I read them traducir portugués
727 traducción paralela
Yes, Chris, I read them.
Sim, Chris, eu li.
- Yeah, I read them.
- Sim, já as li.
After I read them, I burned them.
Depois de as ter lido, queimei-as.
I read them to help me fall asleep.
Eu leio para adormecer.
Every morning I come up here and I read them Walter Lippmann.
Toda manhã eu subo aqui e leio Walter Litman para elas.
My father collected books and though I read them all before I lost my sight he used to sit and read them to me over and over again.
Meu pai colecionava livros... e ainda que os tenha lido todos, antes de perder a visão... Ele... Ele gostava de se sentar... e ler os livros para mim uma ou outra vez.
How will I read them?
É claro, como vou ler os jornais?
I invite the Senate to read them.
Convido o senado a lê-los.
I invite my colleague to read them.
Convido o meu colega a lê-los.
Oh, Maude, quit yelling and give me the paper I want to read it to them
Pára de me gritar ao ouvido e dá-me o jornal. Quero ler-lhes.
I never read them.
Eu nunca os leio.
The library is full of books, and I'm sure you haven't read one of them.
A livraria está cheia de livros, e estou certo de que não leu sequer um deles.
Well, what am I to do with them? I don't read German.
O que farei com eles?
David, darling! I couldn't wait until Friday, I just read my little piece and ran out on them.
Não podia esperar até quinta, vim logo embora.
I read it this way. If I was a young hotblood like Red Shirt, anxious to show off in front of them Cheyenne Dog Soldiers, I'd be down at every one of them council fires tonight telling them that I was the one that made the medicine that brought back the buffalo.
Mas acho que se eu fosse novo e vivaço como o Red-Shirt, ansioso por me exibir perante os soldados Cheyenne, ia ao conselho deles esta noite e convencia-os de que eu é que trouxera os búfalos de volta.
The implication being that I did not read them as written?
Insinuando que eu não as lia como foram escritas?
Even now I can hardly read them without crying a little.
Ainda hoje não consigo lê-las sem deixar cair uma lágrima.
I think you should read them yourself.
Acho que deve ler as cartas.
- I didn't read them.
- Não li.
Then we can talk, after I've read them.
Estou ansioso por isso.
I will read them with you if you want.
Vou ler para si se quiser.
I read about them all last night.
Li sobre tudo isso, ontem à noite.
He doesn't have to read them. I've sent him a dozen patients since it started.
Não precisa, eu mandei-lhe dúzias de pacientes desde que começou
You take a lot of stories that I've read in a hundred different places... and you roll them up into one big, fat ridiculous lie.
Pega um monte de histórias que já li numa centena de lugares diferentes... e as enrola numa grande e gorda mentira ridícula.
- I've read them time and time again.
- Que casos?
I've already read them.
Já os li todos.
And I had to read them.
E eu tinha de os ler.
I talked to four of the screenwriters, one of them who'd actually read the book, and he told me they've only changed the last 200 pages of the original story.
Falei com quatro dos guionistas e um deles, que até leu o livro, disse-me que só alteraram as últimas 200 páginas da história original.
I'll read them tonight.
Leio-os esta noite.
I tell them, " Read Dostoyevsky.
Eu digo,'Leia Dostoievski!
But it does pacify them, I've read that.
Mas acalma-os, segundo li.
- Had any published? I'd like to read them.
Publicou algum?
He writes such nice letters. I'll let you read them.
Hás-de ver que cartas bonitas me escreve.
Then I can't suggest you call your mother and father and get them to read the formula from the copy you sent...
Então, não poderei sugerir que ligue para seus pais... e peça que leiam a cópia da fórmula que mandou para eles.
If I give you some books, will you read them?
Lês alguns livros?
I want you to read them.
Quero que leias os livros.
Well, I think you better read them over first and anything you don't understand, I'll try to explain.
Bem, acho melhor você ler primeiro e se não entender algo, tentarei explicar.
I don't know how either of you could read them.
Não sei como conseguiam lê-las.
Read them when I'm gone. You'll find them worth your while.
Podes ler depois, ser-te-äo úteis.
- No, I'll do it... after I've read them.
- Não, e faço-o... depois de os ler.
Read them when I'm gone. You'll find them worth your while.
Podes ler depois, ser-te-ão úteis.
Works I've read about, second-hand descriptions that don't do them justice.
Obras sobre as quais li descriçöes que näo lhes fazem justiça.
I used to read Playboy all the time until I got mad at them.
Um livro? Eu lia a Playboy, até ficar brava com eles.
Read me some of them. I'm interested.
Leia um trabalho em andamento.
Look, I read somewhere, a famous psychologist once said that if your kids see you pat your wife on the fanny and she looks like she likes it, then it gives them a healthy attitude towards sex.
Li uma vez um famoso psicólogo, que dizia, que se os filhos vissem o pai, a dar palmadinhas no rabo da mãe e ela parecesse gostar, isso lhes dava uma atitude saudável em relação ao sexo.
I'll read them when I can.
Lerei quando puder.
I'd like to say if there are any bbc producers looking in Who need people to read the credits for them
Gostaria de dizer que se houver produtores da BBC, que precisem de pessoas para ler créditos, eu posso...
I can read them like they was printing.
Consigo lê-las como mapas.
I sat in the car and read a map and spelled out sentences with my tongue on the roof of my mouth where nobody could read them.
Ficava sentada a ler o mapa e a tracejar frases no céu da boca, com a língua, onde ninguém podia lê-las.
I'll have to read them first.
Primeiro, tenho de ler.
I've read them by command of my superiors.
Li-os por ordem dos meus superiores.
i read you 52
i read a lot 24
i read 118
i read it 125
i read your letter 17
i read your book 53
i read the report 30
i read the book 17
i read your report 20
i read the papers 28
i read a lot 24
i read 118
i read it 125
i read your letter 17
i read your book 53
i read the report 30
i read the book 17
i read your report 20
i read the papers 28
i read about that 24
i read your file 42
i read that 37
i read the file 27
i read about it 39
read them 25
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
i read your file 42
i read that 37
i read the file 27
i read about it 39
read them 25
theme 39
them 588
themselves 24
theme song 16
themed 19
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
i really appreciate it 275
i really do 1223
i really like you 290
i really miss you 52
theme music playing 79
them's the rules 20
theme music 17
them too 26
theme song playing 16
i really appreciate it 275
i really do 1223
i really like you 290
i really miss you 52
i really love you 95
i really don't care 95
i really missed you 63
i really like it 60
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i really don't know 273
i really am 606
i really don't 369
i realized 125
i really appreciate that 84
i really don't care 95
i really missed you 63
i really like it 60
i really don't understand 26
i really don't know 273
i really am 606
i really don't 369
i realized 125
i really appreciate that 84