I really would traducir portugués
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So I would take a pay cut just for the good of the group. I really would.
Eu aceitaria receber menos para o bem do grupo, a sério.
I'd like to believe you, Bruce. I really would.
Queria acreditar em ti, Bruce.
Well, I really wouldn't know, now would I?
Como posso saber?
And what would really happen to me if I show up at that address?
E o que acontecerá se for a essa morada?
If there is anything that you can salvage from it I would really appreciate it.
Se conseguir recuperar alguma coisa, agradeço-lhe muito.
I would really like that.
Ia gostar muito disso.
No, she doesn't, and I would really appreciate some assistance here seeing as this is a local crime, and I'm not too hip to local crimes like missing shrimp trucks.
- Não, não sabe. Agradecia ajuda já que é um crime local. E não sou bom em crimes, como camiões desaparecidos.
- But I have one that I'm really excited about called Real Apps, that I know Russell would be interested in.
Uma deixa-me mesmo entusiasmado, chama-se Aplicações Reais. - Sei que o Russell se interessaria.
I really had hoped that you kids would climb out of the hole this family dug.
Na verdade esperava que vocês, saíssem do buraco que esta família cavou.
You really thought I would do this using prescription pills.
Pensaste mesmo que eu ia fazer isto com comprimidos receitados.
I just thought we'd have more time, that Vincent would really get to know him...
Pensei que íamos ter mais tempo. Que o Vincent e eu íamos conhecê-lo.
Don't tap-dance at dinner. Do you really think I would tap-dance at dinner?
- Não faças sapateado no jantar.
Ben's really good friends with the Basses, so there would have to be some cuts, and I'm not talking about their time in tennis camp.
O Ben é um grande amigo da família Bass, portanto teri que haver alguns cortes, e não estou a falar do tempo da equipa de ténis.
Listen, I would really appreciate it if you could just tell me where I could find the sheriff.
Ouça... Apreciaria muito se me pudesse dizer onde posso encontrar o Xerife.
It would be my first story, and I really think it's a good one.
- Será a minha primeira história. E acho que é uma boa história.
If there's such a thing as, in that spiritual sense, old souls and young souls, she was a really young soul, I would say.
Se é verdade que espiritualmente existem almas velhas e almas jovens, ela era sem dúvida uma alma jovem!
How it would had been had we been living together, I really have no idea.
Não sei como teria sido se vivêssemos juntos.
I'm really not sure when or if I'd want that to happen, but whatever it ended up being, it would feel very odd not to have you be a part of this.
Não sei quando isso acontecerá, nem se quero que aconteça, mas qualquer que seja o resultado... seria estranho não te incluir.
I thought that would be a great place for us to record and would be really inspiring.
Pensei que seria um lugar fantástico para nós gravarmos e que seria muito inspirador.
And, uh, I would have just called a hospital, but, um, he's not really in an explainable condition at the moment.
E eu podia ter ligado para um hospital, mas acho que de momento ele não está numa condição explicável.
Do you really think I would be stupid enough to hit the same building twice?
Acha que era tão estúpido a ponto de atacar o mesmo prédio duas vezes?
If you could shed any light on his life, his work, I would really appreciate it.
Se pudesse elucidar-me sobre a vida dele, o seu trabalho, eu agradecia-lhe.
( EXHALES ) It would be so nice if people would wait to learn if I really am ill before boxing me up.
Seria muito agradável se as pessoas esperassem para saber se estou mesmo doente, antes de me porem num caixão.
None of which gives him a word in running this place, or would you involve Carson or the maids...? I really...
O que não lhe dá voto na gestão deste sítio, ou também quer envolver o Carson, as criadas, ou pessoas da aldeia?
Heather, I told your mother I'd like to rejig your drug regimen, and I really think that you would benefit from talk therapy.
Heather, falei com a sua mãe que quero reajustar os seus medicamentos. Na verdade acho era bom a Terapia da Conversa.
Not really gaining weight the way I would've expected.
Não ganhou peso como eu esperava.
... I was just really hoping that she would turn up alive.
Realmente esperava que ela voltasse viva.
Because the quadricep biopsy's really fascinating, and I thought it would be...
Porque a biopsia do quadrícepe é realmente interessante, e pensei que..
Um, so, look, I would really like to talk to you, but not at the office.
Então, eu realmente gostaria de falar consigo, mas não no escritório.
- I know this mexican place - - Okay, okay, okay, you're flirting with me, which is really sweet or would be really sweet if you were into ladies, but I'm guessing that you're not a lady lover,
Conheço um lugar mexicano... Estás a namorar-me, e isso é uma gracinha.
I would, but I don't really like the beach.
Eu lia-os, mas não gosto de praia.
There is no way that anyone would've called me if they weren't really worried, and I want to know what is going on here.
Ninguém me ligaria se não estivesse muito preocupado. E quero saber o que está a acontecer.
You know, I thought I would get used to this... new part of Richard's life- - the constant danger and the never knowing--and I- - but I really thought there would come a moment, just a moment,
Pensei que me acostumaria com esta... nova parte da vida do Richard. O perigo constante e o nunca saber e eu... Mas eu realmente pensei que chegaria um momento, apenas um momento, quando a preocupação acabaria.
I mean, granted, nothing he's been doing has really been in character, but I just don't believe he would sue.
Ele mudou muito ultimamente, mas não acredito que ele nos fosse processar.
For a long while, The Simpsons was really the only show that had broken out in this way and I always hoped we would have a prayer of maybe doing that as well.
Durante muito tempo, "Os Simpsons" era mesmo o único programa que tinha chegado a esse patamar, e sempre esperei que talvez lá chegássemos também.
I really thought she would.
Pensei que ela me reconhecesse.
I would never really hurt you!
Nunca te magoaria!
I would never really hurt you.
Eu nunca te magoaria!
I mean, really I would.
Digo, realmente, eu gostaria.
And it's not really doing much, just kind of sitting there in my dresser with these socks I bought for hiking, but then I never go hiking, and I just thought that maybe you would want it.
com as minhas meias das caminhadas. Mas nunca fiz caminhada. E pensei que talvez a queiras.
He, at times, would say, "I'm really tired of living like this." And that's natural.
Quando comecei a ver os seus pertences, algumas coisas inadvertidamente captaram a minha atenção. Descobriu alguns itens, incluindo um exemplar do livro "Final Exit", uma receita de Party City para dois recipientes de hélio, e um email de John do dia da morte.
I mean, I really thought that I would be found guilty.
Sim, falei com ela sobre apressar a sua morte.
But she's really wrong. Listen, when your mother and I were younger, I used to point out when she was wrong all the time, but then we would argue, which would stress you out, you'd poop your pants, and she'd be mad at me for weeks.
Ouve, quando eu e a tua mãe éramos mais novos, costumava salientar sempre quando ela estava errada, mas depois discutíamos, enervávamos-te, borravas as calças, e ela ficava chateada comigo durante semanas.
Trust me, I know, it's a big change, but I really believe our father would approve.
Acredita, eu sei, é uma grande mudança, mas acredito que o nosso pai ia aprovar.
Did you really think that I would go for this?
Achavas mesmo que eu ia aceitar isto?
I don't think you've really been mad at me since I was eight, that time I tied Josh to his skateboard and pushed him down the hill in front of our house to see how fast he would go.
Acho que não têm raiva de mim desde os 8 anos, quando amarrei o Josh no skate em frente à nossa casa para ver a velocidade que ia ter.
I realized, since I work in a three-dimensional medium, the only way to really stick it to Vinick would be with a three-dimensional model.
Apercebi-me que, uma vez que trabalho num meio tridimensional, a única forma de chegar até ao Vinick seria com um modelo tridimensional.
You know, I think Mom would really like this house.
Sabes? Acho que a mãe ia gostar desta casa.
I wonder how it would really feel to be shot in the head.
Pergunto-me como será levar um tiro na cabeça.
Yeah, I know you do and we just saw'em and they're great and I thought it would really be nice if you could recreate something for us tonight.
Sim, eu sei que sim. Acabámos de ver e são excelentes e eu pensei que seria realmente simpático se pudesse recriar algo para nós esta noite.
Did you really think you would not I like?
Você não acha que posso te encontrar?
i really appreciate it 275
i really do 1223
i really like you 290
i really miss you 52
i really love you 95
i really don't care 95
i really missed you 63
i really like it 60
i really don't understand 26
i really don't know 273
i really do 1223
i really like you 290
i really miss you 52
i really love you 95
i really don't care 95
i really missed you 63
i really like it 60
i really don't understand 26
i really don't know 273