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I never thought about it traducir portugués

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Uh — Well, I never thought about it, but I guess it is.
Bem, nunca pensei nisso, mas suponho que sim.
- Well, I never thought about it.
- Bem, nunca me lembrei disso.
Well, I never thought about it before, but I imagine I could.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso, mas imagino que sim.
It's just that I never thought about it before.
É que nunca pensei nisto antes...
You know, I never thought about it like that.
Nunca pensei nisso desse modo.
I don't know. I never thought about it.
Não sei... nunca pensei nisso sequer.
- I guess I never thought about it, Pa.
- Acho que nunca pensei nisso, pai.
I feel like Gerry's guiding me. I mean, shoes! I love shoes but I never thought about it.
Sinto que o Gerry me guia, quer dizer aos sapatos.
I never thought about it that way.
Nunca pensei nisso dessa maneira.
I mean, I never thought about it before.
Quer dizer, nunca pensei nisso antes.
I never thought about it.
Nunca pensei nisso.
I dunno, I never thought about it.
Não sei, nunca pensei nisso.
I never thought about it like that.
Nunca o vi dessa perspectiva.
I never thought about it like that.
Nunca pensei nisso dessa forma.
Gee, i never thought about it that way, dr. Crane.
Nossa, eu nunca pensei por esse ângulo, Dr. Crane.
I never thought about it that way.
Nunca pensei nisso dessa forma.
I never thought about it.
- Nunca pensei nisso.
I never thought about fingerprints, that mine were on it.
Nem pensei que continha minhas impressões digitais.
I've never thought about it.
Nunca pensei nisso.
I never thought I'd live to see the day my girl got slapped and I did nothing about it.
Nunca pensei viver para ver o dia... em que minha filha fosse esbofeteada e eu não fizesse nada.
I've never thought about it.
Nunca pensei sobre isso.
That's the proper way to do it. Come to think of it, I've never thought about it, sewing shadows.
É assim que se deve fazer, embora nunca tenha pensado nisso.
- I never thought much about it.
Culpa-o por não se aproximar? Nunca pensei muito nisso, coronel.
I have never been in love... but I have dreamed and thought about it... and waited.
Eu nunca estive apaixonada... mas tenho sonhado com isso e pensado nisso... e tenho estado à espera.
I have never thought about it.
Nunca pensei nisso.
I'd never really thought about it.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
I never really thought much about it, sir.
Nunca pensei muito nelas, senhor.
Guess I never really thought about it.
Acho que nunca pensei muito nisso.
I never thought again about it.
Não pensei mais no assunto.
Well, I thought about it, but you could never have granted my true wish.
Bem, eu pensei nisso mas nunca poderias dar-me o que desejo.
Personally, I never thought much about it.
Pessoalmente, nunca pensei muito nisso.
I thought about apologizing in writing... but that's never been good enough for me, so I'm here to say it face to face.
Tinha pensado em pedir desculpas por escrito, mas não parecia suficiente. Assim vim para to dizer cara a cara.
I never really thought about it.
Eu nunca tinha pensado nisso, realmente.
When you were talking about this in the car, i never thought you'd go through with it.
Quando falaste disso no carro, não pensei que fosses mesmo fazer.
I never thought about it
Nunca pensei sobre isso.
I've never really thought about it.
Nunca pensei nisso.
I never thought about it.
Ainda não pensei nisso.
I never really thought about it much.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
I've never thought about what it's like.
Nunca me propus.
I thought about it, but it just never seemed right.
Já pensei nisso, mas nunca me pareceu bem.
I've never been a teacher, but it's something I've always thought about doing.
Nunca fui professora, mas é algo que sempre pensei fazer.
- I never thought about that. - It didn't go off?
Nem me lembrei.
I bet you thought it would never catch up with you... that I don't know the shit you guys say about me.
Se calhar pensou que nunca chegaria ao seu nível... pensa que não sei as parvoíces que falam sobre mim.
I've never thought about it.
Eu nunca pensei nisso.
Well, I never really thought about it.
Bem, nunca pensei nisso.
I never really thought about it.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
I never really thought about it, General.
Nunca tinha pensado nisso.
I had never thought much about it before.
Nunca tinha pensado muito no assunto.
Well, I never really thought about it quite like that.
Nunca pensei nesses termos.
- I never really thought about it.
Nunca pensei nisso.
I really never thought about it before.
Eu realmente nunca pensei sobre isso antes.

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