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I heard you were back traducir portugués

90 traducción paralela
- I heard you were back.
- Ouvi que havia tornado.
Major, I heard you were back.
Major, soube que estava de volta.
Hey, Sheba, I heard you were back in town.
Olá, Sheba. Ouvi dizer que estava de volta.
I heard you were back in Gotham playacting on the stage with Billy Cody and making a barrel.
Ouvi dizer que voltou a Gotham. Atuando com Billy Cody e atirando em Barris.
Highway, I heard you were back.
Highway, ouvi dizer que voltaste.
I heard you were back.
Já ouvi dizer que voltaste.
I heard you were back.
Sabia que estava aqui.
I heard you were back in California and the queen speaks very highly of you.
Quando soube que voltara à Califórnia, achei que deveria apresentar-me, sabendo que sua majestade fala muito bem de si.
But I'm gonna be honest with you. When I heard you were back, I felt threatened. And I hated myself, because I sympathise with you.
Mas vou ser sincera contigo, quando ouvi que tinhas voltado, senti-me ameaçada e odiei-me por isso, porque simpatizo contigo depois de tudo o que passaste.
I heard you were back in town.
Soube que estava na cidade.
I heard you were back on the team.
- Claro. Ouvi dizer que voltaste para a equipa.
And when I heard you were back, I...
E quando soube que tinhas voltado...
I heard you were back.
- Ouvi dizer que estavas de volta.
I heard you were back in town
Soube que estava na cidade.
I heard you were back.
Ouvi dizer que tinhas voltado.
I rushed up here the moment I heard you were back with Sebastian.
Vim até aqui quando soube de seu encontro com Sebastian.
You know, I heard you were back, but I didn't see you in the pit.
- Soube que voltaste mas não te vi.
I heard you were back.
Ouvi dizer que você voltou.
Well, I heard you were back, and I hadn't seen you for a while so...
- Bem, ouvi que tinhas voltado. - E como não te via há algum tempo...
I heard you were back in town.
Soube que estavas de volta à cidade.
D. I heard you were back.
- Ouvi dizer que estavas de volta.
You know, when I heard you were back in town, I ran the scenario of how this would work, you and me.
Sabes, quando ouvi que tinhas regressado, imaginei um cenário de como isto funcionaria, tu e eu.
I heard you were back on drugs is.
Não espero que tenha acabado, não é?
I heard you were back.
Ouvi dizer que estavas de volta.
I heard you were back home.
Foi-me dito que estavas de volta para casa.
Ah, Jack, I heard you were back in play.
- Jack ouvi que está de volta.
I heard you were back in town.
Ouvi dizer que tinhas voltado à cidade.
- Good, I heard you were back.
Muito bem, ouvi dizer que estavam de volta.
Oh, I heard you were back.
Ouvi dizer que tinhas voltado!
I heard you were back in town.
Ouvi dizer que estavas de volta a cidade.
I hadn't heard you were back.
Não sabia que tinha voltado.
I just got back from a case and I heard you were sent home.
Acabei de voltar de um caso e ouvi que o mandaram para casa.
I heard you were insulted by him last night... and didn't dare fight back.
Soube que foste insultado por ele ontem à noite e não tiveste a coragem de reagir.
When I heard you were coming back, I thought you'd forgiven me.
Quando eu ouvi que ias voltar, pensei que tinhas-me perdoado.
Heard you were long gone back to the city. I thought you were all through here.
Julguei que estava despachado daqui.
When I heard you hand-carried it, I thought well, maybe you were back on the market.
Quando soube que o tinhas levado em mãos, pensei que tivesses voltado ao mercado.
I heard you were just a window display standing in some back alley
Eu ouvi dizer que tu eras apenas um objecto lançado num beco.
I heard you were going back to Smallville tomorrow.
Ouvi dizer que voltas para Smallville, amanhã.
I heard you were doing back-to-back shifts, so I pulled strings so that we could get the old band back together.
Ouvi dizer que andavas a fazer turnos alternados, por isso tratei das coisas para pudermos recuperar a banda.
I'd heard you were back.
Soube que tinhas voltado.
I, uh, heard you were back from the hospital, so I brought you these.
Eu, soube que estava de volta do hospital, e vim lhe trazer isto.
I heard you were flying back tonight.
Ouvi que ia regressar hoje á noite.
I got over a dozen witnesses that heard you threaten to kill him going back to when you were in high school.
Eu tenho uma dúzia de testemunhas que ouviram você ameaçar matá-lo quando estava no colegial.
Hannah, I heard you were studying back east - what are you doing here?
Hannah, ouvi dizer que estavas a estudar longe daqui, o que estás aqui a fazer?
Say, I heard you and Barbie were back together again.
Ouvi dizer que tu e a Barbie reataram.
I was so happy when I heard you were coming back.
Fiquei tão feliz quando soube que ias voltar.
I got to admit, when I heard you were coming back, I got pretty excited.
Quando soube que vinhas, fiquei muito feliz.
I heard you two were back inside.
Soube que vocês dois tinham voltado ao serviço.
But I heard you two were back, so I thought I'd stop by on my way.
Mas soube que tinham voltado e resolvi passar por cá.
I heard you were working a UC sting at the Wapi Eagle a few months back.
Ouvi dizer que estiveste infiltrada no Wapi Eagle, há uns meses.
I have witnesses who heard you say you were going to break my back.
Tenho testemunhas que te ouviram dizer que me ias partir as costas.

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