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I thought that's what you wanted traducir portugués

86 traducción paralela
That's just what I thought you wanted.
Era o que eu pensava que você queria.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Pensei que era isso o que queria.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Peneei que era isso que querias.
I thought that's what you wanted to hear.
Só o disse porque pensei que era o que querias ouvir.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Pensei que era o que tu querias.
Up until tonight, I thought that's what you wanted too.
Até hoje, julguei que também era o que tu querias.
Because I thought that's what you wanted to hear.
Pensei que era isso que queria ouvir.
I-I thought that's what you wanted?
Pensava que era o que querias.
Well, I thought that's what you wanted.
Pensei que fosse o que queria.
I thought that's what you wanted as well.
Pensei que isso era o que você também queria.
Now... did you answer because you thought that's what I wanted to hear... or did you think about what I said... and answer cause you truly believe that to be right?
Respondeu isso por achar ser o que eu queria ouvir, ou pensou no que eu disse... e disse o que realmente acha ser a resposta certa?
I thought that's what you wanted.
Achei ser o que querias.
What do you mean? That's what I thought you wanted.
Pensei que era isso mesmo que querias!
- I thought that's what you wanted.
- Julguei que era o que querias.
See, I thought that's what you wanted.
Pensei que era o que querias.
I thought that's what you wanted, too.
Julgava que era o que também querias.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Pensei que era isso que querias.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Oh, meu Deus, Danni. Desculpa. Pensei que era o que querias.
! I thought that's what you wanted too!
Pensei que fosse isso que querias também.
I thought that's what you wanted.
- Pensei que era isso que querias.
I thought that's what you wanted so you could afford to go to Paris.
Pensei que era o que querias, para pagares o teu curso em Paris.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Eu pensei que era o que tu querias.
I thought you told me that's what you wanted me to call you.
Eu pensei que me tivesse dito que era isso que queria que lhe chamasse.
Now listen. I would've taken you home with me tonight'cause I thought that's what you wanted, but that don't make me a piece of shit, all right?
Ouve, eu até te levava para minha casa esta noite se julgasse que era o que querias, mas isso não significa que eu seja um pedaço de esterco, entendes?
I thought you'd be happy about it, that's what you wanted.
Pensei que ias ficar contente, que era isso que querias.
I agree, I was just saying that'cause that's what I thought you wanted me to say.
Concordo contigo, estava apenas a dizer isto, porque pensava que era aquilo que querias que eu dissesse.
E quando tudo acalmar, falaremos sobre isso, sim?
Oh, Jeremy. We've spent the last two long years getting you in. I thought that's what you wanted.
Jeremy, passámos os últimos dois anos a preparar a tua entrada.
- I thought that's what you wanted.
- Pensei que era o que querias.
That's what I told them cause I thought you were happy, but they wanted to talk to you specifically
Foi o que eu disse, mas eles querem falar-te pessoalmente.
I thought that's what you wanted me to do.
Pensava que era o que queria que eu fizesse.
I thought that's what you wanted!
Acreditei que isso era o que queria.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Pensava que era isso que querias fazer.
Oh, no, no, I thought that's what you wanted.
Não, não. Pensei que era isso que querias.
And I just wanted to know what you thought, if you think that he's right or...
E gostava de saber o que achas sobre isso, se ele tem razão ou...
I thought that's what you wanted,
Pensei que era o que querias.
And I thought that's what you wanted, too.
Também pensei que era isso que tu querias.
When... I was 12. Yeah, maybe, but... even then, Mom, that was just'cause I thought that's what you wanted me to do.
Quando tinha 12 anos, sim talvez mas era só porque pensei que era o que tu querias.
Like you, sir, I wanted to understand what happened here. I thought that knowing some details about your brother's life would help me make sense out of his death.
Tal como o senhor, queria compreender o que se passou aqui, e achei que saber alguns detalhes da vida do seu irmão me ajudaria a perceber a sua morte.
Sorry, I thought that's what you wanted to hear.
- Pensei que era o que queria ouvir.
Oh, I thought that's what you wanted.
Oh, pensei que fosse isso que desejavas.
I thought that's what you wanted from me.
Estou a facturar. Pensei que era isso que querias para mim.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Pensei que era o que queria.
I thought that's what you wanted too.
Pensei que querias o mesmo.
I thought that's what you wanted too.
Pensei que também quisesses o mesmo.
But I thought that's what you wanted.
Bem, que chato. Mas pensei que era isso que querias.
- I thought that's what you wanted.
Achei que era isso que queria? ! ?
I thought that's what you wanted.
Pensei que era o que querias.
I thought you'd be- - l thought that's what you fucking wanted.
Pensei que... pensei que fosse isso que quisesses.
I thought that's what you wanted.
Pensava que era o que querias.
Because I thought that's what you wanted. I don't.
- Pensei que era isso que querias.

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