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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ I ] / I should have seen it

I should have seen it traducir portugués

146 traducción paralela
I should have seen it in his eyes.
Deveria ter visto nos olhos dele.
- Bertani, there's only one answer and I should have seen it sooner :
Só há uma resposta e já a devia ter visto mais cedo.
No, I should have seen it at once.
Não. Eu devia ter visto logo.
I should have seen it : L...
Eu deveria ter visto...
Oh, I should have seen it!
Eu devia ter visto!
Eu já deveria esperar isso.
Children, I should have seen it coming.
Crianças, eu deveria ter previsto...
I should have seen it way back in high school.
Eu devia ter visto isso no liceu.
I should have seen it coming. I didn't see it coming.
- Devia ter previsto.
I need some vitamin E. I should have seen it coming.
Preciso de vitamina E. Devia ter previsto.
I should have seen it before.
Deveria me haver dado conta antes.
I should have seen it coming.
Devia ter percebido.
I should have seen it.
Devia ter percebido!
I mean, I should have seen it.
Quer dizer, devia ter percebido.
I should have seen it coming, but it's hard being a small-business owner.
Devia tê-lo previsto, mas é difícil ter o seu próprio negócio.
I keep thinking I should have seen it coming.
Devia ter previsto isto.
Damn it, I should have seen it, felt it.
Raios! Eu devia tê-lo visto, sentido.
I should have seen it coming.
Eu deveria ter previsto
- I should have seen it come.
Devíamos tę-lo visto chegar.
I should have seen it.
Deveria havê-lo visto.
I should have seen it comin'.
Eu devia ter previsto.
I should have seen it myself!
Devia-o ter visto...!
I should have seen it coming.
Devia ter adivinhado.
Maybe I should have seen it. I knew it was something.
Eu devia ter percebido, sabia que algo se passava.
I should have seen it.
Eu devia ter percebido.
I should have seen it.
Devia ter-me apercebido.
I should have seen it coming.
Devia tê-lo visto chegar.
Of course, I guess in hindsight, I should have seen it coming, but...
É claro que, se pensar bem, devia ter previsto isto, mas...
I should have seen it.
Eu devia ter visto.
I should have seen it all along.
Eu devia ter-me apercebido disso logo.
I should have seen it coming.
Devia ter previsto isto.
I should have seen it from the first, but I wanted to believe that you still cared for me.
Eu topo-te. Devia ter percebido antes, mas quis acreditar que ainda me amavas.
When she opened her legs for me, I should have seen how she liked it.
Quando ela abriu as pernas para mim, deveria ter visto como ela gostou.
I really love it. You should have seen the salesman.
Havias de ver o vendedor.
I should have seen it coming.
Devia ter calculado.
You should have seen the intern's face when I got up. It was a hoot! Fun's over, though.
Devias ter visto a cara do médico de serviço quando me levantei.
You know as well as I do that you should have been more careful... you should have seen that the barrier was unstable when you scanned it.
Sabe tão bem quanto eu que devia ter tido mais cuidado... Devia ter visto que a barreira era instável quando a analisou. Mas não o fiz.
I should have seen it earlier.
Devia ter visto mais cedo.
You should have seen the looks on their faces when I explained to them that it was a five-year-old planetary survey report.
Deviam ter visto a cara deles quando lhes expliquei que era um relatório de um planeta com cinco anos.
I just outran 2 cops, you should have seen it.
Peguei-me com dois polícias e deixei-os malucos.
You should have seen this house before I fixed it.
Devias ter visto a casa antes de eu a arranjar.
I got most of it out with rubbing compound... but you should have seen it before.
Já tirei a maioria com um esfregão... mas devias tê-lo visto antes.
I should have seen it all along.
Eu devia ter percebido logo.
- If it makes you guys feel any better you should have seen my aunt's face when I took this job.
- Se vos faz sentir melhor, deviam ter visto a cara da minha tia quando aceitei este emprego.
I have seen fishes fly, why should I believe it?
(! ) eu já vi peixes voando, (! ) (!
How I should have loved to have seen it! Can you imagine?
Como eu gostava de ter visto isto!
I should have guessed. It's why she never goes anywhere, - Why she's never seen in public.
Claro, devia ter imaginado, é por isso que nunca vai a lado nenhum, e que nunca é vista em público.
I mean, you should have seen it.
Devias ter visto.
Gosh, I guess we really should have seen it coming.
Céus, devíamos ter adivinhado.
Ordinarily, I am not kind of laughing problems urinary people, but you should have seen it...
Normalmente não sou do tipo que ri dos problemas... urinários dos outros, mas deviam ter visto...
Oh god! You should have seen it! I was fucking great!
Devias ter visto, fui bestial.

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