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I thought you were gone traducir portugués

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I thought you were gone completely.
Pensei que estavas completamente doido.
- I thought you were gone.
- Pensei que tivesses fugido. - Não, estávamos a trabalhar, irmão.
I thought you were gone for good. I thought we had a treaty.
Pensei que tinhas ido embora de vez.
I thought you were gone for good.
Senti a tua falta.
I thought you were gone forever. Cody, get in!
- Pensei que não voltavas.
But when you went to the airport, and you got on the plane, and when I saw that plane fly away, I thought you were gone.
Mas quando foi para o aeroporto, entrou no avião e vi o avião a descolar, pensei que tinha ido mesmo.
I thought you were gone.
Pensei que tinhas ido embora.
Clark, when I thought you were gone I did some thinking about my life.
Clark, quando pensei que tinhas morrido... ... pensei muito na minha vida.
I thought you were gone!
Pensava que tinhas ido!
- I thought you were gone.
Pensei que já tinha partido.
I thought you were gone. I went to the hotel- - I didn't know.
Pensei que já se tinham ido, estive no hotel...
- I thought you were gone.
- Julguei que tinhas partido.
I thought you were gone forever.
Pensei que nunca mais voltarias.
I thought you were gone and you steal my wallet all of a sudden and you steal my wallet all of a sudden the wallet is in your pocket
Eu pensei que tinhas desaparecido E roubaste a minha mala e o resto E roubaste a minha mala e o resto
I thought you were gone, girl.
Pensei que você já era, garota.
I thought you were gone for good.
Achei que ia ficar lá para sempre.
I thought you were gone.
Eu pensei que já te tinhas ido embora.
When I thought you were gone, I...
Quando pensei que tinhas morrido, eu...
- I thought you were gone.
- Pensei que tinhas ido embora.
I'm really sorry. lt's just I thought you were gone... and you have a king-size bed, so...
É que pensámos que te tinhas ido embora... e como tens uma cama enorme...
- I thought you were gone.
- Pensei que já tivesse ido embora.
I thought you were gone forever.
Achei que tinhas partido para sempre.
I thought you were gone!
Estás viva eu pensei que não te veria mais
I thought you were gone.
Pensei que tinhas partido.
I thought you were gone.
Eu pensei que já tivesse ido.
I thought you were gone.
Pensei que vocês tinham morrido...
I thought you were gone for the weekend.
Pensava que ias o fim de semana para fora
I thought you were gone two hours ago.
Achei que tinha saído há 2 horas.
I thought you were gone.
Achei que te tinhas ido embora.
Lana, I thought you were gone.
Lana, pensava que tinhas morrido.
- I thought you were gone.
Todas as forças da polícia estão mobilizadas!
You were to stay in the boat. I thought you'd gone to pick apples.
você tinha que ficar no barco!
You were gone so long, I thought something might have happened to you.
Hoje como demoraste, pensei que tivesse acontecido algo.
I thought you were gone
Eu ia jurar que vocês estavam lá em baixo.
- I thought you were long gone.
- Pensei que tinhas morrido!
I never would have gone back to the compartment if I thought that you were gonna...
Não teria retornado à cabine se soubesse...
- No I thought you were watching her! - I look away, she was gone.
- Não, pensei que tu estavas a olhar por ela!
While you were gone, as I was holdin'Buddy, I thought if that bastard, Frank Bennett... ever tries to take my child,
Mas enquanto estiveste fora, peguei no Buddy ao colo e pensei que se o sacana do Frank Bennett tenta levar-me o meu filho,
- We thought you'd gone. - I thought you were in Sardinia.
- Pensámos que tinha ido embora.
He asked me. But you were gone so long, I thought you switched seats.
Ele perguntou-me onde estava, mas demorou tanto que julguei que tinha trocado de lugar.
You won't be able to carry weapons and if they thought my men and I were near, they'd be gone in a second.
Vocês não poderão carregar armas e se eles acharem que meus homens e eu estivermos por perto, eles iriam embora num segundo.
Heard you were long gone back to the city. I thought you were all through here.
Julguei que estava despachado daqui.
I thought you were gonna be gone all day.
Pensei que ias estar fora o dia todo.
I thought, you were gone.
Eu pensei que já tinhas ido.
I thought you guys were gone.
Estou a tentar ganhar a vida aqui.
Mohican? I thought you guys were all gone.
Pensei que já não existiam.
Babe, I thought you were supposed to be gone. No, I've got 5 minutes.
Não, ainda tenho 5 minutos.
I saw you were gone and I thought maybe... maybe it was a one-night stand.
Vi que te tinhas ido embora e achei que talvez... fosse uma aventura de uma noite.
You were gone so long, I thought something happened to you.
Passou tanto tempo que eu pensei que tinha te acontecido algo.
I thought you and the kids were gonna be gone all afternoon.
Eu achei que você e os rapazes estariam fora a tarde inteira.
- When I showed up to deliver the ring, well... I couldn't let her go. I thought if you were gone,
Quando apareci para entregar o anel, não fui capaz de a deixar ir.

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