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I'll wait outside traducir portugués

241 traducción paralela
I'll wait for you outside.
Eu espero por ti lá fora.
I think you've got something. I'll wait outside until you clean it up.
Meu filho, deixa-te de histórias!
He'll be right over. Perhaps you'd better wait outside until I've had a chance to talk to him.
Ele vem aí. talvez seja melhor esperarem lá fora enquanto tenho hípotese de falar com ele.
I'll wait outside the door.
Esperarei do lado de fora.
Sure, Johnny, but I'll have to ask you to wait outside while I open the safe.
Claro, mas espere aí fora enquanto abro a caixa.
- I'll wait outside.
- Espero lá fora.
But first I have something to say to Kate. If you'll wait for me outside.
Gostava de falar com a Kate, espere lá fora.
- You know, I think I'll wait outside.
- Acho que esperarei cá fora.
I'll wait outside.
Eu espero lá fora.
- I'll go wait outside.
- Vou esperar lá fora.
Get your things together. I'll wait for you outside. Carolyn, I...
Vão lá arrumar as vossas coisas.
- I'll wait outside.
- Vou esperar lá fora.
I'll wait outside.
- Esperarei lá fora.
I'll wait outside.
Eu espero lá fora!
I'll wait outside.
Espero lá fora.
I tell you what, we'll wait outside.
Sabe que mais, esperamos lá fora.
I'll wait for you outside, huh.
- Olhe... Te espero lá fora.
Wait outside. I'll call you.
Espere-me lá fora, eu mando-o chamar.
I'll wait outside and if it gets sticky I'll come in and break it up.
Espero lá fora. Se der para o torto, venho cá separar-vos.
I'll wait outside, shall I?
Eu espero lá fora, está bem?
I'll wait outside.
Espero lá fora. Vou sair!
I'll wait for you outside by the swing.
Espero-te no balouço.
I'll wait for you outside.
Espero-te lá fora.
I'll wait outside, all right?
Eu espero cá fora, tá?
I'll wait for you outside.
Espero por ti lá fora.
I'll go wait for him outside.
Vou esperar por ele lá fora.
I'll wait outside while you change.
Esperarei la fora enquanto se troca.
I'll get some. Wait outside
Vou buscar algum, espera lá fora.
- Excuse me. I'll wait outside.
- Espere lá fora.
I'll wait outside.
Vou esperar lá fora.
Just wait outside, I'll call you.
Espera aí fora, já te chamo.
Wait, I'll show you outside.
Espera, mostro-te lá fora.
I'll wait for you outside.
Eu esperarei lá fora.
I'll wait outside.
Eu espero aqui.
Tell you what I'll drive you to the restaurant wait outside for you in the car and take you home.
Fazemos assim... Levo-te ao restaurante espero á porta e levo-te a casa.
Sir, I'll wait outside for the MPs to come.
Senhor, eu espero lá fora pela Polícia Militar.
- And I'll get back to you. - Wait! There's a guard outside the door.
- e depois digo-te alguma coisa.
- I'll wait outside, then.
- Então espero aqui fora.
- Fine. I'll wait outside.
Eu espero lá fora.
I think I'll go outside and wait for the tow truck.
Bem, tenho de ir lá para fora esperar o reboque!
No problem, I'll wait for your answer outside the garden
Tudo bem, espero pela tua resposta ao pé do jardim.
I'll wait outside.
Eu vou esperar lá fora.
- I'll wait outside.
- Eu espero lá fora.
I'll wait for you outside.
Eu espero aqui fora.
I'll wait outside while you get dressed.
Espero lá fora enquanto te vestes.
- I'll wait for him outside.
- Vou esperá-lo lá fora.
Go wait outside and I'll be right out.
Espera lá fora, eu já vou.
I'll wait right outside.
Eu espero aqui fora.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but we'll have to wait outside.
Vão ter de desculpar, mas temos de esperar lá fora um instante.
- I think I'll wait outside.
- Vou esperar lá fora.
I'll go with you and- - And I'll wait outside. But I'll be there.
Vou contigo, e espero lá fora, mas estarei lá.

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