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I thought you might say that traducir portugués

47 traducción paralela
I thought you might say that.
Pensei que ias dizer isso.
I thought you might say that.
Calculei que dissesse isso.
I thought you might say that.
Pensei que fosse dizer isso.
I thought you might say that.
Calculava que dissesses isso.
- I thought you might say that.
- Eu imaginei que fosses dizer isso.
I thought you might say that.
Pensei que podias dizer isso.
I thought you might say that.
Imaginei que fosses dizer isso.
- I thought you might say that. That's why I brought you this.
- Antevendo isso, trouxe-te isto.
Yeah, I thought you might say that.
Sim, imaginei que dissesse isso.
I thought you might say that.
Pensei que dissesse isso.
Yeah, I thought you might say that.
Sabes, pensei que poderias dizer isso.
I thought you might say that, Kyle.
Achei que diria isso, Kyle.
I thought you might say that.
Logo vi que ias dizer isso.
I thought you might say that.
Achei que dirias isso.
I thought you might say that but unfortunately, the price has just gone up.
Já sabia que iria dizer isso, mas infelizmente, o preço acabou de subir.
I thought you might say that.
- Pensei que diria isso.
I thought you might say that.
- Calculei que dissesses isso.
I thought you might say that.
Achei que fosses dizer isso.
I thought you might say that.
Pensei que irias dizer isso.
I thought you might say that.
Sabia que ias dizer isso.
I thought you might say that.
Imaginei que dirias isso.
I thought you might say that.
Pensei que pudesses dizer isso.
- I thought you might say that.
- Pensei que fosses dizer isso.
See, I thought you might say that, so I took a few precautions.
Sabes, pensei que dirias isso, por isso, tomei algumas precauções.
I thought you might say that.
Já calculava que dissesses isso.
I thought you might say that.
- Pensei que podias dizer isso.
Yup, I thought you might say that.
- Nada de hospital. Foi o que pensei.
I thought you might say that, so I brought a friend along.
Já calculava que dissesse isso, portanto, trouxe um amigo.
I thought you might say that.
Pensei que diria isso.
I thought you might say that.
Pensei que fosses dizer isso.
I thought you might say that.
Achei que talvez dissesse isso.
I thought you might say that.
Calculei que dissessem isso.
You were about to say you thought it was a younger man, and you stopped talking because it suddenly occurred to you... that I might be that younger man.
- Você ia dizer que lhe parecia um homem jovem, e calou-se porque súbitamente lhe ocorreu... que eu poderia ser aquele homem jovem.
I thought you might say something like that.
- Eu achei que você ia dizer algo assim.
- I thought you might say something like that.
- Eu pensei que talvez dissesses algo desse género.
I thought you might say something like that.
Achei que diria algo assim.
I thought you might say that.
Esperava que dissesse isso.
I thought that you might say that.
Pensei que fosses dizer isso.
That's fine. I just thought you might want to... say good-bye to your old man before he goes to work.
Pensava que querias despedir-te do teu pai antes de ele ir trabalhar.
That's what I thought you might say.
Era isso que imaginava que fosses dizer.
Of all the things I thought you might say, I wasn't expecting you to say that.
De todas as coisas que achei que dirias, não estava à espera de ouvir-te dizer isso.
I regret to say that I could not find your Kierkegaard, so I thought that you might accept this manuscript instead.
Lamento dizer que não encontrei o seu Kierkegaard, então, pensei que você podia aceitar este manuscrito em troca.
Let's go. I thought you might say that.
Pensei que poderias dizer isso.
Yeah, I thought that's what you might say.
Calculei que dissesse isso.
I thought you might say something like that.
- Calculei que dissesses isso.
Thought you might say that, but, uh, what if I make it amenable to you?
Sabia que podias dizer disso, mas, e se eu o tornar vantajoso para ti?

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