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I was born that way traducir portugués

35 traducción paralela
I was born that way.
O meu é de nascimento.
- I was born that way...
- Só porque nasci assim...
I was born that way.
Nasci assim.
I only am who I am because I was born that way.
Só sou quem sou porque nasci assim.
I was born that way, I guess.
Já nasci assim, suponho.
I only am who I am'cause I was born that way.
OK. Eu só sei o que eu sou porque nasci assim.
I was born that way.
Eu nasci assim.
I was born that way.
Já nasci com ele.
Mom, I was born that way.
Mãe, eu nasci assim.
- I was born that way, Elena.
Eu nasci assim, Elena.
Uh... I was born that way.
Nasci assim.
Nasci assim!
I was born game, and I intend to go out that way.
Nasci de pé e pretendo continuar assim.
The same person who always needed to work out her own problems... and take care of herself, because that's the way I was born.
A mesma pessoa que sempre teve de resolver os seus problemas... e olhar por ela, porque foi assim que nasci.
I've just come to expect it. That vampires are real, that I was born this way.
Tornou-se numa ideia aceitável, a dos vampiros existirem e de eu ter nascido assim.
I told you, I don't feel like watching TV. Was she born that way or did she grow into it?
Já te disse que não me apetece ver TV.
Was I born a cute, vindictive little bitch or... did society make me that way? I go back and forth on that.
Nasci uma filha da mãe gira e vingativa ou... foi a sociedade que me tornou assim?
Our family has a tradition... that goes back way before I was even born... where everyone takes a moment to say what they're most thankful for in their lives.
A nossa família tem uma tradição que remonta aos tempos antes de eu nascer... Onde toda a gente tem um tempinho para dizer pelo que estão mais gratos nas suas vidas.
I learned that the way to stop his spell was to use the menstrual blood of a virgin, who was born under a stronger zodiac sign.
Descobri que a maneira de bloquear o feitiço dele era usar o sangue menstrual de uma virgem, nascida sob um signo do zodíaco mais forte.
I mean, I'm pretty sure he was born that way.
Tenho a certeza de que ele já nasceu assim.
That's the way I was born.
Nasci assim.
I think Walter did look the other way, the day that Parker was born.
Acho que Walter relevou no dia em que o Parker nasceu.
I might die today but that's okay because I was born to do this and I guarantee it every true leader that ever went into combat has felt that way
"mas não faz mal, pois nasci para fazer isto. " Garanto que todos os verdadeiros líderes que venceram "sentiram o mesmo."
That's the way I was born, man.
- Já nasci a ter cuidado...
I believe she was born that way.
Julgo que lhe era inato.
And though she was born of betrayal, I will not let her die that way.
E embora tenha sido fruto de uma traição, não irei deixá-la morrer desta forma.
What you have to do... see, I used to do things with antique bits and pieces, and what I was so proud of was they looked like they were born that way.
Eu costumava fazer coisas com pelas antigas e eu sentia muito orgulho quando parecia que tinham nascido assim.
I just thought he was born that way.
Pensei que ele tinha nascido assim.
I was born that way.
Cristão, na verdade.
Oh, you paraglide and parasail and midlife crisis your way through an existence that was half over before you were born, but... but... mmm... you got moxie, and I like your tie.
A tua crise de meia-idade caiu de paraquedas numa existência que estava na metade antes de nasceres, mas... Mas tu tinhas bebidas, e gostei da tua gravata.
Once my son was born, I... I just couldn't let him be born into... Trapped into all this, the way that I was.
Quando o meu filho nasceu, eu não podia deixar que nascesse e ficasse preso a tudo isto, como eu fiquei.

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