I noticed that traducir portugués
1,435 traducción paralela
I noticed that just now.
Reparei naquilo agora mesmo.
Corey, when I was reviewing your grandmother's insurance policy, I noticed that she didn't specify an e-mail address, and that got me thinking.
Corey, ao reexaminar o seguro da tua avó reparei que não indicara nenhum e-mail e isso fez-me reflectir.
Oh, yeah, I noticed that, but every picture had something wrong with it and I had to pick the one that was the best for the largest number of people.
Sim, mas todas as fotografias tinham um erro. Tive de escolher uma que fosse boa para a maioria.
I went up there to get some money out of the safe and I noticed that all of his stuff was gone.
Fui lá acima e reparei que as coisas dele tinham desaparecido.
I-I noticed that your credit card said "member since 1979."
Reparei que no seu cartão de crédito dizia "membro desde 1979".
Lately, I noticed that his conversations with Nasser seemed longer than his translations.
Não sei. Ultimamente, notei que as suas conversas com o Nasser... eram maiores do que as suas traduções.
I noticed that.
Já reparei nisso.
i noticed that.
Reparei nisso!
I noticed that you aren't wearing a ring.
Reparei que não usava aliança...
Then I noticed that the dog had... calmed down. and we could get on with the show.
e o cachorro tinha... se acalmado... e pudemos continuar com o show.
Well, the second time you came back, I mean, that was, for me, when I noticed that you make us play better, man.
Da segunda vez que voltaste, foi então que notei que fazes com que toquemos melhor.
And on that same page of his notebook, I noticed that something had been erased.
E na mesma página do seu caderno, reparei que algo foi apagado.
Place looks exactly like I left it. I noticed that somebody's broken into your desk here.
Notei que alguém arrombou a sua secretária.
And I noticed that you two seemed to be hitting it off the other night.
E notei que se estavam a dar bem no outro dia.
- Yeah, I noticed that.
- Sim, reparei.
- I've noticed that.
- Eu percebi.
I was hoping that you would have noticed that.
Esperava que tivesse dado por isso.
- I don't know if you've noticed. But I'm not that smooth around the ladies. In fact, I'm a little awkward.
Não sei se já reparaste, mas não tenho muito jeito ao pé das senhoras bem, na verdade, sou um bocado estranho.
In case you haven't noticed, I have retired from that life.
No caso de não teres notado, já me reformei dessa vida.
I have noticed that subtlety is not your forte.
Reparei que a subtileza não é o teu forte.
I'm certain you've noticed... that this is not one of the friendlier regions of space.
Estou certo de que você percebeu que esta região do espaço não é muito amigável.
I don't know if you've noticed, but Catherine and I don't always communicate that well. No, I can't- -
Parece-me que esta vai para o meu mano Wayne do 302.
Martha, perhaps the gentleman hasn't noticed that I'm blind.
Martha, talvez o cavalheiro ainda não tenha reparado que sou cego.
No, listen, I was in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror, when I noticed, and I think I can be completely objective about this, that I have a very nice ass for a guy my age.
Não, escute, eu estava no banheiro, me olhando no espelho, quando percebi, e acho que posso ser totalmente objetivo quanto a isso, que tenho uma bela bunda para um cara da minha idade.
I don't think you've noticed what I've done to alter the behavior that's troubled you in the past.
Acho que não reparaste no que eu fiz para alterar o comportamento que te incomodou no passado.
I'm worried that avoidance starts to look like maybe we just haven't noticed.
Preocupa-me que ao evitar, comece a parecer que ainda não o notámos.
I know that you had a crush on her... because I spent most of senior year flirting my little heart out... and you never noticed.
Eu sei que gostavas dela, porque passei quase todo o último ano a atirar-me a ti... e tu nem notaste.
I never noticed that my name looks like the word for sword.
Nunca notei que o meu nome é parecido com a palavra espada.
I've noticed that sex addiction is becoming an epidemic.
Notei que o vício por sexo está virando uma epidemia.
I've noticed that.
Eu reparei nisso.
- No, I haven't noticed that.
- Não reparei!
You've noticed that Jason and I are in love, and you're trying to break us up.
Tu viste que Jason e eu nos amamos, e queres nos separar.
So... How is it possible that I never noticed so much beauty before?
Então..., como é possível que eu não tenha conhecido tal beleza antes?
Not that I noticed.
Que eu tenha notado não.
I also noticed that cut on your hand.
Reparo que tem um corte na mão.
Everyone noticed that. I'm not going to shake his hand.
- Toda a gente deu por isso.
I've noticed that you and Corporal Cole have become somewhat friendly.
Reparei que o Trip e a cabo Cole se tornaram um pouco íntimos.
Hey, Clive, have you noticed all those banners that are around the house that say smoking kills women, and if I'm right I think there's one over the toilet, no?
Não, acho que não era em trabalho. Não... era trabalho.
I hadn't noticed that.
Ele está a falar a sério? Nem tinha notado.
Look, I noticed something about the letters that you gave us.
Reparei numa coisa nas cartas que nos deste.
Yes, I noticed the turtleneck choice in August and can only assume it's something to do with that grapefruit you store in your trachea.
Sim, reparei que na escolha de gola alta em Agosto e só posso assumir que tem qualquer coisa a ver com essa toranja que guardas na traqueia.
Over by the fence in the northwest corner, because that night I noticed one of my pickers had stuck a Swiss Colony bottle upside-down on one of the fenceposts.
Ao pé da cerca, no ângulo noroeste. Nessa noite, reparei que um dos meus trabalhadores enfiara uma garrafa de Swiss Colony numa das estacas da cerca.
I probably wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't calculated that the generators were operating at 130 % efficiency.
Só me apercebi disso quando comecei a verificar que os motores estavam a funcionar a 130 % da capacidade normal.
I probably should've noticed that sooner.
Eu deveria ter reparado nisso antes.
Yeah, I noticed in her appointment book that you saw her last week.
Sim, vi na agenda dela que a viu a semana passada.
Not that I noticed, no.
Não, não me apercebi de nada.
Gee, I never noticed that before.
Fogo, nunca tinha reparado naquilo.
I don't know if we've noticed but the sickest runs this side of the Alps are right outside that window.
Não sei se reparou, mas as melhores pistas, para cá dos Alpes, estão ali fora.
And it was he, not my father's physicians, who noticed that I felt no pain.
E foi ele, não os médicos do meu pai, que notaram que eu não sentia dor.
Wow, I never noticed that!
Ena, nunca tinha reparado!
You noticed that gentleman behind us was asleep before the end of Act I?
O senhor atrás de mim já dormia no final do 1º acto.
i noticed 280
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's awesome 830
that's good to hear 161
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that'll be it 25