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I saw you there traducir portugués

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It's funny. I... I could have sworn that I saw you there.
Tem piada, era capaz de jurar que te vi lá.
I saw you there this morning.
Eu vi quando eu estava início da manhã.
I said to myself when I saw you there's a guy with the most normal-looking face I ever saw in my life.
Pensei para comigo : "Este tipo tem o rosto mais normal que já vi".
I saw you there once.
Vi-a lá uma vez.
I bet he wished he was there when he saw you catch that fish. - Heh.
Aposto que ele desejou ter ido quando a viu pescar aquele peixe.
I'm telling you, there was 10 ships in that convoy! You saw that, huh?
Estou a dizer-lhe, havia dez navios naquela coluna!
You know, you could have knocked me down when I saw you standing there all of a sudden.
Sabes, ia-me dando um ataque, quando te vi aparecer assim de repente.
I... I saw Joe at the studio and he said you were there.
Vi o Joe no estúdio e ele disse que você esteve lá.
I thought they'd killed you. I saw you being killed, lying there.
Achava que tinham-te matado Vi-te jazer... assassinado.
I saw your car piled into that tree down there, and I thought maybe you...
Vi o teu carro espetado contra aquela árvore ali em baixo, e pensei que talvez tu...
I saw him when he fell on the floor. There was blood on his back and he was dead. Have you ever turned in any fire alarms?
Os estores estavam só um pouco levantados, não via tudo, mas houve uma luta e alguém pegou numa tesoura e espetaram-na nas costas do homem.
Yes, I don't think you knew I was there, but I saw the way he treated you.
Sim, ela não sabia que eu estava lá, mas eu vi como ele a tratou.
I  s funny, I came in and stood there and saw you sitting over here.
É engraçado que entrei e vi-te sentada ali.
If you knew my Dad, there isn't anybody like him, not anybody, but today, he acted like somebody I never saw before.
Se conhecesse o meu pai... Veria que não há ninguém como ele, mas, hoje, parecia um total desconhecido.
You know, the first day I saw you... riding across the plains on that little paint pony... with the antelope-skin shirt and the beads... and the feather in your hair... I thought there was nothing in the world so beautiful.
Sabe, o primeiro dia que a vi... cavalgando através da planície em cima daquele pequeno pónei... com a blusa de couro de antílope, o colar... e as penas no cabelo... pensei que não havia nada no mundo mais bonito.
How did you know I was there? I saw you.
- Como sabe que estava lá?
When I saw you come into the theater tonight, I... I thought how awful it was. The two of us there all alone.
Quando o vi entrar no cinema, pensei que era terrível estarmos ali os dois sozinhos.
I said yes to you'cause I fell in love with you. The first time I saw you standing there.
Disse que sim porque me apaixonei por ti a primeira vez que te vi lá parado.
Well, you can put me in the booby hatch too... because I saw this ship turn a bright green up there.
Bem, podes também juntar-me a esse bando de "doidos"... - Porque vi uma luz verde brilhante. - Tens certeza, Joe?
And you can tell it to me from now until doomsday, but don't forget, I was there and I saw everything with me own eyes.
e pode-me dizer desde agora até ao Juízo Final, mas não se esqueça, eu estava lá e vi tudo com os meus próprios olhos.
I saw you come from the window up there.
Vi pela janela que vinhas para aqui.
How do you explain the body I saw there?
- Como explica o corpo que eu vi?
Look, lady, I know your kind. I saw you drive up in that fancy car out there.
Conheço a sua laia, vi-a chegar naquele carro fino.
Then I saw Sir Charles lying there dead. But what made you decide to go across the moor to look for Sir Charles?
Mas o que o fez decidir atravessar a charneca para o ir buscar?
I swear I saw a light out there on the moor as soon as you picked up the candle.
Eu vi uma luz na charneca assim que pegou na vela.
You mean that old woman I saw sitting in the window out there wasn't Bates'mother?
A velha que eu vi à janela não era a mãe dele?
I tell you it's there! I saw it!
Estou a dizer que está lá.
I looked and saw you standing there
Olhei e vi-te parada aqui
When we saw the caretaker this morning, I could tell you were interested in someone there.
Esta manhã, quando a porteira abriu a janela da frente, vi que estavas interessado em alguém dali.
As soon I saw that first big close-up of myself on that monstrous CinemaScope I tell you, I ran right out of there!
Assim que vi o meu primeiro close-up naquele CinemaScope gigante, fugi logo dali a correr!
You know, I had a kind of a feeling the minute I opened that door and saw you standing there.
Tive um pressentimento. Logo depois de abrir a porta... já sabia que nos daríamos bem.
When I saw you sitting there, I was lost in another world.
Sapna quando te vi sentada ali, fiquei perdido noutro mundo.
You just listen to me. I was there all the time. And I saw it all, as a matter of fact.
Eu estive sempre presente, e vi tudo, por sinal.
I saw you, black vermin, lurking there.
Apanhei esta coruja negra a espreitar.
I saw you up there on the wall this morning.
Esta manhã vi-te em cima do muro.
When I saw The spiders for example, there are many things you've done that I have too.
Quando vi The spiders, por exemplo, há muitas coisas que fez que eu fiz também.
That's odd. I never saw you there.
É curioso, não me lembro de te ter visto lá.
Until I saw you, there was nothing in my heart.
Até o ver, eu não tinha nada no coração.
Maybe it was never there. Holmes, I swear to you, I saw it as clear as anything.
Lhe juro, eu o vi.
Oh, there are exceptions, like... last night, when the door opened and I saw you.
Como ontem à noite, quando a porta se abriu e eu a vi.
Oh, there's been a few sad days since I saw you last.
Foram muitos os dias tristes desde a última vez que te vi.
I never saw so many colors on one girl before but you looked like you belonged out there, all right.
Nunca tinha visto antes tantas cores numa só rapariga. Mas parecia que já pertencias àquele lugar.
I saw Hamlet, but that was back in high school. I mean, tonight when you stood there with that bloody dagger...
Eu vi "Hamlet" no liceu, mas quando a vi hoje no palco com aquele punhal...
I know you're special Bernie but there are a lot of money what Eddie plans can not go now never saw it coming that was the deal actually
Eu sei. Transformaste-os em algo especial Barney, mas... Há muito dinheiro envolvido nos planos do Eddie.
When I saw you weren't there, I got scared.
Quando vi que não estavas, assustei-me.
Yeah, I saw him standing there with his gun at your back when you shot Abbey Walsh.
Sim, eu vi-o... a apontar-te uma arma às costas quando mataste o Abbey.
Listen, if you're really looking for him, the last time I saw him, he was lurking behind a potted palm over there.
Se queres mesmo falar com ele, a última vez que o vi, ele estava ali atrás de uma palmeira.
- You were there. I saw you, remember?
- Tu estavas lá. Eu vi-te lá.
Whenever I saw him, there was always at least four people... sort of dragging him from one side of the room to the other. It just seemed as though he couldn't keep up, you know.
Ele estava sempre rodeado de pelo menos quatro pessoas, que o arrastavam de um lado para o outro, e ele parecia não aguentar o ritmo.
I saw this film once, you see, and there were these two big gangsters, big fellas they were, with sort of cauliflower ears...
Eu vi um filme uma vez, estás a ver, onde tinha dois grandes gangsters, grandes rapazes que eles eram, com uma espécie de orelhas de lutador...
You're the only body I saw there.
Eras o único corpo que eu vi lá.

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