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I didn't do anything to her traducir portugués

82 traducción paralela
- I didn't do anything to her!
- Não lhe fiz nada!
I wanted to box, the way I have... I was already in love with it, and that's why some ladies asked if I would let them raise her, so I let them, because I didn't want to ruin my daughter's happiness... I knew she would be all right with those ladies, and I couldn't do anything more for her.
Eu queria seguir o boxe como segui e já tinha amor à arte e foi por isso que me pediram se deixava criá-la e eu deixei, para não estragar a felicidade dela, porque sabia que a vida dela na mão daquelas senhoras que estava bem
- I didn't do anything to her.
- Não lhe fiz nada.
I didn't do anything to her.
- Não lhe fiz nada
I didn't do anything to her.
Eu näo lhe fiz nada.
I didn't say I wanted to do anything with her.
Eu não disse que queria alguma coisa com ela.
I didn't do anything bad enough to deserve to go to her house.
O que eu fiz não foi assim tão mau para me levares a casa dela.
- I didn't do anything to her.
Ela levou um tiro!
I didn't force her to do anything.
Não a obriguei a nada.
I didn't do anything to her.
- Não lhe fiz nada.
And I didn't want anything to do with her.
Eu afastava-me dela.
- I hope Tony didn't do anything to her.
- Espero que o Tony não lhe tenha feito mal.
I didn't do anything to her.
Não lhe fiz nada.
- I didn't do anything to her.
- Não fiz nada.
Chloe, look, I promise you, I didn't do anything to her.
Juro, não lhe fiz nada.
But I swear to God, I didn't do anything to her.
Mas juro por Deus que não lhe fiz nada.
Well, I didn't get to do anything with her, mister.
Bem, eu não consegui nada com ela, senhor.
I wanted her back, but I didn't do anything to get her back.
Eu queria-a de volta, mas não fiz nada, para tê-la de volta.
I didn't grope her and I definitely didn't force her to do anything.
Eu não a apalpei, nem definitivamente a forcei a fazer nada comigo.
I didn't do anything to her. I really didn't.
Ñão lhe fiz nada, juro.
I didn't do anything to her.
Eu não lhe fiz nada.
Well, I didn't ask her to do anything.
- Bom, eu não Ihe pedi nada.
I didn't do anything to stop her.
Não fiz nada para a impedir.
Audrey and I argued, and then she broke the glass, but I didn't do anything to her.
Eu e a Audrey discutimos e ela partiu a montra, mas eu não lhe fiz nada. - Não?
I didn't do anything to her.
Não fiz nada.
I accompanied her to Kenyon's memorial service after that and she never said anything else about that man and I didn't ask.
Depois, acompanhei-a ao funeral do Kenyon, e ela não disse mais nada sobre aquele homem e eu não perguntei.
Okay, look, you know, it hasn't been easy, and yes, there's a part of me that's glad she disappeared, but beyond that fight, I didn't do anything to her.
Muito bem, ouça, não tem sido fácil. Sim, parte de mim está contente por ela ter desaparecido. Mas, tirando aquela briga, não lhe fiz nada.
I didn't force her to do anything.
Não a obriguei a fazer nada.
No, I didn't do anything to her.
Não, não lhe fiz nada.
I didn't do anything to her.
- Só me tem contado mentiras.
I mean, we would never force her to be anything that she didn't wanna be.
Já foi directora do Centro de Artes da Califórnia e antes disso foi dona de uma galeria. - A arte é muito importante para ela.
You didn't assault her? I didn't get the chance to do anything.
Não tive oportunidade de fazer nada.
Maya tried her best... but something had died inside me... I couldn't remember anything... couldn't concentrate on anything... I would tremble while speaking... I was good for nothing... I didn't know what to do?
Maya tentou o seu melhor... mas algo tinha morrido dentro de mim... Eu não me recordava de nada... não conseguia concentrar-me em nada... eu tremia enquanto faalava... Fui bom para nada...
I didn't do anything to save her.
Eu não fiz nada para salvá-la.
Her name didn't rhyme with anything Not a single thing I wanted to sing It comes from my heart, it's about my mom and dad.
Nada rima com o seu nome Nada do que quero cantar
I didn't actually do anything to her.
Não lhe fiz nada.
That was when I decided that I didn't want anything more to do with her.
Foi quando decidi que não queria ter mais nada que ver com ela.
I didn't know. I wouldn't do anything to hurt her.
Não faria nada que a magoasse.
Do her first, I guess. No! She didn't have anything to do with it!
- Ela não tem nada a ver com isto!
You didn't do anything. I'm part of what happened to her... what's happening to all of you.
Sou parte do que lhe aconteceu e do que vos aconteceu a todas.
I wasn't forcing her to do anything that she didn't want to do.
Não a estava a abrigá-la a fazer nada que ela não quisesse.
I didn't do anything to her!
Eu não lhe fiz nada!
I didn't do anything to her.
Não fiz nada com ela.
Nathan, I swear I didn't do anything to her.
Nathan, juro que não lhe fiz nada!
I didn't forced her to do anything.
Não a obriguei a nada.
Since I don't know when she died, day or night, and since I've already made it clear that I didn't hear anything out of the ordinary coming from her apartment, then I'd venture to guess that we are entering into an area of...
Como não sei quando ela morreu, de dia ou de noite, e como já deixei claro que não ouvi nada de estranho que viesse do apartamento dela, arrisco-me a dizer que estamos a entrar numa fase de...
I didn't do anything. I was just talking to her.
Eu não fiz... eu não fiz nada.
I didn't do anything to her.
eu não lhe fiz nada.
Look, I don't know the details, but the story goes, some years back, Stink got involved with Mags'cousin Gracie, got her knocked up, decided he didn't want anything to do with that.
Não sei os pormenores, mas consta que, aqui há uns anos, andou com a prima da Mags, a Gracie, engravidou-a e não quis saber mais dela.
But I didn't have anything to do with her death.
mas não tive nada a ver com a morte dela.
Look, I told you, I didn't have anything to do with her murder.
Já disse que não a matei.

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