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I wanted to see you traducir portugués

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I wanted to see you
Eu queria ver-te de novo.
Things are complicated right now, but I wanted to see you, just you and me.
As coisas estão complicadas de momento, mas queria ver-te, apenas tu e eu.
I wanted to see you again before I left.
Quero ver-te antes de partir.
I wanted to see you die.
Eu queria ver-te morrer.
And I wanted to see you.
E queria ver-te.
I wanted to see you too.
Eu também te queria ver.
I just wanted to see how you were doing.
Só queria saber como tens andado.
- Charlie? - I wanted you to see.
- Queria que visse.
When I told my grandfather you wanted to see him about Sarah you can't imagine how his face lit up.
Escute, quando disse ao meu avô que o queria ver para falar de Sarah... não sei dizer como os seus olhos se iluminaram.
- I just wanted to see if you got the roses. - Ugh.
- Só queria saber se recebeste as rosas.
I just wanted to see if you needed anything.
Só queria saber se precisavas de alguma coisa.
So, I just wanted to see if you were still into the name of my band um...
Só queria saber se ainda estás interessado no nome da minha banda.
Hey. I-I saw Leigh dropped you off in her patrol car. I just wanted to see if everything was okay.
Vi-te a sair do carro-patrulha da Leigh, só queria saber se estava tudo bem.
I wanted to see who you were talking to this morning.
Queria ver com quem falavas, esta manhã.
Okay, I happened to notice at your funeral, the only people who showed up wanted to see you dead.
Ok, eu reparei no teu funeral que as únicas pessoas que apareceram te queriam ver morto.
But I wanted to look you in the eye and see if I'm wrong.
Mas queria olhá-lo nos olhos e saber se estou errado.
I wanted you to see for yourself what extraordinary creatures these are.
Queria que visses por ti mesma... como estas criaturas são incriveis.
Just wanted to come by and see you before I left.
Só queria passar aqui e ver-te antes de partir.
All I wanted to do was see you.
Eu só queria ver-te.
Well, when you collapsed, I wanted to check to see if you were taking any medication, and I had to look up Erlop...
Bem, quando desmaiaste, queria verificar se estavas a tomar alguma medicação, e... tive de pesquisar... - Erlopa.
I wanted to live long enough to see... what you'd grow up to be.
Queria viver o suficiente para te ver chegar a adulta.
I knew you wanted to see me.
Eu sabia que me querias ver.
I wanted to see you.
- Eu queria ver-te.
I understand you wanted to see me.
Soube que queria ver-me.
I believe you wanted to see me?
- Soube que queríeis falar comigo?
No, I just wanted to see if you needed some help.
Não, só queria ver se precisavas de ajuda.
Yeah, I just wanted to see how you were.
Sim, só queria saber como estava.
I wanted to see what the damage was and just, you know, sit here.
Mas esses peitos? São um Schenkman.
I just wanted to see if there was anything you needed. No, get out.
- Vim saber se precisáveis de algo.
I wanted to see if you'd be my best man.
Queria saber se você gostaria de ser meu padrinho.
I thought you wanted to see him.
Pensava que o querias ver.
But it was just so nice to see you two finally getting along I wanted you to be able to win together.
que queria que conseguissem ganhar juntas.
I just wanted to see if you were okay.
- Só queria ver se estavas bem.
I just wanted to see if you were all right.
Só queria ver se estavas bem.
See, that's exactly what I wanted to remind you of.
É exactamente o queria fazer relembrar.
Yeah, well, I've wanted to talk to you about that, you see, because...
Sim, queria falar consigo sobre isso porque...
Hey, Billy, I wanted you to see these player evaluations that you asked me to do.
Billy, queria que visse estas avaliações de jogadores.
I just wanted to see how you were.
Só queria saber como está.
I wanted to see if you have that room for rent.
Queria saber se ainda tens aquele quarto.
I wanted you all to see it first because you're the best distributors in the business.
Queria que o vissem primeiro porque são os melhores distribuidores do ramo.
You see, I've installed this telephone and I wanted to test it. You're the only person they could connect me to.
Compreende, instalei este telefone e queria testá-lo e o senhor foi a única pessoa a quem me puderam conectar.
I just wanted to see if you had any work for me.
Só vim ver se tinham trabalho para mim.
I wanted to tell you this morning. But I didn't see you.
Queria falar consigo esta manhã, mas não a vi e pensei que tinha saído.
I wanted to see If you wanted to come with me.
Eu queria ver se querias vir comigo.
You saw... what I wanted you to see.
Tu viste... o que eu queria que visses.
I wanted to see if you're capable of telling the truth.
Queria ver se conseguias dizer a verdade.
I just wanted to come by and see you at school.
Só quis aparecer e ver-te na escola.
I just wanted to see how you'd react.
- Só queria ver como ias reagir...
I just wanted to say it was nice to see you again.
"Foi bom voltar a ver-te".
I wanted to see if you've heard of any other reports, or anything going on in the area?
Queria saber se ouviram falar de algo assim na área?
I-I read it because I wanted to see if you were on drugs.
Eu li-o. porque queria saber se andavas a consumir drogas.

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