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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ I ] / I told you about her

I told you about her traducir portugués

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I told you about her the other day... the one with the refined voice.
Falei-te dela no outro dia... a da voz refinada.
I told you about her.
Já te falei dela.
Remember I told you about her?
Lembras-te de te falar dela?
I told you about her, remember?
Falei-te dela, lembras-te?
- I thought I told you about her.
- Julgava que te tinha contado.
Miss Carson, I told you about her, the girl who paints so well.
A Srta. Carson, falei-te sobre ela, A garota que pinta tão bem.
I told you about her.
Já te falei nela.
You remember I told you about her today? I like her.
Eu falei-te hoje dela, lembras-te?
Maybe if I told you her story, you'd change your mind... about the dead coming back.
Talvez se eu Ihe contar a história dela, mude de opinião... acerca dos mortos voltarem.
If I meet her, you guys could have all the women I ever told you about.
Se conseguir sair com ela só uma vez ofereço-lhes a minha agenda com os dados de todas as mulheres.
Why should I... we know how you feel about her. You've told us so often... that you hate little old ladies.
Sabemos o que pensa dela, disse várias vezes que detesta velhinhas.
I told her about you.
Falei-lhe sobre vocês.
I told her she should tell you about this,
Disse-lhe que pensava que ela devia contar-lhe isto,
I told her about you for a reason.
Falei-lhe de ti por um motivo.
Knowing her as I do, I can safely assume she's told you nothing about herself at all other than she fancies she's in love.
Conhecendo-a como conheço, posso presumir que ela não lhe disse nada a respeito dela a não ser que acha que está apaixonada por si.
I told you so much about her.
Já falei tanto a respeito dela.
She did call yesterday while I was setting up the Doppler scene, and I told her about the trick that you played on me with the gun, and she wasn't a bit surprised.
Ela ligou ontem enquanto preparava a cena para o Doppler. Contei-lhe a trama que me pregou com a arma.
This lady sells flowers, I've told you about her.
Esta senhora vende flores, falei-te dela.
Somebody told her more about that mission than even you and I know.
Alguém lhe contou coisas sobre a missão que nem nós sabemos.
Yeah, I told her about you.
Falei com ela sobre isso.
She said you told her how she could reach me and I figured you must have because she knew all about it.
... Disse que Ihe faIaste de mim... ... e de facto estava a par de tudo.
I told you to forget about her.
Eu te disse para esquecê-la.
You could have told me about her. I would publish her...
Você poderia ter me falado sobre ela.
I called her and told her that you were about to be put on the unavailable list.
Eu liguei-lhe e disse que tu ias para a lista dos indisponíveis.
I told her you asked about her. Right? The girl freaked.
Disse-lhe que perguntaste por ela.
But I told her about you anyway.
Mas eu falei-lhe de ti.
I told her all about you, and she's dying to meet you.
Está morta por te conhecer, tens de estar cá até dia 22.
- I have told her all about you.
- Já lhe contei tudo sobre si.
The little lady gave me the slip but I can hear her now. So I was about to lead her back to the beginning like you told me.
Bem, a jovem menina escapou-se... mas acabei de ouvi-la... por isso estava prestes a levá-la de volta ao príncipio... como me mandou.
I just told her about her not being your mother and I want you to tell her, too.
Contei-lhe que não era vossa mãe e quero que vocês também lho digam.
You know, I've told her all about you, and she's just so anxious to make a good impression, you know.
Já lhe contei tudo sobre você... e está ansiosa para lhe causar uma boa impressão.
I told her about you.
Eu falei-lhe de ti.
I want you to go to the asylum... the one I told you about, where all of this started... and find her!
Eu quero que tu vás ao asilo... aquele de que te falei, onde tudo isto começou... e a descubras!
- And I told her about you.
- Falei-lhe de ti.
I know she's told you about her mistake.
Sei que ela lhe contou o pecado que cometeu.
When I told her about you, she said she'd help you feel more comfortable.
Quando lhe falei em si, ofereceu-se para o acompanhar.
You know, I never told anybody this... but once, for about three days... just before her time...
Sabe, Eu nunca disse isto a ninguém... mas numa ocasião, e durante 3 dias... antes de chegar a hora d'ela...
Ever since you told me about Anne, I can't stop thinking of her,
Não deixei de pensar na Anne, desde que me falaste nela.
You'd want to warn her what they do. I think Violet told Nell about rape
A Violet avisou a Nell sobre a violação.
Then he asked about that white girl you asked about. I told him I seen her with Coretta.
Depois perguntou pela rapariga branca de que tu andavas à procura e eu disse-lhe que a vi com a Coretta.
I told you not to talk about her!
Já te disse para não falares dela!
You think I told her about the Army of the Twelve Monkeys, huh?
Pensas que lhe falei do Exército dos Doze Macacos?
Nog and I thought about it, but, uh... we thought it would be better if you told her yourself.
O Nog e eu pensámos nisso, mas pensámos que seria melhor se lhe dissesses tu mesmo.
I've told you about her a hundred times.
Já lhe falei dela cem vezes.
I told you about her.
Eu te falei dela.
In fact, I've no doubt you've told her all about us.
Certamente já lhe contaste tudo a nosso respeito.
When I told you about Jack and how he was always getting hurt,..... and how I would never date anybody like that again,..... you didn't think, "Maybe I should tell her what I do for a living"?
e que eu nunca voltaria a namorar com alguém assim, isso não fez com que se acendesse uma luz na tua cabeça? Não pensaste : "Se calhar, era melhor dizer-lhe agora" "qual é o meu emprego."
And when I told her about you, she asked me if your hair was pretty, and I told her it was long and straight and beautiful.
Quando lhe falei de ti, perguntou-me se o teu cabelo era bonito. Eu disse-lhe que era comprido e liso e muito bonito.
You had said that you wanted to meet her and I told her so much about you, I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner tonight.
Como dizia que queria conhecê-la e eu lhe falei tanto de ti, perguntava-me se queria jantar esta noite.
Hey, you know, I have told her about this.
Eu já falei com ela sobre isto.
And ada concerned about you... When I told her.
E a Ada preocupada consigo quando lhe contei.

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