the toilet.
Deixa-me que te diga, ele está melhor assim, porque se estivesse vivo... haveria a hipótese de um dia entrar na Casa das Costelas do Jerod, pedir as cebolas fritas e asas fritas, mergulhá-las com algumas cervejas... e depois ver o espectáculo na sanita.
I'll tell you what, if you guys can help me find Penny the girl from the television show I'd love hear more about this aliens idea, but on the way.
Mas, vamos fazer o seguinte : Se me ajudarem a encontrar a Penny, a rapariga do programa da televisão. Eu adoraria ouvir mais sobre essa ideia dos extraterrestres, mas no caminho.
Get in. I'll tell you on the way.
- Entre, digo-te no caminho.
I'll go tell the world you're on your way.
Vou dizer ao mundo que vens a caminho.
I'll tell you everything tonight on the way to your parents.
Conto-te tudo hoje a caminho da casa de teus pais.
I'll tell you more on the way.
Conto-vos o resto pelo caminho.
No, I'll, er... I'll tell you on the way.
Te conto no caminho.
- I'll tell you on the way.
- Conto-te no caminho.
I'll tell you on the way.
Conto pelo caminho.
- I'll tell you on the way to dinner.
- Explico-vos a caminho do jantar.
I'll tell you about it on the way.
Conto-vos no caminho.
I'll tell you on the way!
- Direi no caminho.
I'll tell you on the way, come on.
Vou dizer-lhe no caminho vamos lá.
I'll tell you on the way.
Eu digo-te pelo caminho.
I'll tell you on the way.
Eu digo-te no caminho.
- I'll tell you on the way out.
- Conto-te no caminho.

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